Career questions tagged premed

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Ester140 views

How can I schedule my classes to make this work?

I am Class of 2028 and I want to join AFROTC while also balancing pre-med, is there anyone with a similar experience?

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caleb381 views

how do i tailor my career path in such a way that after i am done it would be easier to get a job ?

i have always been interested in medicine

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star928 views

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner??

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major? What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner?

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Yashika501 views

I am a high school sophomore and have no extracurriculars currently besides 20 community service, I plan on doing SYEP (career skill building work, and you have to research a research question, which I plan on making medical related) this summer and Girls Who Code for skill building on the side for my future resume. I also am secretary of a newspaper club but thats all. Am I on the path for success or is it far too late for me to have enough extracurriculars by the end of junior year Are you guys aware of any medical internships for 15 year olds in NYC? ?

I am in 10th grade, a sophmore, 15 y/o, female, and live in NYC.

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Hannah272 views

Where should I start with job shadowing as a pre-med student?

Hi! I am going to be attending college in Phoenix this fall as a freshman. I'm a pre-med student majoring in Biology. I know it's a little early, but I know job shadowing is a very important part of the pre-med process, both for applying to medical school and for being certain that medicine is the right career path. Any tips on how to clinical shadow would be incredibly helpful as I am not sure where to begin. Can I contact hospitals in the area? Do I need to ask physicians directly or will hospitals connect me with physicians who are open to being shadowed? Thank you and I appreciate any answers and information!

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Sasha322 views

How to choose between pre-med and direct med?

Hi, I’m a junior trying to build my college list. Some of colleges I’m considering have a direct med program. How competitive is it to get into a direct med? Will it hurt me in the future if I don’t get in? what were some factors that helped you decide to commit to either pre-med or direct med? How competitive will it be to apply to medical school if you are on the pre-med path? (ik that a lot of questions so thanks in advance for anyone who answers!) #Spring24

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Nicholas679 views

Does having medical work experience help with admissions into medical school If so are there ones more preferable than others like doing phlebotomy or emt??

I want to do something that will be productive over the summer as a pre-med student but I am kind of lost since I wasn't able to secure research during the school year so I want to at least try working in the medical field as an intern, volunteer, or get certified.

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Kaitlyn458 views

What do I need to become a surgeon?

What do I need to become a surgeon? I am interested in following a career related to the medical field, however, I really only have a basic knowledge on the various occupations in the medical field. Being a surgeon is quite difficult as I've researched about it, however, I would like to learn more about the journey and would like to meet people who could give me a clear way on how to achieve it.

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Isabella369 views

What are some junior courses I should take if I want to go into premed?

I want tp go to college, and hopefully go to med school after and pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor. I am not sure which type of dr I would want to become but my options are open.

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Janavi2178 views

Does band and arts give you an advantage for college, even if music isn't your major or minor?

Next year, I'm in the 9th grade and I would like to major in either Pre-Med or Biology. I also take band and I'm in the marching band and planning to take it for the next 4 years. I'm wondering if that factor will give me an edge on my college application and if it will benefit me later. Thanks!

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Addy1090 views

Am I going to be required to publish research papers in Medical School?

I enjoy the aspect of teaching, but I don't care to do research and or publish papers. Are there opportunities to be a part of a Medical school Program without being a Faculty member required to publish research papers?

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Prathiv877 views

What are extracurricular activities, how would that factor into my college application?

I’m lost on what extracurricular activities are, but I’ve done some research and it talks about volunteering? My aspiration is med school, and I want a great profile for the top universities for my biochemistry undergrad. I have also enrolled in multiple competitions for research and projects involving STEM. What can I do?

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Joseph687 views

Hi, I am in a CTE high school, and I am currently a freshman. I am in the Robotics program in my school, but I have a strong interest in Medicine, and going into the medical field. Although I am not in the medical program in my school (too much people), do I still have a chance of potentially going into the medical field?

My grades are good, I am taking advanced classes as a freshman that normally a sophomore or junior would take, (Algebra 2 and Chemistry). I enjoy both and am doing pretty good in them.

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Yan1131 views

I am planning to shift this semester.. I am a freshmen in BS Pharmacy and planning to shift to BS Psychology.. Due to grades and can't handle the pressure of the course. Although I am very much aware that being in medical field is very heavy. I also don't know what to do as my parents have high hopes in what course I am now, I don't know how to tell them that I failed the semester. Any advice about this? It would mean so much to me..

I am a freshman student at a university, studying BS Pharmacy, but due to one maybe two major, it landed me to a downfall. Also the thing is, my dad wanted the course BS Physical Therapy for me but I don't see myself in that. With that, we had a huge fight as he didn't see the potential of BS Pharmacy. How should I tell him that I failed to show myself that I can prove that BS Pharmacy was a right course.. Medical field courses, the one that I have been wishing since childhood. If not, then what??

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Lily996 views

Is multivariable calculus or linear algebra better for someone who would like to become a doctor?

I'm taking calculus BC (high school), and unsure of whether to go into multivariable calculus or linear algebra next. I would like to become a doctor, as a surgeon specializing in orthopedics.

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Lily785 views

Is kinesiology or child development better for a high school student looking into medicine?

I'm selecting my 9th grade classes. I have no idea if other schools do this, but we have to create a "career plan" and select classes for all four years of high school. Between the classes of kinesiology (my high school's course catalog defines it as studying the effects of exercise on the body and studying skeletal, muscular, and neural movements) and child development (working with and talking to young children, earning CPR and first aid qualifications along the way), which is better if I would like to become a premed student in college? I specifically am interested in orthopedics or becoming a surgeon.

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Natalia693 views

What do I have to go thru to be a doctor?

I don’t know how to do it and would like people to help me

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Rose333 views

What are the requirements for med school other that undergrad courses and how many hours of volunteering do I need to complete volunteer hours. Thank you!

I would like to become a surgeon currently an undergrad.

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Heaven3187 views

What path can I take if I want to go into dermatology but the years for education are shorter?

I want to be able to get into dermatology but I am struggling to commit because I do not want to go through 12-14 years of education. Are there any other roles similar to dermatology that require fewer years? I am not interested in estheticians, however

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Simon532 views

What is the requirements for med school?


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Sam285 views

How do I get into med school I am in college for business management but I realized that I wanna do MBBS and I didn't take biology in high school can someone please help me ?

I am in last year of the degree but I am not sure if I can do MBBS as I didn't take biology I am a bit worried

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Lily491 views

What school has the best nursing programs and premed programs on the East Coast?

I'm interested in healthcare and I'd like to look into more colleges on the upper east coast that have good nursing and premed programs. Any recomendations?

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Andrea4077 views

Which major should I choose for undergrad if I want to become a surgeon?

Should I go for pre-med or just biology/chemistry degrees? What are the steps it takes to become a surgeon? Is it the same as being a regular physician? Furthermore, are there things I'm supposed to be doing in undergrad if I want to become a surgeon? Thank you for answering my questions!

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Tiffany10684 views

Can I go to medical school without studying pre-med in college?

I'm an 11th grade high school student who is interested in the medical field.

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Charlotte630 views

If I do not have a great history in mathematics is a physician's assistant a viable option for me?

I have not historically been interested or successful in the field of mathematics, but a career in dermatology interests me. I do not want to invest to be a dermatologist but to assist.

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Eva283 views


How long does it take to be a doctor and are the studies difficult

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Emy344 views

How do you make yourself stand out for shadow opportunities with doctors?

I have started looking into shadowing with doctors but I am unsure where to start. I am premed and want to shadow with some of the pediatricians in my community, but I know that it is definitely a competitive process.

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Maneka375 views

What do I need to do as a pre-med student to ensure that I get into top medical schools in the country How should I study for the MCAT? Do you know if there is any specific internships I need to look into??

I'm going to be a freshman in University this fall planning to major in Biology on the pre-med track.

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Joslyn336 views

How should I prepare my self in highschool for working in the medical field ?

I'll be a sophomore in highschool in August

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Alayna923 views

What is the most difficult part about going into the medical field?

What is the hardest part of the job? I’m truly interested in a career in medicine and I’m curious about the hardest part of it.

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