Career questions tagged education

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Jonathan161 views

what are some things you wish you knew before starting you're trade?

i am looking into welding as a trade after taking a compatibility exam ive found im supposedly more suited for computer and finance an am looking for insight on the matter

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Leah178 views

I'm stuck on what to do, can anyone help?

I'm about to enter 10th grade and right now I'm stuck between becoming an elementary teacher or enlisting in the military. I'm in EdRising for becoming a teacher and in the NJROTC program at my school to seek a path in the military. I honestly don't know which to choose, if anyone from any pathway can give me suggestions or feed back it would be greatly appreciated.

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Johnpaul194 views

H How can I learn JavaScript and become a professional website developer leveraging on artificial intelligence"?

How can I learn JavaScript and become a professional website developer leveraging on artificial intelligence?"

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Liliana288 views

In California, what are the General ED classes to become an Art teacher for K-12?

Currently, living in California and I am interested in becoming an Art teacher.

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Olivia491 views

How do I find the college for me?

How do I find the college for me 1.Try to get one close to your house

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Adalyn1937 views

best source and free to learn about math ?

best source and free to learn about math ?

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Heidi403 views

Where can I gain education policy experience ?

I'm interested in both internships and entry level positions. Remote opportunities are preferred, but I am open to in-person depending on location and compensation.

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Toni641 views

What steps can I take to change my career at 40? Are there jobs available to me?

I have worked in early childhood education for 20 years and have a master's degree in the field. However, I am seeking a change and would appreciate some advice to help me determine my next steps.

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Rashmitha592 views

How can I overcome imposter syndrome and low self esteem in school and life?

I've struggled my whole life with imposter syndrome and this inherent feeling that my success is tied to my achievements in school. This has led to depressive episodes, low self-esteem, and resentment and jealousy on my part sometimes which I am not proud of at all. I compare myself and either find myself happy about being superior or depressed about being inferior. I regularly try to journal my feelings of sadness, worries, and thoughts and I also try to employ some affirmative strategies but I feel like they don't always work. What strategies can I use to further deal with this problem of mine?

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Leah Lyric399 views

How do you keep yourself on a continous learning path ?

What helps you with not reaching a point of thinking you know everything? I find myself getting to a point of knowledge where I feel I don't need to obtain anymore; what helps with understanding there's a never-ending loop of learning?

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Ivaan461 views

i wan to find best free education rescources??

i wan to find best free education rescourcess??

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Pawan629 views

I'm a Research scholar in University of Mumbai. I had completed masters in life sciences specialization in biochemistry, and now I am working as a JRF(Junior Research Fellow) in Project. and at this stage I am Stuck, as soon as the project gets over i have to go for another project or research work. the main question is should i go for PhD or go for Teaching, or in research again which one will be better? My Pov-(I've seen people with PhD were jobless because they did not find any suitable job they often get rejected by recruiter and the reason is overqualification). So, now am quite afraid to pursue PhD but also I don't want to stop myself for learning and earning.

There is no gaps in my academics. and I am very much interested research field. My age is 23.

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Innocent me467 views

H ow can I achieve my dreams? ?

My name is Innocent and I am 26 years old from a poor family of six. I am the eldest sibling, currently dedicated to pursuing a diploma in nursing and midwifery at university. As I embark on the second year of this transformative three-year course, my passion for becoming a nurse and midwife grows stronger. My aspiration is deeply rooted in addressing critical health challenges within my community. These include the tragic impact of malaria on children under five and the devastating consequences of maternal mortality exacerbated by the absence of a local dispensary in our village. My ultimate dream is to establish a dispensary in my hometown, providing essential healthcare services and support to our community. However, I am currently facing financial hardships that prevent me from completing the final year of my studies.

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Ava466 views

What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What extracurriculars or college classes (community college classes during my next 2 years of high school as well as possibly online during my 1st gap year) would you recommend I participate in? (Some context: I have chosen to do my first gap year in Thailand or Indonesia and my second somewhere in Europe or Asia - the second one is undecided).

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imani409 views

free education rescourcess??

any suggestions?

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Marisol560 views

What options are available out of the classroom in public school?

I am a veteran teacher of 25 years and have a Masters in ESL. I want to broaden my professional career and increase financial opportunities for myself. I’m interested in a Doctorate but I am confused between PhD, EdD and EdS. I would also like to do Speech and Language Pathology or LDTC. I want to also do consulting with families and feel the latter 2 will be able to be funded through medical insurance. Would love some insights. Please and thank you!!! 🙏🏻

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Arsema610 views

Are there any LinkedIn jobs suitable for high school students?

I've been considering searching for internships for high school students on the LinkedIn app. I'm a rising sophomore and prefer medical work, but I'm open to other opportunities. However, I haven't been able to find any internships so far. Are there any internships in my area that someone my age can get, or am I looking in the wrong place? I appreciate any help and thank you to anyone who takes the time to respond.

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Jennifer859 views

What is the importance of continuing your education ?

many don’t want to continue their education and I would like to ask a question for people to share and help others out.

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Jennifer368 views

What is the difference between a two years of college compare to four?

I want to know the pros and cons of enrolling either in a 4 year or 2 year. The differences between them.

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Angela355 views

I have a question on how to a create a tutoring business online as a teenager?

I have a tight budget so I am limited on how much resources I can have. I am using google classroom and google sites to create my website and the business is tutoring english for people as their second language.

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Ali303 views

How will the future of education change with the rise of children diagnosed with behavioral and attention disorders?

I’ve noticed that children are more rude and have less of an attention span lately, partly due to TikTok but also partly do to COVID. Do you think that education system will see any long term effects of this, or will it go away in time?

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Sammi390 views

Speech Pathologist collage requirements?

What majors do i need to become Speech-language pathologist? Also what collages are good for it?

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Jocelyn533 views

Does it just come to you on what you want to do with the rest of you life like deciding at 17 what major to spend money on and where may I ask how you came to that decision ?

I know I would like to help people and have a passion for that but I am not certain how to proceed with that. I am on the human service pathway at my school right now and may be interested in teaching , child life specialist , occupational therapy and am willing to explore anything !

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jeff545 views

is self employment beter than governament employment?

which career is best for someone who loves maths

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Richard376 views

how to improve my grade in school ?

is it by working hard or smart

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REAGAN414 views

how much does a teacher earns?

what is the best career

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Hannah514 views

What job would go well with being an animal control officer? Also what schooling do you need?

I want to work with animals, because I love them so much. I am thinking about being an animal control officer but would like to learn more about it.

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William629 views

Does your career feel as rewarding as you thought when you went to school for the certifications required to work in this position? ?

Do you feel as though you can reach and help people on a personal level while completing the requested jobs?

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Sylvia477 views

I'm currently a retired high school science teacher looking to return to school and was wondering what are some optional 2nd career paths I could choose with my background?

I would like to continue educating, training, and empowering young people to become career and or college ready, equipped for employment

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Sam448 views

How can I go to college if I graduate early?

Could I be able to move away to college if I graduate High School at least 2 years early? And what kind of college could I apply to?

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