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Jordan194 views

How do I even begin?

I am a senior halfway through the year. I haven't started no college process. No scholarships but I have done some research and know what I want to do. I want to be in the sports industry. I want and need to start applying for stuff soon. My GPA isn't the best but I do have some good accomplishments and pretty good test scores. Unsure what to do I need help and quick.

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Noxolo Destiny220 views

how can i be a profetoinal football player and play for a profetional football club in europe and showcase my talant to people and make my dreams came true?

what can i do to achive my dream can i get adives

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Noxolo Destiny296 views

what can i be a real astate agent at 15 and how can i start to learn and make money at a young age?

can you please help me to learn and get a job at a young age

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Paul261 views

What is your opinion on boterview, Google Warmup and other AI interview prep tools?

I am still a student and I've never done any interview. I am preparing my next interview (accounting) with boterview.com and google warmup. I am getting great scores. How do these compare to real-life interviews, if I get a good score / feeling on these tools, is it a good sign for my next interview?

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Grace Gomolemo547 views

How can i get into modeling?

Am really into modeling,I wanna see myself in front of the screen,it has always been my passion and now I think it's time to showcase my talent.

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Sidra277 views

I am a medical student and I want to work in real estate, so I needed some guidance on how can I get started?

I genuinely need help in this regard !

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Frantz Jr276 views

How Do I become a professional athlete?

I'm 16 with little to no experience in football or soccer as some might call it I have no talents nor skills and I need training and opportunity and most importantly time

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Alex396 views

How do I learn to budget?

I want to know which budge is best for me

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Maddie584 views

How do you get referrals from other doctors or peers as a LCP/counselor/art therapist ?

Hello! This is a follow up question, but for background I am enrolling in a Maters program that will allow me to graduate with credentials to be certified as an LCP with a focus in art therapy. I would love to one day open private practice as well to offer art therapy. I’m curious how you establish and maintain referrals from other doctors or contacts who will suggest your practice to clients. Specifically, how are these connections made? What does this partnership entail? Why would others be incentivized to recommend your practice? What are they getting out of it? Thank you in advance for any guidance! I really hope to understand this amazing career!

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Emily340 views

What classes should a future Interior Designer take? Any specific colleges for Interior Deisgn?

Hi, I’m emily. I’m a sophmore in highschool and I have always wanted to become an Interior designer. I am unsure of what classes I should take in highschool, what should I do? Also, are there any specific skills I will have to learn for the job? And is there any good colleges specifically for Interior Design?

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ericka457 views

What classes should I take in high school to help me become a criminal profiler?

I'm a sophomore in high school but I was wondering what classes (AP or honors preferably) to take for my junior year to help me become a criminal profiler. I'm 100% confident I want to do that job but I don't know what classes can push me into that direction.

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Rodrikarl282 views

What is the salary of someone who works in the Information Technology field that has been affected over time?

I am a student taking an information technology course and wanted to know if the salary of this particular job would be affected as time goes on.

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CareerVillage Office Hours365 views

How to become an investigator?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an investigator? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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CareerVillage Office Hours342 views

How to become an ABA therapist?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an ABA therapist? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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CareerVillage Office Hours326 views

How to become a producer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring producers on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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