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Hannah18 views

What schooling is needed to be an animal rehabilitatior?

I love animals so so so much and and want to work for their wellbeing. I am thinking about rehabbing wildlife as well as working as an animal control officer. I really struggle with math, science and language. I need help

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Jianna60 views

How can i know which career i want is best for me?

I just feel like in future i wont like what i will be doing.

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Kamora563 views

What are two things you learned about your favorite career path during the informational interview ?

need answers asap!!

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Kamora264 views

W hat are three informational interview questions you will ask ?

jus need some answers asap!!!

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Jonathan148 views

where should i start to become a database architech?

i have started my jobcorps experience and while browsing career options database architech caught my eye and i would appreciate any leads to get me started on a career path like this one

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Jonathan165 views

what are some things you wish you knew before starting you're trade?

i am looking into welding as a trade after taking a compatibility exam ive found im supposedly more suited for computer and finance an am looking for insight on the matter

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David84 views

How can I earn money in fashion design

How to earn money in fashion design and art, also finance, biology. Why is it hard to get a well paid job in maths. Can I work in an industry studying maths

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Amna172 views

What shall I pursue as my career?

I want guidance in choosing my career. I want to take physics, chemistry and biology as my subjects, but I am not interested in doctor. Any Help?

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Nica140 views

What can i do to learn more art?

i really want to know more about arts

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Barbara138 views

I need an advice on how to choose a career

I need an advice on how to choose a career

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Opeoluwa159 views

what career do i need to know be aware of for someone who as an interest in tech related field?

just help me provide insights that would be helpful

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Dave171 views

How do I get started on earning a law degree ?

I am 74 years old and I have always been in love with the law and I need help in getting me started?

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beatrice161 views

I’m a student in highschool and I was wondering if I should take pre calculus or if its necessary to take it if I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist.?

I am in grade 11 and I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist in Vancouver, BC. I also need advice for volunteer experience and what subjects should I focus on to become a speech pathologist

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W177 views

How best can I spend a gap semester/year in pursuit of a CS career?

I completed my 1st year at a competitive engineering university where all 1st year students take basic engineering classes and then apply for a specific engineering degree path. I applied for a CS path, but was given EE and ME options (as the CS path is, by far, the most competitive path). My passion is in CS and, unfortunately, the decision comes out after viable transfer deadlines for other universities had passed. If I wish to seek a CS degree, the only option I have at my current school is to take a semester of "core" classes (unrelated to engineering and/or CS) and reapply with a likely low chance of success in being offered a CS path. Rather than waste a semester, I am now considering taking a gap semester/year and then applying to enter a CS degree path at a new university. How best can I use this time to add real world experience and build out my experience in software development (I have been coding for years at this point). Open source coding projects? Finding an in-school-year internship (if such exist)? And, does this "non-linear" path hurt my chance of success in the job market after college?

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Leah179 views

I'm stuck on what to do, can anyone help?

I'm about to enter 10th grade and right now I'm stuck between becoming an elementary teacher or enlisting in the military. I'm in EdRising for becoming a teacher and in the NJROTC program at my school to seek a path in the military. I honestly don't know which to choose, if anyone from any pathway can give me suggestions or feed back it would be greatly appreciated.

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