Career questions tagged photography

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BARBARA273 views

Can you assist me in discovering opportunities for a part-time remote position relative to art, photography, and/or music?

I have worked in hospitality, television, consumer cellular sales and marketing, and the dental field! Very broad exposure, to say the least. I have always loved visiting art galleries and discovering new artists. I studied Commercial Music and Recording and Psychology in college. I have been told I am a good writer. I appreciate hearing that and could possibly apply that to any position I may find. What kind of positions exist for someone like me? I am "retired" and am a VA caregiver for my husband requiring a home base for working. Thank you for any input. So appreciated~ Barb

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Ninni748 views

What is the best way to get my photography portfolio out there as a new photographer How do grow my clientele?

I want to start learning how to create a clientele after college. #Spring23

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carmelina333 views

As a high school student, how can I determine if a career in photography is right for me?

In order to look into photography as a career instead of a hobby I will need to enroll in photography classes to learn more about lighting, composition, technique's and many more elements to capture a beautiful image. I can perhaps look for photography clubs around me to get more familiar with taking professional photos. One last thing I can do to gain more knowledge is watch YouTube tutorials that'll be helpful for editing the images/ to take them as well.

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Sarah433 views

How do you find clients as a freelance photographer?

How do you find clients as a freelance photographer? How do you find new clients and keep old ones. I’m struggling to stretch beyond the circle of people I know.

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Louis489 views

I am interested in video editing and Photography. Where is the best place to start exploring?

I am very interested in becoming a photographer.

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Andrea438 views

How can I better incorporate my photography with symbolism?

Im in 8th grade and have been taking photographs in a portfolio for a while, and I also like to write. But when I try to take pictures, I want to create a bigger meaning. How can I do that?

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Molly457 views

What is the going rate for photographers these days ?

What is the going rate that photographers charge these days if you are just beginning to start your photography business and I guess it depends on the kind as well?

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Yul380 views

How can I find a part time photography job while attending college?

How can I find a part time photography job while attending college?

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Serena737 views

How can I make money with a communications degree?

I will start college in January 2025 as a junior because of my college credits (I’m a photography intern now at my community college). I originally applied to an art school to pursue filmmaking editing but was waitlisted so I decidedto pursue communications (media production) at another school was a close second. But I’m worried that I won’t make any money or won’t end up with atleast a job out of college. My dream job/goal is to edit aesthetic videos , I love cinematography but I am struggling to learn premier pro without a in person teacher and junior year is the year for internships. Should I stick with the communications major and see where it leads me, eventually learning how to edit on my own? Or Should I just major in finance for money and minor in photography on the side ? Any advice would help 🥲

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Camilla501 views

Should I switch to a business degree? Or something entirely different? I don't know what to do. Help!

Hello! Soon-to-be college freshman here. I need honest advice. Embarassingly, I am still a little bit confused on what I want to do. Recently, I was considering on changing my major to Business Administration (thankfully, the first day of classes haven't started yet, so changing majors probably won't be that much of a problem compared to the students who decide to switch majors in the middle of the year). I selected BS Psychology when I did my application to my community college. Why I am considering a business degree: - I have an entrepreneural spirit. I love making sales, crunching numbers, budgeting, being independent, marketing/creating marketing material, packing items for shipment, interacting with people, the entire process of it. I love the idea of making a living from my own hard work. - Past experiences. I was in charge of an entrepreneurship project in high school. We had to set up our own physical store, and also promote it; we sold baked goodies. I loved it! It doesn't mean much, but I got the highest mark on my report card in Entrepreneurship. I also currently have an online shop where I sell clothes and have had great success with it. I also setup garage sales by myself here and there. I am able to earn and spend my own money. - I would love to avoid working for somebody in the future (at least in the long run). I want to start my own small business/es. An online business, a café, a salon, etc. I have many ideas. I especially love the creative side of business. I also want to be a professional photographer/artist on the side. It's my true passion. However, advice on the internet all seem to suggest avoiding spending 4 years on a photography degree—just master the craft and make it your side hustle until the time & money is right. Besides, photographers don't make that much. That's what they say. So, I am thinking of freelancing as a side hustle, earning a photography certificate, and maybe start a photo studio business in the future. - I want many career options (I am okay with working in PR, HR or Marketing. Not my ideal dream, but.) - I do well under pressure - I love being a leader However, - People are telling me I can do any of the above without a business degree. Well, what do I do instead, then? - Apparently, the classes are boring? - Business majors get a bad rep. I admit that I am slightly worried about being perceived, although I know I shouldn't be. - The internet says business administration is too broad, and that I should do Finance/Marketing/MIS/Economics, etc. instead (something focused on one subject) - In general, it's "not a good major" The reason why I selected BS Psychology in the first place is because I am interested in the brain and human behavior. I was drawn to a rewarding, intriguing career. Arguably, psych is more interesting than business, but I know I wouldn't have many opportunities with a Bachelor's in Psych without getting a Master's. And I am not thinking of getting a master's, to be honest. So business seems to be more a realistic option. With this in mind, should I minor in Psychology when I transfer from community college? Is that possible? I read that a minor in Psychology can give me a leg up as a business major. Should I switch to a business degree? What do I do?

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Yansiel607 views

How do other people get so good at photography?

How do other people get so good at photography? I want to learn how take beautiful photos and I want to be a photographer but I have no idea where to start and how I can improve

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Kyle516 views

What is the best path I would need to go after to become a Photographer Or Videographer ?

I've been doing wildlife photography and making my own videos on YouTube and Instagram. I have started a business but would like to work for a company or people. I applied for video productions this fall, but would like to find photography jobs beforehand that I can have experience in doing more. What are the best places near my area where I can get into contact with any photography or videography jobs just for experience

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jasmin831 views

what is the first step to be a photographer?

I've been wanting to be a photographer for my career but i am not too sure how to begin my career. How do i start?

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CareerVillage Office Hours953 views

How many years do you have to go to college to be a photographer?

This question was asked anonymously by a learner

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Busani1119 views

What should I study: Photography or Filmmaking? Please help. Thank you.

I'm a 28 years old young man who recently graduated from a local university with a B.Sc Hons Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. I have always been passionate about photography and filming. I want to study either one of these two probably in the next coming year of 2025. Should I choose filmmaking or photography? I'm battling with my mind regarding which option should I go for, because I have a massive passion for both. Moreover, I'm a very dedicated writer, artist-painter and graphic designer. #film-production #photography #photography

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Yunuelle492 views

What about photography?

Hi my name is Yunuelle or you can call me Yun. I'm going to high school next year. So basically I'm thinking about doing photography. My dad is a photographer and I did this one event with him. He also does videos and after I edit them. And I guess you can say I'm good. My favourite part though is editing. Even though it takes forever. But after the event, I wasn't too sure anymore. I also really want to be successful. So my questions are, Is doing photography worth it? Is it good money to have a great life? And what is the most you've traveled?

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Orion741 views

How Do We Take Pictures Of Our Band That Look Professional?

How would we go about taking pictures of our band, we want something professional that we can post to our social media accounts to get more interaction out of our audience, we don't know wether we should pay a photographer to take pictures of us, or if its something our buddies could do with their iPhone. We just need more engaging pictures, and something to show places we want to get gigs at.

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lizzie549 views

where would I go if I wanted to become a photographer?

any ideas ?

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Madalynn1242 views

How does photography work in general like what jobs can you take up taking pictures of maybe nature or art

How does photography work in general like what jobs can you take up taking pictures of maybe nature or art I just find it so interesting to myself it seems so cool.

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Milan462 views

What are the opportunities for photographers?

At my high school, I'm in the yearbook program. I take pictures of sports (usually volleyball) I'm a sophomore and this is my second year in the yearbook. I'll admit I've definitely gotten better at taking photos and getting action shots, but I want to get better. I know I for sure want to continue taking photos of sports but what other opportunities are there for photographers?

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kaylee662 views

how to get into photography?

i want to do photography

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Brody1319 views

How much training do you need to be a food photographer?

I am a senior in high school

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Orion1031 views

how do you get started as a band photographer?

I want to be a photographer for concerts, but I have no idea on how to get started, what would you say are the best tips for getting started in doing something like that. :)

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Matt634 views

How do I proceed when I have a lot of possible careers but not enough experience in any to work full-time?

I realized late into my college experience that I didn't want to work a math job at all so I finished out my Math degree and am now struggling to find a full-time job I feel qualified for. I have a list of 5 or so potential careers (Including but not limited to: Singer-Songwriter, Writer, Naturalist, Photographer, Artist), but I don't feel like I'm at the point where I could pursue any of them full-time. I'm wondering if I should just get a math job and explore the other options in my free-time, if I should just find any job related to my current interests, or if I should put off getting a full-time job until I get a little clearer in my objective. I'm alright on cash for now, I'd just prefer not to live with my parents for longer than I have to. I'm most likely overthinking this and you probably would need some more information to give a solid path forwards, but whatever. I'm here to listen. Thanks for all your help!

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Lily397 views

How do I take great photos with an iphone?

I have an iphone 8 and I want to be a photographer but I don’t have a camera and my phone is good but not great. I’m getting a new phone soon but I will take any advice on taking better photos.

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Olivia510 views

what I want to know where should I go if I want to become a fashion designer and how can I get a scholar ship and why is it so expensive to go to colleges ? and what classes do I need in order to become a fashion designer and photographer?

how should I get collages attention?

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Saniya1410 views

What are some steps to take in order to become a UGC (User Generated Content Creator)?

Are there any brands that are open to working with starting UGC's?

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CareerVillage Office Hours401 views

My degree is in journalism, but I’m taking photography courses. Should I get an internship and photography or in journalism? ?

i’m looking for an internship that I could do over the summer Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Saniya382 views

How do I get more engagement/followers on a business page on social media?

I would like to know how to get more engagement on a social media platform for business so that it reaches more people that are interested.

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Jalivia390 views

What do I need to get a bigger and better network of people in my industry?

I am a professional photographer and I am trying to get better at meeting the right people and making the right connections.

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