Career questions tagged photographer

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carmelina333 views

As a high school student, how can I determine if a career in photography is right for me?

In order to look into photography as a career instead of a hobby I will need to enroll in photography classes to learn more about lighting, composition, technique's and many more elements to capture a beautiful image. I can perhaps look for photography clubs around me to get more familiar with taking professional photos. One last thing I can do to gain more knowledge is watch YouTube tutorials that'll be helpful for editing the images/ to take them as well.

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Yansiel607 views

How do other people get so good at photography?

How do other people get so good at photography? I want to learn how take beautiful photos and I want to be a photographer but I have no idea where to start and how I can improve

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jasmin831 views

what is the first step to be a photographer?

I've been wanting to be a photographer for my career but i am not too sure how to begin my career. How do i start?

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CareerVillage Office Hours953 views

How many years do you have to go to college to be a photographer?

This question was asked anonymously by a learner

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rachelle453 views

How much do you love teaching high school?

i want to be a high school teacher and lots of people think its weird because high schoolers arent the ideal age group but I feel like it would be fun

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Orion1031 views

how do you get started as a band photographer?

I want to be a photographer for concerts, but I have no idea on how to get started, what would you say are the best tips for getting started in doing something like that. :)

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Saniya1410 views

What are some steps to take in order to become a UGC (User Generated Content Creator)?

Are there any brands that are open to working with starting UGC's?

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Cam'ron512 views

As a photographer, how do you make your pictures look more professional?

CamRon G, Grade 12

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Shana312 views

How do I begin creating my artist-portfolio?

I want to start working on my portfolio but I'm not sure where to begin. How much information do I need to include?

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nijuel591 views

what are some of the pros and cons of becoming a photographer ?

Hi, my name is nijuel and i am 18

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Michael762 views

What is the best way to make photography your career?

I am only 18 years old and I would love to make photography my career one day. What are the right steps to take now? What do I need to achieve this? What path should I follow? THANKYOU.

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Eileen434 views


What was hard about starting with business? How did you progress with the process?

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Eben688 views

What is the average life like for a photographer and/or videographer in the US?

How many clients per day does the average photographer and/or videographer have? What is the average pay of a photographer and/or videographer and what does their life look like?

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Ace796 views

Is it possible to make a career solely out of photography?

Ever since I’ve started trying to pursue It as a career, I’ve been told that it’s only generally successful as a side job, and having a different career as a main job would be better.

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sam739 views

where should I start on my journey to become a photographer?

Are there any programs I can sign up for that can help me practice my skills? What are some good resources that I can use to find jobs in this career field?

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sam1078 views

What is the best route to take if I want to become a photographer?

What process should I go through to become a photographer? What should I study in college that can help me get better at photography?

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Alex564 views

what can i do to get into the career path of a professional photographer and should i make it my main job or side job as a hobby?


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Noid1322 views

What are some ways of making money as a photographer

#money #photographer #business

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Ardarius541 views

What community or website should I go to that has artist and photographers that could support me?

I'm a Freshman and i'm trying to find a place where I can get other artist and photographers opinions and words of wisdom I guess but I have no experience, #artist #photographer #business #career #2careers

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Nathan526 views

what do I need to be a photographer?


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Lexis580 views

Could you describe one of your typical work day as a photographer?

#career #photography #photographer

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Anndrea877 views

How many year does it take to be a photographer

#photographer #photography

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gavin900 views

At what point did you decided to become a photographer

I am a student at OSA and i want to be a #photographer #photography

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Edrisina803 views

What kind of people would mainly hire photographers?

I am in highschool in the Bay Area and I am curious about eventually pursuing a career in photography. I am wondering what kind of employers generally would take on a budding photographer. #photographer #employment-law

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Emma921 views

What is the beset age to start an internship for photography?

I am a freshman in high school looking to be a photography. I have already done a lot of camps and photography classes but I really want to start applying for internships as soon as possible. Even though I am probably still to young I would really love to start right now. #photography #photographer #digital-photography

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Elisabeth1678 views

What steps do I need to take to become a Missionary Photographer?

I plan to go to school to study Biblical Studies at Grace College in Indiana, and I wanted to know what is the best way to get into Missionary work. I want to start a blog about my missions and post my photography. Photography is a side job and would love to share other people's stories on my website to help get more hands involved in mission work. #missionwork #photography #missionary #missions #blogging #blogger #christian #christian-college #love-for-job #biblical-history #photojournalism #journalism #online-journalism #photographer

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Mohammed1076 views

how to become a wildlife photographer?

im so interested in this co #photographer #cameraman #photography #digital-photography

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Sable1689 views

Is it realistic to go into graphic design and photography to make a living?

I love art and want to incorporate it into my major that I choose in college, but I feel stuck by how much money it makes. At the same time, I dont wanting to do anything that isn't something I love if I'm going to be doing it for the rest of my career. #graphic-design #photographer

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katilynn1640 views

What are some ways that i can possibly achieve my goal to become a photographer and also what are some colleges for that major?

i have a passion for photography and possibly owning my own business and beginning and i just want some guidance on how to accomplish my goal as i go on through high school. #business #photography #photographer

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Kyle1235 views

What dose it take to be a Under water Photographer?

i am a Junior in high school and is looking for a job in photographer. I was looking and found under water photographer. What does it take to be a under water photographer? Does it pay well? Is it a fun job? Do you work with other people? Thanks #photography #photographer #underwater

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