Career questions tagged life

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zuri288 views

How is one normal after trauma?

functioning adult

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Piyush488 views

What should I do? Can I change my mindset?

I don't even try, even after 100s of times. May be you will give your time, read this whole stuff, and answer me, and I just read your response. Imay do better for 2–3 days, then again on the same pathetic track, or i may not even take action because you didn't give me a magic spell to change myself (this is how I feel thinking if I go around asking people they will give me a magic spell; I know this is a weak mindset and I don't want it). If, while reading this, you think I can't be changed, don't waste more time on me. Because it's 1200 words long. Hello, I am a 17-year-old student currently in my final school year, 12th grade (high school senior), from India. I am a phone addict and procrastinator, and I don't know how I became this. I used to use my phone a lot and used to procrastinate, but not this much. It all started when I entered 11th grade (high school junior). It's not my first time writing something like this on CareerVillage (it's my second time; I wrote once, 10–11 months ago). First, I should tell how my situation changed in 11th grade (I don't know if it would be important, but still, I should tell). So I used to be an above-average student until 10th grade, got good marks in the final exam, and was appreciated by my father and relatives. I guess then the ego took over, but I never felt like, or it was not ego and I took things lightly until I realized I had become a procrastinator. May be because of ego or taking things lightly, I decided to study online (till 10th, I had offline tutions) and left friends (I haven't seen the faces of friends for more than a year; it's not like they live far away; they are just a few steps away. I don't go out much other than school and also don't talk much in school, always sitting on the bench). But the thing is, the jump in difficulty from 10th to 11th is very high. 11th and 12th is a whole new level different from all past classes. (Class 10's whole chemistry can be seen as one chapter of 11's chemistry.) And it's not like students don't cope up; I am not saying that. Students who study do understand how important it is; those who give their all for the first 4-5 months of 11th grade do cope up, but I didn't. I wasted the whole 11th, or, if I say, 1 year (because I didn't do anything, like spending time with friends or learning something new), of my life and am still wasting it in a few months this 1 year will convert to 2 years. It's not that I don't know how important these things are in this phase of my life (or maybe I just know but don't understand). Before 11th grade, I used to take studying much more seriously than now. I used to have a fear of exams and tests, but I don't know why I don't feel the same now. Instead of becoming strong, I have become weaker, disrespectful, and selfish. I don't know how I lost interest in studying; one reason I think is that it may be harder now and I am lazier and a procrastinator. You may ask what thing I love to do, my interest, or the future I want to pursue, and I will tell you one by one. My interest in coding has been there since 8th grade(but took some steps towards it only 1 year ago) because I think with programming you can create anything you want, and yeah, I like to code more than study, but the thing is, I procrastinate to code, I delay hard problems, and I feel demotivated when I face hard problems or someone else's solution is better than mine. (one thing i would i like to add here is i care too much about what other person is thinking about me may be because of that i didn't wrote somethings here to, the reason i dont go out of house is because i think other peoples thinking, i decided to go on run daily because i don't really do much work always lying on bed, but i didn't go because i thought what other peoples will think me running around (i know peoples tend think they are center of attention as i think but thats not the case peoples are busy in their own life they don't care what others do but and still knowing this thing i still feel peoples will think about me), even when my class teacher asks my something and when i stand up and answer in the front of whole class, my blood pressures increase and i start to stammer while speaking and my legs start to shake, ok lets get back to where i was). I know others say to do what you love, and when I think about this, I think that when people find what they love, they give it their all; they don't procrastinate, they don't get demotivated, and they don't care about others, thinking all they do is always what they love. Thinking about this makes me think that do I really love programming when I can't even give it my all? I don't think I love drawing because I never started even learning it. I saw this line in one book: "The question shouldn't be what you want; it should be what you are willing to do, face and sacrifice," and in the book, the author also told about him. He said he wanted to be in a band but never even started learning. You know why? He said, "Maybe I never wanted to play music, but I only wanted to be on stage or get attention (I don't remember line by line). Similarly, I may be i just want the drawn picture or the coded program. But i am not willing to leave programming may be because of the fear of future, because may be this will be my only future option(i never started to learn coding because of the money and still i don't want it for money(Computer science jobs pay high)). I don't want to make it any longer. I have not even tried, so whenever I see some hope, my mind tells me you never changed, having the same answers, watching the self-help videos, or even elders telling you, For the last  year how will you change now? I am not a clear person, and I guess all of this is because of my phone; I don't even have the willpower to avoid it. You may tell me to keep my phone in another room, but I can't because I am not rich enough to have multiple rooms. Not recharging my phone has been tried so many times, but still, I wasted time on something else useless. I may ask for help from my parents, but it didn't help. And yes, counseling, a specialist, some professional, or any person is not an option for me. I barely talk to others, and I don't want to talk about all this to anyone face to face. Yeah i have so many excuses but this is My real self(may be i didnt reveal my whole self is this all). I have kept my parents in the dark, saying I am studying, but I am just lying and being selfish. I don't have the question to ask for help. Thanks for reading this far. If you think I can't be helped, don't waste your time writing the response. I just wrote all this because I felt like it. Thanks.

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Hazel740 views

what career do you think I can success in life ?

what career do you think I can success in life ?

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Natalya408 views

what is the first step of becoming a programmer?

what is the first step of becoming a programmer?

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Madisyn390 views

What career path should I pursue based on my interests and goals?

I am in my senior year of high school and am feeling the pressure of picking what to do with my life. My hobbies include art, photography, learning multiple languages, crochet and knitting and other crafts. I love animals and adore dogs as well. I wish to travel the world and live in places such as Japan for some time as well. I don't want to be stuck and unhappy in life and want to be as financially free as much as possible as well as make my family and parents comfortable. I am clueless and am struggling greatly on my future life plan.

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Ben478 views

What can I do to be successful and nice ?

How do I become dedicated and successful in life . I want to achieve more in life.

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Travis383 views

How did you find what you wanted to do in college or how did you find the major you wanted to do when you went to college?

I just want to know the right way to find my major and from different people perspective on how they chose there major and career path.

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Bryanna734 views

How can I better prepare myself for the future?

I am currently a rising senior and originally I thought I wanted to be a physical therapist, but I know they do not make a lot of money. I want to be in a career where I can help people and still be able to help myself.

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Rudy346 views

How to be successful in life and be comfortable?

Name : Rudy More details on Health and Engineering and how to be successful.

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Obaloluwa281 views

How is a career meant to be chosen?

For someone who doesn’t know what career to go for

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Peyton331 views

How to be successful in life ?

How to be successful in life?

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yuchun354 views

Is it easy to find work once become dosimetrist?

Day in life of dosimetrist, easy to find a job after obtaining the certificate

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Lila153 views

How can I be sure of my career in life?

That’s a question I’ve always wanted to ask. How do I know I’m doing the right thing and selecting the right career for my life. I don’t want to make any mistakes

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Kanwal243 views

What is Mental Health? How does it work? What does it look like?

I've noticed that mental health is a significant topic in our society today, and I'm eager to understand it better. I've heard differing perspectives, but I'd appreciate a real-life explanation of what mental health entails, beyond what textbooks offer. I understand mental health might vary across cultures, and I'm curious about the fundamental aspects that apply universally. Could you explain what mental health encompasses in practical terms, beyond just labeling someone as "crazy"? I'm also interested in how people achieve and maintain mental well-being beyond typical suggestions like going outside and meditating. What are some practical strategies that genuinely contribute to a balanced mental state? Furthermore, I'd like to understand what mental health isn't. There's a stigma around it, and I want to clarify misconceptions about mental health issues being a sign of weakness or something trivial. Lastly, could you explain the different dimensions of mental health—how our thoughts, physical health, and emotions interconnect to influence our overall well-being? I'm looking for insights that go beyond academic definitions and provide a deeper understanding based on real-life experiences. I'm approaching this topic with an open mind and a desire to learn more about mental health in a respectful and compassionate way. Any insights or personal experiences you can share would be invaluable to me. Thank you for helping me gain a clearer understanding of this important aspect of human health.

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Samuel511 views

How do I keep up with my Modelling career aging a full time job?

I really want to continue Modelling and training lot of aspiring model. Do you use any planners or digital tools to help plan life outside work?

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Isaac291 views

What do I need to do to be successful in life ?

Like in academia and other aspects

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Vienna242 views

At what point did you realize, this is what you wanted to spend the rest of your life doing?

I'm not quite sure what I'd like my career to be and it's hard to think I'd be settling to do only one thing for the rest of my life. How did you narrow it down and find something you're so interested in, to make it a career?#Spring24

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David336 views

How to be successful in life?

How can I make it in life

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Pearl834 views

How do I begin going out on my own when I have absolutely no friends?

As someone who has no friends, I feel ashamed of going out. I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. It's not that I don't want to have fun and meet people, but I am afraid. I hate that I don't really have friends. I think learning these skills will help me develop soft skills such as communication and confidence, which will help me from a career perspective.

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Xin Hui769 views

How can I better understand myself for my future career?

I am in 10th and i’m really lost in life about what I should do. I like creative jobs, science and business.

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sheldon462 views

what are the signs of success?

i want to know if i have them

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Licky410 views

How to live the best life?

I want to became the richest man in the world, so i want to know how i will start to develope my life.

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erin298 views

What is better college plan?

Community to 2 year or commit to 4 year.

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Larry734 views

why is it hard to get a career?

tips to live a better life

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madison333 views

how is life after school?

how is life in home

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Oliver545 views

How can I get started with molecular biology?

How can I get started with molecular biology? I love molecule so much. So why do you like molecules? Bc biology is literally the best thing ever. Do you agree?

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ella588 views

how to manage your time better?

What is the best way to manage your time? I am a student athlete and I play 2 high school and 2 club sports. I currently have a 3.6 gpa which is good but I feel stressed all of the time during the sports season because I feel like I never have time to study or get homework done. I am also a very social person so on top of all of that I want to spend time with my friends outside of sports and school. How can I manage my time better?

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ella612 views

How do I manage my time better?

What is the best way to manage your time? I am a student athlete and I play 2 high school and 2 club sports. I currently have a 3.6 gpa which is good but I feel stressed all of the time during the sports season because I feel like I never have time to study or get homework done. I am also a very social person so on top of all of that I want to spend time with my friends outside of sports and school. How can I manage my time better?

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Israel443 views

What's the step by step way to an engineering career, and guidelines to follow in everyday life?

What's the step by step way to an engineering career, and guidelines to follow in everyday life

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Morgan743 views

What should be a person's top priority when choosing a job?

Out of all the priorities in one's life towards a job such as income, convenience, enjoyment, etc. which is the most significant?

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