Career questions tagged selfcare

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Pearl833 views

How do I begin going out on my own when I have absolutely no friends?

As someone who has no friends, I feel ashamed of going out. I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. It's not that I don't want to have fun and meet people, but I am afraid. I hate that I don't really have friends. I think learning these skills will help me develop soft skills such as communication and confidence, which will help me from a career perspective.

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Asha621 views

How do you maintain self-care as a nurse given the hours and rigor of the profession?

I read an article saying the the field of Nursing was one of the most unhealthy fields to enter, with nurses often being undernourished, sleep-deprived and suffering on-the-job injury. Being beacons for health and health education, I am interested in putting a few suggested practices in place for myself while studying to become a nurse. #healthcare #nursing #wellness #selfcare #bethechange

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Barret883 views

Working a job can be stressful, what do you think are important aspects of self-care.

I believe I can speak for a lot of people in that people my age believe that there will be no jobs in the market by the time we graduate. It's probable that recent graduates may have to work in a job outside of the field they studied in while they look for a job in the field they want. What do you think would be important self-care tips in order to avoid burnout? What steps would you take to keep the hope that you will one day work in the field of your choice despite adversity? #burnout #mentalhealth #selfcare

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