Career questions tagged wellness

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Emma822 views

Is a Fitness Coordinator basically a Physical Therapy equivalent without a Doctorate Degree?

I have been sold on Physical Therapy for a while now, but recently I have begun struggling with the idea of going to Medical School and all of the debt and excessive studying that entails. I took a career quiz and it recommended Fitness Coordinator rather than Physical Therapy. I love studying the human anatomy, working out, and helping others learn about their body, how it functions, and how to strengthen and enhance their performance. Would a Fitness Coordinator be the same thing as Physical Therapy, just without going to Medical School and getting a Doctorate? Also, what is the job satisfaction like for a Fitness Coordinator? What about the hours? work load? salary? work environment?

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Emoni1178 views

How can I break into the nutritional field?

I would like to be a nutritionist but I don't know where to start? any suggestion on schools? certifications I should earn? or even type of things I should research for?

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Felicia1002 views

What are three important things I should know about being a Fitness and Wellness Coordinator (e.g. working conditions, typical schedule, rewards, and challenges including those for people new to the job)?

#fitness #wellness #healthcare #fitnesscoordinator #career #medicine #Dietitian #Nutritionist

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Macie707 views

What was schooling like for fitness and wellness? Also, how did you over come it?

#healthcare #health #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #fitness #wellness

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Vanessa1516 views

How much flexibility would I have as a dietitian?

I got my first bachelor's degree with a pre-med intent. After research and soul-searching, however, I decided that a doctor was not the occupation for me. I learned that many of them take few, if any, nutrition courses. It seems as if many medical schools in the US train people to write prescriptions for one part of the body rather than to understand the body as an integrated unit. I want the freedom to incorporate holistic practices, ancient health techniques, international diets, and the like into my career as a dietitian- not just the conventional American forms of treatment. Am I dreaming too big? #dietitian #holistic #nutrition #wellness

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Iris1281 views

How do you start a blog?

I as a teen, I value wellness, through eating habits and exercise. I have explored this field and found that is dominated by woman, who are in adulthood. I would like to create a space for people my age to find support, as these woman bloggers do. #internet #social-media #blog #blogging #media #wellness

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Asha709 views

How do you maintain self-care as a nurse given the hours and rigor of the profession?

I read an article saying the the field of Nursing was one of the most unhealthy fields to enter, with nurses often being undernourished, sleep-deprived and suffering on-the-job injury. Being beacons for health and health education, I am interested in putting a few suggested practices in place for myself while studying to become a nurse. #healthcare #nursing #wellness #selfcare #bethechange

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