Career questions tagged fitness-training

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CareerVillage Office Hours360 views

How to become a Fitness Trainer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Fitness Trainers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Hope2247 views

What are jobs that require a lot of movement?

I do not want to have a job that makes me sit behind a computer at a desk all day.

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Emma578 views

Is a Fitness Coordinator basically a Physical Therapy equivalent without a Doctorate Degree?

I have been sold on Physical Therapy for a while now, but recently I have begun struggling with the idea of going to Medical School and all of the debt and excessive studying that entails. I took a career quiz and it recommended Fitness Coordinator rather than Physical Therapy. I love studying the human anatomy, working out, and helping others learn about their body, how it functions, and how to strengthen and enhance their performance. Would a Fitness Coordinator be the same thing as Physical Therapy, just without going to Medical School and getting a Doctorate? Also, what is the job satisfaction like for a Fitness Coordinator? What about the hours? work load? salary? work environment?

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Zachary882 views

How can I become a better?

I love to run a lot and run every single day for track, cross country, and just to run. I want to make my time better for qualifying for events and just to accomplish a huge goal I have currently. What is something I can do every day to get better? #running #sports #fitness-training

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Alexis 1555 views

What does it take to become a professional soccer player?

I been playing soccer since I was little.I love the sport and I'm good. I still know I need improvement to make it to the top . #sports #soccer #coaching #training #professional-training #fitness-training #competitive-soccer

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isaiah 878 views

What are some exercises I can do to improve in football?

I've been playing football for 5 years and it's something I love doing, But i would love to improve on things i'm weak at. #sports #football #training #exercise #fitness-training

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David927 views

How many years of college do I have to go through and what degree do I have to have to be a physical trainer?

As playing sports for nearly all of my life, playing a variety of sports, including, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, I have had a huge interest in playing and helping with sports. As my freshman year in baseball, I tore the Labrum Muscle in my right shoulder. IT had to require surgery, and it stopped me from playing baseball the rest of the year and half of the football team in Sophomore Year. I wanted to help out and give back to the people that have helped me with my injuries. #physical-therapist #physical-therapy #athletic-training #sports-medicine #fitness-training #sports-injuries

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Miriam 1707 views

Where can i start my entertainment career?

I am in a tight spot but its always been a dream of mine to start being a music producer, and photographer while doing dance, personal training and culinary arts. I really want to start my music, photography and personal training mostly since i feel like it would have more meaning to me. I need all the help i can get. #music #photography #dance #music-production #fitness #personal-training #fitness-training

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Yagna1265 views

Where can i get the best training in martial arts

I want to pursue a career in physical fitness. #athletic-training #physical #fitness #fitness-training #martial-arts

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Yagna858 views

where can I get the best training for martial arts.

I want to pursue a career in physical fitness. #athletic-training #physical #fitness #fitness-training #martial-arts

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