Career questions tagged career-change

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Maham1860 views

Quickest Way To Become an Optometrist?

Hello all I wanted to know what was the quickest way I could become an optometrist I currently have a bachelor's in Arts and I'm 25. So I wanted to know how long it would take and whats the quickest route.

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Emma578 views

Is a Fitness Coordinator basically a Physical Therapy equivalent without a Doctorate Degree?

I have been sold on Physical Therapy for a while now, but recently I have begun struggling with the idea of going to Medical School and all of the debt and excessive studying that entails. I took a career quiz and it recommended Fitness Coordinator rather than Physical Therapy. I love studying the human anatomy, working out, and helping others learn about their body, how it functions, and how to strengthen and enhance their performance. Would a Fitness Coordinator be the same thing as Physical Therapy, just without going to Medical School and getting a Doctorate? Also, what is the job satisfaction like for a Fitness Coordinator? What about the hours? work load? salary? work environment?

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Brenda4391 views

What was your dream job as a child and what is your current job now?

Have your interests changed? How did you discover what job you truly wanted/was best for you? Do you have any regrets about where you are at right now?

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Brianna1152 views

I have DPT - is there a way to get ATC without having to go through 2-3+ years of school again?

I currently have doctorate in physical therapy (DPT) and right now the company I work for is looking to hire an athletic trainer (ATC) for my location. I was always interested in either doing DPT or ATC - now I am thinking about getting both certifications. I know that there are a bunch of classes that are basically the same thing in each curriculum (anatomy, kinesiology, biomechanics, etc.) I really don't want to have to take all of those courses again, so if anyone knows of like a transition program that I just take the necessary programs that were not included in the DPT program that I need for the ATC program, that would be great. Thanks!

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CareerVillage Office Hours396 views

Is it okay for me to change my desired career path, and how would I go about doing so? ?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

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CareerVillage Office Hours655 views

I dropped out of medical school; now what?

What are some ways to pivot if you drop out of medical school? Note: This is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

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CareerVillage Office Hours706 views

What can I do if I select a career and decide its not a good fit?

This is part of our professionals series

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CareerVillage Office Hours1016 views

What if you want to switch careers after you've already started college? How about if you've already started working in the field?

This is part of our professionals series

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marlo516 views

Hi I'm planning to shift course but I only got into a ladderized course (Diploma in Industrial Facilities Technology) and planning to get a BS Customs Ad, Is it possible for me to shift course from Ladderized to BS?

Hi I'm planning to shift course but I only got into a ladderized course (Diploma in Industrial Facilities Technology) and planning to get a BS Customs Ad, Is it possible for me to shift course from Ladderized to BS?

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Sarah610 views

Changing Careers to Creative

I'm looking to make a career change back into the creative space with the goal of being a Creative Director. Any advice on how to make this switch?

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Vincent714 views

How to approach finding engineering work after ten years of only being hired for low-skill jobs?

Received master's degree in engineering ten years ago with excellent grades but I have never had a chance to work in the field. I've had to accept zero-education or associate's degree level work just to have any income at all, and I've worked two associates-level jobs for the past six years. I have been applying to engineering jobs frequently since my graduation, but I haven't even had any interviews since 2014. I've done some of Cornell's free online engineering certification courses, that hasn't helped. The career office at the college where I got my associates says my work history of associates-level work has poisoned my prospects and I have no chance of ever getting into engineering. I estimate my application: interview rate is 0.1%. I have checked to ensure my resumes are compliant with the most common applicant tracking software. Beyond that, is there anything I can realistically do to get any attention at all?

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Niha468 views

I am currently doing BSc in Business Management and Information Systems. What are the possibilities of doing MD after? Read below.

I am doing Coursera courses and specializations. I am gaining as much knowledge as I can. I am planning on doing GRE chemistry and GRE psychology (as I want to go into psychiatry). I know it’s very hard but I am doing whatever I can. Any recommendations or anything at all (what do you think?) How do I prepare for the MCAT without taking any medical courses in undergraduate studies? Also, I am doing my bachelor's at the University of Aberdeen and here we don't have electives.

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Berlanda535 views

What proffesion would you recommend for a person who likes being in charge?

#career #career-change #careers #life #special-effects #medical

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Abby825 views

What are some options for someone who might drop out of college and who would like to become a teacher?

Asking on behalf of a friend who might need to take some time off due to mental health challenges <3 #college #career-change #college-drop-out #teaching #education #mental-health

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Catherine1205 views

For anyone who has made a successful career change, what were the most important things you had to do, or what advice would you give others looking to do the same?

I'm a current college student, so I haven't officially started my career yet, but I'm extremely anxious about doing so, especially now that the pandemic has changed life as we know it. I've changed my career aspirations several times already, but now I'm nearing graduation and I'm still terrified that I'll wind up in a career I don't enjoy. Whether you ended up changing careers because you were dissatisfied or because you found better opportunities in another field, I'm really interested in hearing the experiences of professionals who have been in a situation like me. How did you overcome your worries, and what advice would you give to someone else? #career #career-counseling #careers #career-advice #future #career-options #college #college-student #graduation #career-change #career-switch #career-changes #career-switches #advice #july #july20 #scholarship

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Chyna829 views

Should I finish paying my college fees and tuition first or pay to start my own business after I graduate college?

#business woman #professionals #career #career-change

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Danni1240 views

Would someone graduating at 40 with their first degree in civil engineering have a chance in the workforce?

Is it sensible or feasible (or how does the outlook seem in general) to get one's first degree at 40 as a civil engineer? (Entering college at 35, graduating at 40) Would potential employers be biased against an "old" newbie, making it impossible to pay off school debt at such a late date because jobs would go to younger graduates? #engineering #civil-engineering #adult-education #career-change

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Lizbeth714 views

Could you change your major on your fourth year of college?

If you change your major on your last year, will you have to make up more years? #not-trynna-be-in-college-for-more-than-4-years #career-change

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Sarah764 views

How do I find internships (eventually a career) in a different city?

I’ve live in Southern California my entire life and I really want to move to another city after I graduate, but I’ll need a job. What are some tips on getting an internship/career in a city that’s farther away? #internship #career-change

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Kristen961 views

How does it look to future employers if you work in a different field for a while?

I am hoping to pursue a career in biomedical engineering. However, I will likely work in an electrical product engineering position for a non-biomedical company following graduation. How will biomedical companies I apply for in the future see this? Will this experience help me or will they assume I am unfamiliar with biomedical technologies and pass on me? #electrical-engineering #biomed #engineering-industry #engineering #biotechnology #first-job #biomedical-engineering #career-change #career-plan

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Kaitlin920 views

What happens if you graduate with your degree and find out that the career you thought you wanted is not for you?

I recently visited and old roommate of mine who graduated last year. She just began her first teaching job at an elementary school and hates everything about it. It made me start to worry that I may graduate next year and go into a career and hate what I do and that the 4 years I spent getting my degree might be wasted. #psychology #PTSD #career #career-change #career-plan

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Mathew1190 views

I have a challenge for you today. What are...?

What are the real life job equivalences to jobs like in the movie TheTransporter(2002), Drive(2011)? If you haven't seen the movies here's a quick summary of their jobs: - TheTransporter: Main character delivers packages from point A to point B for the mob. He works by a strict set of rules he makes sure his clients understand and agree to beforehand. He gets a destination and a timeframe, how he accomplishes the task though is completely up to him. The rules: #1 Never change the deal. #2 No names--Frank doesn't want to know whom he's working for, or what he's transporting. #3 never look in the package -Drive: Driver is a highly skilled getaway driver criminals hire to escape their heist jobs. He too, as the transporter, follows a strict set of rules. »You tell me where we start, where we're going, where we're going afterwards. I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive.« Of course I don't expect a job with fancy luxury cars, sharp suits, high speed police car chases and action fight scenes ( a cheap rental , a t-shirt and a leisurely drive will do;)). What I do seek in a job though are some of the qualities these movies portray that speak to me and work well with my personality type (INTJ): -Professionalism: both characters display a high degree of skill,professionalism and attention to detail. They know what their job is(they make sure others know it too) and they do their job as efficiently as possible. (This reminds me of a story this bodyguard told. A VIP politician arrives at location, his bodyguard opens the car door for her, the VIP hands him her purse (or umbrella) as if he is just one of her personal assistants/servants. The bodyguard refuses and proceeds to escort the VIP to her destination. Now he could have just carried her bag for her out of the goodness of his heart, but in event of an attack that might have hindered his ability to react properly. His job wasn't to carry bags, his job was to protect her and that is what he did. Great display of professionalism.) -Autonomy: while they have a boss that gives them jobs, they have complete autonomy on what is the best way to accomplish their tasks. Once they receive the instructions, they work alone. -Lone wolf work: Most of the time they work on their own and their job success does not rely on high social success. In most career tests I don't score well in the Persuasion category making sales/promotion jobs more or less a nightmare for me. -Driving: I love driving, so any job that involves driving cars as a job or driving to a different work location every day is a real joy for me. -Money: They do their job professionally, they get paid well. I almost prefer to get paid by the task opposed by the hour, as long as it's set up in a way where you can actually earn more while not completely rushing through the task making quality and attention to detail suffer. However money is not that important to me, as long as the rest of above qualities are met I'd be willing to lose some on the money side. I had a perfect(not really) summer job like that once. I was doing surveys for this big research/marketing company. I would talk to my boss on the phone once or twice a day only, he would give me all the info, location, what to do, the tools I would need,… I would drive to location (different location every few days) -I enjoyed that a lot. From there I was on my own on how to accomplish the task given. The pay per completed unit was ok as well. Not great, but ok. Perfect right? Not really. The survey sampling was often very restrictive (find x number of age 79-89 people) at a strictly set location(usually a business). That already limited the available target group significantly. From those left I then had to persuade the rest to participate (by default not my strong suit), every time somebody said »No« I was earning precisely zero. Most say no anyway, couple that with low Perssuasion and…All that combined meant I was working 12 hours a day for very little money. Needless to say, I wasn't working there for very long. A job exactly like that minus the »human element« (i.e. every person says yes) so I can turn out task after task at my own pace as fast as I can and I would be working 12-14 hours every day easily. #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-development #career-path #careers #career-plan #career-planning #career-change #job-search #job #job-coaching #job-market #jobs #first-job

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Mounia3314 views

How to make connections on LinkedIn?

I am new to LinkedIn and am wondering who I should add as a connection? I also am transitioning into a different career section, hopefully the non-profit, human service, or social service sector and am not sure if I should add old employees/supervisors from the insurance industry. #networking #linkedin #social-networking #career-change #linkedin-recruiter

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Mounia1408 views

What should I put on LinkedIn when I am an unemployed student looking to transition into the non-profit, human service, or social service sector from financial services?

Should I list that I am a student who is looking for job opportunities and looking to transition into the non-profit, human service, or social service sector from financial services in my headline? Should I mention the career which I aspire to have? In the experience section should I list my financial service experience, though it does not relate to my goals? I mostly want to showcase my need for employment and the fact that I am a student in an appropriate manner. #career-counseling #career-path #job-search #linkedin #career-change #job-search-strategies #linkedin-recruiter

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Angelina2248 views

If you could start over again, would you change your career?

I am just curious to see how many people are happy with their career choices and how many would change them! Thanks! #business #career #teaching #healthcare #law #career-choice #career-path #career-change

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Daniella1203 views

When choosing what you want to do, is a stable income more important than chasing after what you actually want to do?

All my life, I was constantly encouraged to follow the path of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. I never felt queasy at the sight of blood, I find the heart to be the most interesting organ in the body, and I even would watch surgery videos on YouTube from Mayo Clinic. Although this may have seemed as an ideal option for me because I can help others and have a stable income, reality struck me. I researched how many years it takes and how much of one's life must be put into the work to be successful. I don't feel that I am passionate enough to dedicate my life to surgery. Also, I realized how much I don't really enjoy my math and science classes. I always wanted to do something in the writing industry, history, or have a job that allows me to travel/explore. My family is concerned that if I follow my heart, I will not be able to sustain myself. What is more valuable? Can there realistically be both? #career #medicine #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #travel #career-change #job-search-strategies

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Dominique1096 views

Could I switch between two professions/jobs?

I was thinking of double majoring in nutrition and music, because I love both subjects so much and want to have both in my life. Would it be possible to switch between the two if one career path does not work out? I want to audition for a music company and be a trainee, but that would require a full time dedication to the music industry. I'm afraid that if I do that, I will lose my knowledge on nutrition and won't be able to go back into that field. But if I start in nutrition and later audition for the music company, I might be too old to get in, and if I do pass auditions, I would face the same problem: trying to get back into the nutrition field. Any solutions?? #career #music #career-choice #career-path #double-major #nutrition #career-change #music-industry

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Kathy1082 views

Degree in biology... art/environment/science?

Hello, I graduated last year with a degree in biology in Florida... I've been pre-dental since 2010. I applied last cycle with a GPA of 3.4 and a DAT score of 17. I'm aware my DAT score isn't the best, and considering how competitive the dental career is becoming, I don't expect that to be enough. I've been "studying" to retake this dreadful exam for a few months now, though I can't deny I've had my ups and downs and have become discouraged. In the mists of all this time to think, I can't help but wonder what else is out there for me. I also know that every year about 12000 students apply to dental school and only less than half get accepted, so I'm not alone, but I also can't wait forever for something I'm questioning myself on so much; even if its only out of discouragement. I've always been a very artistic and creative person.... so i just can't help but wonder if theres something out there that I can use my biology degree in. I've been trying do so some research, but I'm in desperate need for more guidance. Helping our environment has also been something thats always intrigued me... So something where I could use my biology degree/ help the environment/ perhaps something artistic of some kind would be awesome... design of some sort/perhaps for health (idk how that works but someone mentioned it, i just can't find much information )....any ideas?Even if its in another country... I've just been so fixated on the "health department" aspect of things that just require you to apply to some kind of grad school, that now I'm just lost and don't know much of anything else because I didn't expect this to happen.... but life throws us curveballs and thats okay. These are just ideas I'm trying to seek, I'm still going to attempt applying this cycle to see whats happens, but I don't want to not explore because theres a voice in me that wants me to really see if theres something else I'll be passionate about..I'm still young, I just don't want to waste time because its more precious that money and I want nothing more than to learn and contribute... But feeling as stagnant as Im feeling isn't helping any drive in me whatsoever. This world is vast and filled with ideas, there has to be other options I'll be great for. (side note; all this time thinking just makes me think of the downside of dentistry I so often hear about: arthritis, tendonitis, back pain/problems, overstress, not to mention the student debt 300k-500k... most expensive career apparently) #science #environmental #career-change #advisor #sustainability #conservation-biology #sustainable-design

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Stephanie1264 views

What would you recommend to make the transition from college to career easier?

It's hard to know what will help you get a real world job and experience and things to help get you hired. The only advise I have gotten so far is internships but is that the only thing? #career #career-change #career-plan

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Micaela1102 views

How do you think that your first year of college changed you?

Being a junior in college I have seen so much growth mentally. I feel as though I am a whole new person after the experiences I have had or have been put through. I wanted to know if anyone else has ever felt that they too have changed at all, and in what ways? #college #education #career-change #lifestyle #grades #news #new-media #questionnaires

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