Career questions tagged career-options

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Gabriella175 views

What can i choose as my career?

hi i'm in 8th grade...i love mathematics a lot and i want to explore career options specially in business that involves lots of numbers

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Alex344 views

how do i pick a career direction?

how do i pick a career direction?

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Lameck503 views

how can i find the best career in collage?

career tips

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Katherine475 views

How to find the best career for you and how do you know that career is the right one for you and what are your values in term of the right career??

I enjoy fixing things, helping people, and keeping people safe.

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Aqsa945 views

What career should I chose, dentistry or opthalmology?

I'm torn between the two. Which is harder, and which is more worth it? I like both career paths equally.

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Hafsa453 views

What are some career options for a major in Psychology (non-medical school)?

What are some lucrative career options if I decide to major in Psychology without following the pre-med route? I will be an incoming freshman in college and am still considering options of what I want to major in and fields I may potentially want to work in the future.

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Toni418 views

How directly does my chosen major impact my career options in the short term and long term?

For instance, if my major isn't aligned with my long-term career interest but rather a short-term necessity after graduating.

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ryan365 views

why do people say HVAC isn't long term ?

like people say hvac isnt a long term carrer and im just wondering how it isnt or how to make it one when thats all u plan on doing for the rest of youre life

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Danielle354 views

If not law, what career should rational thinkers with an interest in current events and living comfortably pursue? #Spring24

I believe I really want to become a lawyer, or be involved with the law in any type of way.. but if I had to choose something else- another job with the same values- what are some good options? #Spring24

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Grace404 views

How to choose a better career?

How can make a good decision when choosing a career

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steve602 views

what is the best career that i can take?

career tpis

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Kai399 views

How much does your college experience impact your future career?

Is it important to be in a good college for a prestigious career.

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Annabelle475 views

What is a good first career ?

What is a good first career? I work

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nelvin483 views

how can i take my career?

career tips

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mary367 views

how is the best career?

career tips?

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Haasini499 views

How do I narrow down my options for a career?

The careers I’m looking at are something to do in the medical field, computer science field, or business field.

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Helen277 views

What do people normally do in jobs related to math?

I'm wondering if majoring in math is the correct pathway for me as I want to find a job in the future where it'll match my interests.

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Sadnila521 views

How do I decide my career?

Career Choosing

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Kayton749 views

What is the purpose of an informational interview?

To learn more about a possible career path

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Thane891 views

How do I find a career/major I am interested in?

I am struggling to find a career to go to college for, any suggestions?

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A558 views

What are the real experiences of Electricians and Fashion Designers?

I'm nearly out of high school, and have a few options lined up for me - and really only two that jump out at me - but I'm stuck wondering what career will be best for me long term, financially and engagement wise, but my searches come up pretty lacking in any actual answers. Between electrician work and fashion design, I kind of feel like there isn't really a good way to accurately find what can keep me supported in the current economy, as well as keep me engaged without overworking - especially with the tens of articles and "Why choose this job?" blogs that make me want to tear my hair out with how they don't actually have any information in them! I've put weeks of thought into it, as well as months worth of research, but I'm not actually finding things of worth that don't just boil down to "This job is hard, and exhausting. But it is super amazing, really!" I understand that a lot of jobs can be like that - I want the Whys of them being like that. The specifics. On top of that, I don't have the opportunity to go and ask the questions I want to actual members of these fields (which is why I've come here - hooray) due to poor location and lack of funding for transport (alas, the struggle of a teen). Do I start off with the rigorous and rewarding electrician work that is almost guaranteed to pay well out of trade school - where I can work with my hands frequently and get to see every step come together even more every day, or go for the selective and vicious fashion world that comparatively has a minor opportunity (though still possible and therefore a very attractive option still) for me to make a more than comfortable living - where I'll spend more than half my time at the drawing board or doing mock ups before getting to have the fruits of my labor in my hands but get to flourish in my creativity? I guess what I'm trying to say is that, since I don't have any experience working with either field, is that I'm too far back to be able to see all the pros and cons of both options that aren't colored by contradictory articles and sites that rack up the word count without saying anything of real substance about the actual jobs themselves. I could really use some help, and would greatly appreciate some info (yes, the good and amazing of it as well as the nitty gritty about how bad it could be) from people who've experienced what it's like in those working worlds. Things like past experiences, what the training or schooling was like, how different the working environments can vary and if there's any constant in them between different companies. Thanks in advance!

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Yogita1354 views

Career options for PCM + ECO students?

kindly suggest.....

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Ping924 views

Why is it hard to get full guidance about career value?

I can't get full information about choosing career

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Sage618 views

What is the best way to improve my computer science which will impress and catch the college's eye?

I am a high school student who loves science and sometimes math. I am an athlete, musician, in stem courses, stem clubs, debate, and much more. I am very indecisive of my career choices, so I want to know how much I can excel in the careers paths I am interested in.

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Christine462 views

What does career means?

What means career in school? What does we do for careers?

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Anthony347 views

For a PNC Banker of 1 year service what is the next career step to consider

For a PNC Banker of 1 year service what is the next career step to consider

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John404 views

Did you ever regret the career you chose?

How did this effect your motivation

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Lawrence272 views

How much do you like your career? How much do you make within a year?

How much do you like your career. How much do you make

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Kobe499 views

How much does a painter make in a week?

How much does a painter(Plasterer) make in a week?

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N510 views

What careers are available based on my interest?

I'm a 10th grader and interested in Computer Science and business. What are the career opportunities out there related to this?

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