Career questions tagged careers
Every job is a part of your career. A career will provide opportunities that lead to the next step. Staying focused and determined will lead to a career you can connect a passion to. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less

how to prepare for paleontology in 6th(almost 7th)grade?
I asked how to be a paleontologist and how to study for it but I only got things which I can do in the future or when I become an old fossil so I need stuff that will help me a lot in paleontology while at my age(11) THE WORLD OF T-REX AND RAPTORS CHASING ME AWAITS...

What are the pressures for this type of job?
What are the pressures for this type of job? On a typical day in this position, what do you do? What skills are essential for success in your position? How do you create motivation for yourself?

What opportunities are there for high school students in Pennsylvania to learn ?
Looking for technology training

What are some fulfilling career paths in sustainable and ethical industries?
I’ve noticed growing opportunities in industries like: - Plant-based food systems (developing sustainable food alternatives) - Sustainable agriculture (farming practices that protect our planet) - Environmental protection (conservation, policy, and advocacy). Could you share more about career paths in these fields? What skills or education needed to get started? Are there emerging roles that you see gaining traction in the coming years? *Note: This is an anonymous community-submitted question.

How do I decide what major to choose if I am between multiple options and can't decide which one to choose?
I am thinking of maybe pursuing graphic design, Cosmetology, Esthetician, Some sort of sports coach like volleyball, softball,etc

Is it possible to have multiple interdisciplinary practices?
I would love to have a background in nanotechnology alongside my main career, but I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple interdisciplinary fields.

What are the best colleges for marine biology?
What are the best colleges for marine biology as one of my friends are looking for a good college also because I want to know peoples opinions as I would like to follow the same career path

What might the daily life of an electrical engineer look like?
For example what might you be asked to do from your work, and what will you do to complete that task. How long will you work for and does that amount of time change?

How can I build a resilient career path that aligns with my values and goals.?
I’ve been navigating the job market and considering how global issues might impact opportunities in my field of Mechanical Engineering. With current challenges in the economy and the uncertainties around climate change, I find myself contemplating how best to position myself for a meaningful and impactful career. I’d be glad for any guidance or resources you might recommend on these fronts, especially in relation to building a resilient career path that aligns with my values and goals.

How do I know if a career in finance is right for me?
How might I know I can do well in that area? What are some key skills needed in the field and are certain personalities better suited for it than others?

What career path can I choose if I like mathematics but not coding?
I m currently studying commerce and I am in 11th grade

I am a beginner that wants to know how to find a professional tattoo artist out there that would like to mentor me?
I am looking for some one to mentor me in being a tattoo artist I am a beginner I can draw somewhat but the fact is that i would appreciate it greatly if someone would help me along my journey to success

Should I take a job offer I know is not well-suited for my situation?
Hello! I recently graduated with a BA (Liberal Studies and General Management) and am attempting to find a career. I am 19, extremely inexperienced, and confused; I recently got a job offer from the Department of Children's Services for a Case Manager. I have a few days to decide whether I should take the offer. The only issue is I don't believe I can do the job and know it is not a good fit (in terms of my skills, abilities, experiences, tolerance, etc.); further, on a personal note, I have been having a deep struggle with my mental health and I am aware that accepting this offer would be risky in that regard. I am lucky to be in a position where I can reject the position and take the time to find another, but I wonder if that is morally wrong since many would kill to be in this position. Any thoughts?

What obstacles do people commonly encounter when pursuing their career goals?
I am a student who wants to know what challenges I might face in the future.

What are some tips for trying to go into film major?
I know there's a lot so how can I choose the best type of film major for me? I am a senior who is going to go to college next year in community to figure out the programs needed to get to film when I transfer out.

I don't have any interests I want to pursue at the moment, how do I decide on a major or career path?
I am currently a senior in high school. I play a lot of video games at home and the only thing I do outside of school is work at farmers market on the weekends. I'm not interested in a job involving either of those things. I do like drawing, but I prefer to keep that as a hobby. Any tips regarding self discovery or ways to decide on a career path are very much appreciated!

Is it true that most people do not know what career they want to go into until they have to decide (about half way through college)?
I am a Junior in high school and have no clue what I even want to study. Many people have started asking what I want to be - which seems like more of a senior question. However most of my friends at least have an idea of what field they want to study in while I am left questioning.

How do I achieve my career goals using my strengths and hobbies?
If my strengths are Creativity and professionalism and my main hobby is basketball what type of careers or industries might best fit me? what other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?

How do I achieve my career goals utilizing my strengths and hobbies?
If my strengths are high productivity and professionalism what types of careers or industries might best fit me? What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?