Career questions tagged university

A college provides the bedrock of education after high school. There are many different types of colleges. There are two-year colleges that offer Associate of Arts (A.A) or Associate of Sciences (A.S). There are four-year colleges that offer Bachelor of Arts (... Read more Show less
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Lisa351 views

Questions about BSN program

Can you please answer my questions below? ・When I apply to a university that offers a BSN program, do i apply to that university first, and then apply to the BSN program? ・Are there any differences between getting into the BSN program in the same university, or from other universities? Thank you!

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Christina925 views

Where do I begin to start over?

How do I begin? I am a teacher with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Learning and Development from the University of Texas and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Stephen F. Austin University. I am looking for a change in careers, and want to pursue my dream of being in the medical field. However, I have no idea where to begin. I first thought of nursing, but now, I am very interested in radiology or pharmacology. Who can tell me where to start? OR Am I too old to start over? I NEED advice, PLEASE!!

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NataliaAa308 views

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

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J'uli A'na223 views

What careers are the least recommended?

I ask this because sometimes I already have a career that I want to study and sometimes I no longer want that career and I try to look for other options that are good, so I want you to tell me which careers are not recommended so that I don't focus on that career and look for another.

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Jin521 views

What universities are good for biology (or STEM) majors?

Hello, I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school and am looking to apply to colleges. I have a few colleges on my list but am hoping to add some more. I wish to major in biology and take on a career in STEM so am searching for colleges with a strong STEM program.

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Fairy395 views

I am a high school senior who is really interested in pursuing a BSN. However, I am unsure which college would be the best fit. I live in Houston, TX. I am primarily interested in competitive universities and I always look for ones with low acceptance rates, as I have a pretty decent GPA and good stats and would like to challenge myself further. Please provide me with some advice on what my priorities should be when looking for a college. Also, does it matter if a college has a high acceptance rate? I feel that attending a university with a high acceptance rate makes me believe that I am among people who may not be as competitive, and I feel that I deserve to challenge myself more.

Also would like to know if it would be easier for me to get an in-campus job as soon I will get my EKG and phlebotomy certification through High school. Like any universities that have good medical centers nearby that will get me a part-time job. Please any sort of advice would be appreciated thanks!! Let me know if you all have good recommendations for cheap and good universities.

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Khalilulah223 views

what are the benefits of eating proteins?

balanced diet,carbohydrates,

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Ashwarya179 views

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

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Trenton313 views

Which University or college did you attend to, to become a Neurologist and why did you choose that place?

I want to explore other colleges or university's that offer courses to become a Neurologist if my set University is any different.

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Trenton336 views

What courses do I need to do in college or university to become a Neurologist ?

I have a University in mind but I want to see what courses I need to do.

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kayla520 views

How do you choose a career that you can pursue ? when you are undecided about anything in particular ?

I am really undecided about my future I had nothing in particular that I was good at in school so how do you chose a course to take in university ?

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Surina539 views

Lawyer or Doctor?

I was wondering which profession is better and can help with better opportunities. I need to start preparing early and figuring out what to do since it is complicated being a current seventh grader, almost eighth grader, figuring out my career.

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Emilka1998 views

What are some good colleges besides ivy-leagues that are good for a biology major?

Trying to look into some!

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Annie1064 views

What are the best schools in Florida for introverted students who study hard?

I want a school that has a pretty good reputation. I want good instructors and a school that is in a safe area.

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Annie934 views

Should I retake my SAT if I got a 1380 on it?

I will most likely go to a college in Florida (University of central Florida or University of Florida). I also want to major in a science.

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Fernando254 views

How long does it take for me to know if I was accepted to me dream university ?

Time duration

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Fernando489 views

How many colleges can I apply to at once ?

How many colleges can I apply to at once ?

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Fernando338 views

What is the difference between a bachelors and doctorates degree ?

What is the difference between an institute, a college, and a university?

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Jensine627 views

What is the difference between an institute, a college, and a university?

I was just curious to know more about the differences between institutions like MIT (institute), Harvard (college/university), and the UCs (university)!

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Maybelle424 views

Do I need to go to university before going to college of medicine??

I really wish to study medicine But a friend of mine said I need to first go to university

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Mayra287 views

How much was University for you, what do I expect?

I am a first generation student with no money and no financial savings. I would like to know for everyone how was school for all of you? How much did it cost? What would be the starter kit for university?

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Mayra576 views

How do I navigate University as a first generation student ?

How difficult is University when entering as a Freshman, I am a first gen and I feel lost on knowing just what to expect? Please be specific about needs

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Mark562 views

How to prepare well for accounts examination?

I am at the University level.

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Izabela526 views

How can I best prepare myself for working in the world of counseling?

Just graduated high school. Going to major in psychology next academic year in university. I am really interested in counseling and as I continue studying I will be able to figure out how to narrow down what kind of counseling I want my focus to be. I want to be doing things outside of school that will also be helping me to prepare for the counseling world. Any suggestions? Thank you!

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Jayleen391 views

what skills do you find useful in the study of psychology and what are the pros and cons?

i want to study psychology but i know there are a lot of cons to it. for example there’s a lot of years in college and training. I also know that it can mess up your mental health, but what are the pros?

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Zemira262 views

If I aspire to study neuropsychopharmacology or the effects of addiction on the mind, what extracurriculars/opportunities do you suggest I complete to make me a competitive applicant for graduate school ?

I am currently a rising junior in college

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Zander285 views

How would you recommend working up to a Psych Bachelor?

I want to know how I should possibly start like should I start at a community college and then work my way up to university or is there a preferred route I should take? #Spring24

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Joshua487 views

How would it work to transfer my certification and everything?

I'm currently a 15 year old in high school in NYC. I want to go to a college out-of-state (Mass) but want to return to my home city and state when I finish and have my degree and certifications in teaching high school history/humanities.

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Gabriell Bienne219 views

What are the ways to explore different medical professions in university?

I am a current senior going into a 4-year university, upcoming fall, to pursue my dreams of working in the medical field. I am still unsure of how I find my place in the medical field world. I've heard of behind-the-scenes doctors and those with patient care and want to know more.

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Terry329 views

What can I do to make me successful in my grade ?

I am a freshman in high school. What do I have to do to get a good degree at a college/university of my choice? What classes will I have to take if I want to get a degree in, for example, meteorology?

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