Career questions tagged attorney

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Dave174 views

How do I get started on earning a law degree ?

I am 74 years old and I have always been in love with the law and I need help in getting me started?

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myla373 views

what makes the BAR exam difficult?

I wanna be able to know how difficult it is to pass the BAR exam. I wanna be able to become an attorney when I'm older, and what the chances are to become what I want,

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Jorge304 views

What makes the BAR exam so difficult?

I'm considering becoming a defense attorney in criminal justice and want to prepare myself for what's to come.

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Surina539 views

Lawyer or Doctor?

I was wondering which profession is better and can help with better opportunities. I need to start preparing early and figuring out what to do since it is complicated being a current seventh grader, almost eighth grader, figuring out my career.

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CareerVillage Office Hours927 views

How to get special accommodations for the Bar Exam?

My daughter graduated from LSU in Louisiana with a 4.0, did three extra years in veterinarian school, has a completed veterinarian classes with another 4.0, and can’t pass the bar exam. Anyone out there have answers of how she can take the exam in two days instead of all in one day because she has ADD? Note: this question was submitted anonymously by a parent!

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austin304 views

how can get justice in my city?

justice tips

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Madison419 views

how can i prepare for being a lawyer?

how do i become a lawyer? how can i prepare as an 8th grader?

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rhoda269 views

what do i need to be lawyer?

i want to be a good lawyer

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karyssa460 views

What are the hardest parts of becoming a lawyer?

What’s the hardest part of becoming a lawyer? More specifically, a defense attorney in criminal cases? And what are the most important things to know before committing to becoming a lawyer?

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jocelyn718 views

What are the best law schools or programs in or near the Bay Area?

I know this is a broad question but I'm an upcoming senior and have still yet to decide what schools I want to apply to as someone who is interested in law.

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Jayson406 views

Why do lawyers go to court?

Why do lawyers have to go to a courthouse all the time, what is an industry and why do we have them also why does our question have to be so long to post?

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Henry406 views

How can I become a lawyer in future.

How can I become a lawyer when I grow up and which subject should I study most?

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Nicole644 views

Is it important to be a good reader and enjoy reading for criminal law?

I am extremely interested in criminal law and going into that field. but I'm not he biggest reader. I tolerate it and I am good at reading, but I don't really enjoy it and I want to know if that is an important thing to think about.

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sanai544 views

Is it hard being or trying to become a defense attorney?

I ask this question because infant to be a defense attorney in he future and I want to know about the journey and what they go through while being a defense attorney or trying to be one.

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Kaylie316 views

Why can the ability to be thoughtful help me become a lawyer?

I'm an 8th grader and I'm 13 years old. My favorite class in school is English. I have skills in writing and time management. One of my hobbies is art, such as drawing.

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Kaylie261 views

How can I use the ability to be patient to help with certain skills such as communication to help become a lawyer?

I'm an 8th grader and I'm 13 years old. My favorite class in school is English. I have skills in writing and time management. One of my hobbies is art, such as drawing.

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Kaylie256 views

How will I be able to keep my time managed so I can be able to be more equipped to become a lawyer?

I'm an 8th grader and I'm 13 years old. My favorite class in school is English. I have skills in writing and time management. One of my hobbies is art, such as drawing.

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jocelyn323 views

Law school

Usually how long does it take to become a lawyer?

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jocelyn255 views

What should i consider when wanting to major in Law and Criminal Justice?

I'm interested in majoring in Law in Criminal Justice and i just want to learn how to prepare for that.

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Joshua310 views

How can I use my sense of humor as a lawyer?

How can I make jokes to lighten up the mood without looking like a bad person, or someone who does not take me serious.

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Joshua293 views

How can I prepare myself to become a more responsible lawyer?

What are some things you do in the work force that you have to take responsibility for?

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Joshua400 views

How Can I use the skill of integrity when becoming a lawyer?

When will this skill come into good use during a court case or even interviewing clients.

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Ja'Cara317 views

What helped you find your calling?

I'm in 9th grade I'm thinking of becoming a lawyer but I don't know what type, what helped you find the law you wanted?

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Wyatt377 views

How much is the pay of an average criminal attorney?

In the Mid-West what is the average pay of a criminal-law attorney?

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Mya1184 views

What classes should I take when majoring in law?

I want to graduate with a law degree so that I may become a defense attorney. Law is my passion and I look forward to being able to help people who do not have the ability to protect themselves.

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Andrew640 views

How much work, time, and effort does it take to become a lawyer?

This means how much work are you getting in law school, how many years does it take, and how hard is it being a lawyer?

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hay1032 views

What are the best fields of law to go into for someone who enjoys politics, but also enjoys studying criminal cases?

However, the idea of defending a criminal does not sit right with me, and having a criminal get out of jail come after me for prosecuting them is also nerve wracking.

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Lorelai329 views

What can I learn about law school?

What schools are good for studying law?

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Troy871 views

What are the pros and cons of being a lawyer in the US?

I’m a middle school student who has been considering law for a while. Lately I’ve been wondering if it is the right path for me. What are the best and worst parts of being a lawyer in the US?, Is it worth it to be in school for that long?, and Are you happy with your job?

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Yaretzi282 views

How long does it take you to get mentally prepared for the arguments and courts in the field of law ?

How long does it take you to get mentally prepared for the arguments and courts in the field of law ?

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