Career questions tagged political-science

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Riya396 views

How do I get into UC Berkeley? What kind of students would be a good fit for this school?

As a dedicated rising junior with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I believe in the power of change and am actively working to create change through activism. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity. Thank you in advance! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Riya385 views

What part of the essay do the UC Berkeley admissions officers most appreciate, and what are some crucial elements to include?

Are there any facets to specifically include in my essay or application for UC Berkeley? What are some unique facts (i.e. UC Berkeley historical emphasis) to include in my application? As a dedicated rising junior with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I believe in the power of change and am actively working to create change through activism. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity. Thank you in advance! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Taylor392 views

what is political science?

what is political science?

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Riya469 views

What are some good colleges offering programs in political science and business with special tracks leading to law school?

As a dedicated junior in high school with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity.

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Riya327 views

As a high school junior, what are some certification courses that I can take that would provide me with a proper grasp of the fields of law and political science?

As a dedicated junior with a passion for political science and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity.

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Brandon179 views

What are jobs available to me as master's in political science?

I am a master's student who is about to finish in a few months, but I do not want jobs that are related to politics or requires me to sit in-door for long period of time. What are some jobs that I should and could apply for?

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Jalen425 views

How do I gain experience relevant to a BA in Political Science?

I just graduated and I have no idea what to do career-wise or where to start for jobs.

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Caitrin347 views

How should I look for colleges ?

How do I explore colleges with my major? I’m not entirely sure what I wish to major in, however am thinking of political science. Where and how should I look for educational opportunities? I am currently a sophomore in high school.

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Sara708 views

How do I go about pursuing pediatrics occupational therapy as someone who is a political science major? Is it unheard of, given that I am not a stem major?

I am currently a political science major which I love very much, but I have always wanted to engage in some form of care. I know to work on prerequisites and shadowing hours for OT school, but i am worried my background may not be good for the career choice.

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Jake489 views

What subjects should I focus on For a carrier in political science ?

I want to be a political analyst when I grow up.

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Jenny663 views

What degree might help me achieve financial stability sooner?

I am debating between industrial/organizational psychology, business-admin, and Political Science? also which degree might help more once I obtain a bachelors because I do know that for psychology and and political science I might have to further my education after my bachelors but I am just stuck if they are worth pursuing? I want to be able to be financially stable with a healthy personal/work lifestyle first and then continue studying. I have finished all of the pre-req's for these 3 choices with the consideration to the university i would like to transfer but then before applying I looked into nursing for some time and did a couple classes but saw that either way I would be starting form zero and doing more pre-req's that I went back to look into which career to narrow down on and finish before starting something else. I'm hesitant about what to do? any ideas might be nice :)

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Violet717 views

How possible is it to get into a job as a politician or a Political Scientist, and what are some of the requirements?

How long does it generally take to find a job as a Political Scientist or a Politician? What kind of education should I try to get to properly prepare me for either career? How competitive is the job market for these careers?

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hay1032 views

What are the best fields of law to go into for someone who enjoys politics, but also enjoys studying criminal cases?

However, the idea of defending a criminal does not sit right with me, and having a criminal get out of jail come after me for prosecuting them is also nerve wracking.

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Tnchom585 views

What is the best job for a political science major focusing on public policy and management ?

What is the best master's degree to add to my major for a good-paying job?

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Gabbie889 views

How can one find good political science/policy internships as a high school student?

I’ve been wanting to do an internship related to policy for a while, but it’s been hard to find internships for high school students. Any tips?

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Ryder458 views

How do you enter politics?

I am 8th grader from Arizona who is interested in politics, I want to know how enter? Is college worth it for a political career?

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Emma365 views

How important is your major in the Non-Profit sector?

I'm trying to decide on my major, I am between Public Relations, Political Science, and Anthropology. I would like to work on the political end of Non-Profits.

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Iyanuoluwa240 views

What is the best way to start off and build a career in political science?

College Student, freshman

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Catherine623 views

Where are the best places to find internships related to law, government, or public service as a high school student and how can you make yourself stand out?

I am interested in studying political science, public policy, and international relations. I have done fellowships and internships related to politics locally, but I want to expand. I am not sure where to look.

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Temitoro1206 views

What HBCU'S would be recommended for girls interested in majoring in Political Science?

I'm interested in majoring in Political Science and minoring in business for my bachelor's degree. I'm officially at senior so I need to start figuring out what college I'm going to.

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Asianni356 views

How can you use a political science degree outside of being a lawyer?

to fight for rights and get heard by congress.

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Rachel510 views

How do you get a policy job in DC?

I want to major in Political Science, and I have been thinking about going to law school. However, I don't necessarily want to do law but instead I want to do policy. I don't really want to do state politics but instead I want to do national politics. So, who should I try to internship with or types of programs I should join? What jobs should I look into? Any advice?

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Sathvik230 views

What are some possible career avenues if I am interested in both computer science and public policy??

I've been passionate about both CS and policy for some time, and would like to eventually choose a career that allows me to work in both fields. Are there any careers or college majors that fit both these criteria, which will allow me to pursue both fields? Thanks!

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Maddie458 views

How do I pick what to do in college and with the rest of my life?

I am starting my senior year of high school in the fall and I've been thinking about what I want to do in the future. I really love film and I've been interested in becoming a director or cinematographer, however, I've been told that they aren't practical enough. The alternative is international law and political science because I guess those are things I could settle for. How do I pick what to do?

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Mackenzie330 views

If I have two very different career paths in mind, how should I find a way to choose between them? Should I try to balance them even though it's unrealistic?

I have two very different career paths in mind. I'd like to be an intelligence officer or a THINKTANK, but I also want to pursue a job in the film industry. I have knacks for both political science and acting/direction. I'm not sure what to do, because choosing one would most likely mean not getting to do the other. What should I do? How should I choose?

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Brianna220 views

What should be my first step as a sophomore political science major looking to attend law school after I graduate?

My name is Brianna, I am a now sophomore political science major, attending norfolk state university.

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sophia253 views

what colleges are best for majoring in english/journalism and politcal science?

i want to become a writer for websites are write about real world problems so finding a college that is strong in oth english adn politcal sciences.

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Abdullah375 views



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FAITH778 views

What are the pros and cons of majoring in political science?

just want to know

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Janka525 views

What are good summer programs in Europe for August September?

I am a student from Germany and i won't have semester break before August. I would love to spend my free time from August- mid October studying more and doing some summer schools or other programs in the are of international relations/politics/diplomacy/.. However all the programs in Europe that i found start before august and i therefore won't be able to attend them. Does anyone have any good ideas what to do around this time of the year? Of course internships are also an option but i can't seem to find one that is fitting me. I am currently studying a BA of Korean Studies (minor Chinese studies) but want to do my MA in the field of international relations...

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