Career questions tagged shadowing

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Sanaii492 views

What is the best way to find veterinary shadowing opportunities?

I am a current sophmore and I attend high school in the NYC area. How should I about connecting with veterinarians in the area to ask them for shadowing?

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Sara708 views

How do I go about pursuing pediatrics occupational therapy as someone who is a political science major? Is it unheard of, given that I am not a stem major?

I am currently a political science major which I love very much, but I have always wanted to engage in some form of care. I know to work on prerequisites and shadowing hours for OT school, but i am worried my background may not be good for the career choice.

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Alessandra757 views

How do I reach out to job shadow athletic training for baseball?

What do I do to find someone to job shadow in athletic training, but I'm still in high school? (Particularly baseball if possible at all)

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Lauren788 views

How to gain experience related to forensic science?

Shadowing and internship opportunities for forensics is limited because their work is confidential. Any way for me to learn more about forensics? Thanks!

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Chio616 views

How to shadow/network when you can't leave your house?

I'm stuck at home trying to figure out what career to choose. I know my interests and talents, (listed in my profile) but I can't pick something because I haven't had the chance to be hands-on to know what it's really like to be in that career rather than just googling information about it. #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #shadowing #job-shadowing #remote #networking

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Alondra2439 views

How can I find somewhere to shadow a person in the engineering field?

#career #engineering #shadowing

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Price747 views

How do I become a PT tech/aide? I know the experience hours would be extremely beneficial to my overall knowledge and PT school application.

I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #application #tech #aide #experience #volunteer #shadowing #JULY20

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Anna790 views

Would it be better to work as a medical scribe or job shadow doctors?

I do not really have any experience with the medical field, and I really want more exposure because I think that I am interested in becoming a doctor. What way would you suggest to be the best way to introduce myself to and get more involved with this field? Is it difficult to be a scribe if you don't really know much medical terminology? #hospitals #doctor #shadowing #medicine

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Jacqueline789 views

What should I know for shadowing?

I'm a rising senior, and I've always been confused about this. I would love to be a doctor (I'm debating on the type) and would like to shadow my local doctors to see which would be a better "fit" for me, but I don't want to show up naive or seem unintelligent. I don't want the doctor to quiz me or ask me a question such as "are you familiar with this type of disease or medication?", to which, I'm not even familiar with medication disease names! I don't want the doctor to think that they're wasting their time on me because I don't know anything. So my question is, what should I know? Should I cram names of diseases and medications into my brain? Should I memorize the formal name of each body part? I'd like to hear from a doctor's opinion on shadowing and what they'd like to see in a student shadow. Thanks for the help! #hospital #doctor #medicine #pediatrician #shadowing #learning

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Jackie4391 views

What is the best way to approach a veterinarian regarding job-shadowing?

Most veterinarian practices that I have run into or researched do not have a student program which allows for internships or volunteering--they are simply medical practices. However, shadowing a vet can give great insight into deciding if the vet-path is a good career path for a student and most schools require x number of hours of vet-shadowing. How can I approach vets about shadowing? Is cold calling a good idea? Emailing? Also, how can you negotiate shadowing for a long period of time (months, rather than just one weekend)? #internships #veterinarian #veterinary #volunteering #veterinary-medicine #volunteer #work-shadowing #shadowing

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