Career questions tagged veterinary-medicine

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Hannah53 views

What schooling is needed to be an animal rehabilitatior?

I love animals so so so much and and want to work for their wellbeing. I am thinking about rehabbing wildlife as well as working as an animal control officer. I really struggle with math, science and language. I need help

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Emily148 views

Can I still go to vet tech school and still have a Molecular biology degree?

I am currently in school for a molecular biology degree. I am now stuck and confused about what to do. If I drop out and go to vet tech school or will I be doing the same thing that I am doing now in college?

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Madisyn428 views

Should I choose to be a veterinarian?

I am looking at being a veterinarian as one of my possible career choices. What skills do you need? Any specific personality traits you would need or the type of person you need to be in order to be one? What is being a veterinarian like, day to day and so forth? Is it worth it? How do you get to being a veterinarian? When should you start? How much schooling is needed? Any and all information on being a veterinarian is helpful. Thank you in advance!

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Mealea392 views

How do you find scholarships for non US veterinary study in the US And do they accept us an international undergraduate student??

I’m 22 female and currently I’m a fourth year veterinary student. As school is about to finished plus my thesis too I’m stressing out about wanting to continue my DVM/VMD. However, I’ve always wanted to continue my degree in the US. Because this field in my Country is still considered as new/young(only one university in the country the faculty was founded in 2010 for bachelor and 2018 for DVM program).What my fear are how can I do it? Will they accept me ? What school I’m gonna chose that suitable for non-US student like I am ? Plus I’m short of money too. I’ve seen many aspiring women from other developing country like me able to continue their degree in the US too so that why I’m wondering.

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Brooke365 views

What do I do to become a vet

How many years does it take to become a vet

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Jayniah430 views

I like helping animals,what should be my career path ?

In 11th grade ,love animals

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Mary Hope380 views

What is the most effective way to gain experience and hours related to working with animals?

I am currently a highschool junior who wants to go into the medical field for a profession, specifically veterinary science. Right now i work at a dog daycare, boarding, and grooming place. My experience with animals here includes distrubituing, food and water, cleaning dog supplies, bathing dogs, giving medications as instructed by owners, and watching over up to over 20 dogs at a time. Apart from that, i also regularly pet sit for close friends and family. I have also taken three health science classes and am certified in human CPR and first aid.

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Jasmine251 views

What school is easier?

How hard is radiology school compared to Veterinary school?

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Amy299 views

What classes would I need to take to pursue a career as a veterinarian?

I'm in 9th grade and I'd like to get off to a good start, I liked my biology class and I took health science last semester which I enjoyed. I go job shadow a vet when my school has job shadowing days.

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Ja'Kiya197 views


How early did you start looking for internships? How did you find some? Is veterinary school as hard as they say? What do you love most about being a veterinarian?

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Anna245 views

How does a veterinarian/vet tech handle a situation when a client is neglecting their pets needs, they are given the advice and knowledge how to care for their animal but still, the owner does not take the steps needed to better their pet In particular, In a situation where the clinic staff are aware of the neglect of the animal but legally, they cant take action. How does one cope knowing an animal could be enduring pain and you can't do anything fast acting about it? #Spring24

I'm currently a vet tech student and will be graduating next year. I would like to get more comfortable with the possibilities that a vet tech may face in the career field.

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Jan Michael225 views

What do veterinarians mainly focus on.?

I really wanted to be a veterinarian. So I would want stuff that make me b in the right direction to become a veterinarian.

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Malia273 views

How much schooling does it take to get your DVM license and become a vet. Also, is it more practical to join a veterinary practice when coming out of school or starting your own #Spring24?

Hi, I am a junior is high school and I am looking to becoming a veterinarian. Currently, I am considering the length of education it will take, and the cost of education and if that is feasible for me. Along with the second part of the question, would you be able to give an estimate on the cost differences between starting your own practice or joining one? Thank you so much! #Spring24

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Tristan391 views

I'd like to work with animals. What careers are available for me ?

What careers focus in animals?

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Bryan466 views

Looking to interview a Veterinarian for a college assignment?

Are there any Vets out there that can assist me in answering these questions? 1. Can you share a little bit about your background, education, and what led you to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine? 2. Could you provide an overview of the typical responsibilities of a Veterinarian? 3. What does your work-life balance look like? 4. What are some of the most challenging experiences you've encountered throughout your career, and how did you approach them? 5. What do you believe are the biggest misconceptions people have about Veterinary Medicine? 6. How do you see the field of Veterinary Medicine evolving in the future? 7. As an aspiring Veterinarian, what advice would you offer for navigating Veterinary school and preparing for a career in the field? 8. What traits, if any, do you believe make for a successful Veterinarian?

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Melissa343 views

Why be a veternarian?

What led you to choose to be a vet? What do you like about it and why did you want to do it.

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Melissa312 views


What is the most challenging thing about being a veterinarian while training or working on the job?

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Nacia431 views

Whats the best way to go about becoming a vet assistant?

I'm a college graduate, currently working as a paraprofessional and I'm trying to get into the animal care field.

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Madeleine466 views

What is the best way to prepare for pre-vet as a 16 year old sophomore in high school (How to get internships/scholarships/best ap classes to take/other extracurriculars that will get me into college) ?

I am a 16 year old in 10th grade and I'm not sure how to properly prepare if I want to go to college with the intention of eventually getting into veterinary.

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Sophie1102 views

How do I become a Veterinary Radiologist!

Hello I am 15 years old in the 10th grade, I am trying to be a veterinary Radiologist when I get out of HS. Alot of people are telling me to go to community college first because It is cheaper and THENNN go to college but Im very confused. I would like to go to community college first then go to college. Can someone please tell me the steps I need to go to becoming a Veterinary Radiologist and if you can add the college! ( and what I need to major in)

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Hannah387 views

Is it better to volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation center or a zoo if you want to be a vet tech or own an animal rescue?

I really wanna be a vet tech.

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Hannah313 views

Is it better to volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation center or a zoo if you want to be a vet tech or animal rescuer?

I really want to be a vet tech. It is a life dream.

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Hannah595 views

How can I volunteer in Florida (age 15) ?

I REALLY wanna be a vet tech. It’s my dream job.

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CareerVillage Office Hours505 views

I’m thinking about applying to USC as either a pre-health biology major or a pre-health marine biology major. I want to attend vet school in the near future and wanted to know which one would be best to do or if I should major in something else that would set me up for success in vet school.

I also wanted to know what the job options would be if I didn’t get accepted into vet school if I did major in one of these. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

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Hannah674 views

What are some volunteer opportunities in Florida? I’m fifteen and really want to volunteer. ?

I really want to be a vet tech. I’ve never volunteered before I hope you have some advice for me.

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Hannah1048 views

What animal rescues/shelters will allow a 15year old child to volenteer?

I love animals of all kinds! They are my passion! I dream of being a vet tech or animal control officer. I’ve never been able to volunteer someplace but I really want to.

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Nicolaus1103 views

What career other than vet could someone with an interest in animals/healthcare pursue?

I’m an 11th grader. I’ve wanted to be a veterinarian since I was 5. I’ve taken all the classes I believed were useful for my career and am in a program for aspiring medical professionals. However I’m having doubts now as many vets say that it’s an under appreciated job with high stress that you shouldn’t go into if you “just like animals” (the main reason I wanted to enter the field) I’m feeling a bit lost now. I considered becoming a paramedic but I was told it was a high-stress, low-pay job. What other careers could I pursue?

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Jack556 views

How would I go about becoming a veterinarian ?

I'm 16. I'll be graduating highschool in 2025 when I'm 17. I'd like to study veterinary science and eventually become a veterinarian. I don't know where to start though. What courses should I take? Were should I go to study? Should I settle for a vet tech? Should I pursue something else? I have no idea what I'm doing or who to talk to about what I should be doing to prepare.

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Naomy495 views

How can I learn this? or where?

I would like to become a vegetarian for pets for example # How much will it cost How many years? and if there are programs for learning pet medicine or animal doctor

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Graci2543 views

how long is veterinary school?

I've always wanted to be a vet and i love animals but i dont know if i should take years out of my life just towards university. how many years is vet school?

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