Career questions tagged international-student

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Mealea392 views

How do you find scholarships for non US veterinary study in the US And do they accept us an international undergraduate student??

I’m 22 female and currently I’m a fourth year veterinary student. As school is about to finished plus my thesis too I’m stressing out about wanting to continue my DVM/VMD. However, I’ve always wanted to continue my degree in the US. Because this field in my Country is still considered as new/young(only one university in the country the faculty was founded in 2010 for bachelor and 2018 for DVM program).What my fear are how can I do it? Will they accept me ? What school I’m gonna chose that suitable for non-US student like I am ? Plus I’m short of money too. I’ve seen many aspiring women from other developing country like me able to continue their degree in the US too so that why I’m wondering.

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Aarju311 views

How do I find travel funds to go to the US for my grad school I am an international student aspiring to learn Entomology in the US.#Spring24?

Travel- grant to study in the US grad school.

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Shadi443 views

Which university should I go to? NC state at Raleigh or Cal State, Long Beach?

I'm a international student from Iran and I have been accepted to both NCSU and CSULB and I can't decide which one I should attend :) Cal state is ranked 105 while NC state is 60 among Value schools. Cal state is a lot cheaper though and they offer scholarship for international students after their first semester but NC state doesn't offer many scholarships for international students and I didn't get scholarship anyway :) They both have a good On-Campus employment and also, I know I can be around a well Iranian community in Long Beach. I love Cal state's campus a lot better but NC state offers a very good program in engineering, which is the field I want to study. I'm planning to do double major in engineering and industrial design if I go to CSULB, engineering and politics if I go to NC state. Do you think it worth to sacrifice the prestige and ranking stuff of NC state to go to Long Beach? I feel like my heart is mostly towards Long Beach due to the nice environment and the decent cost; but my mind is more towards NC state as its ranking is better (It's a lot more expensive though). Oh and the last thing, I'm thinking of doing an exchange semester or year in Europe! I will appreciate your honest thoughts and possible experiences :) Thank you for your time to read! :)

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Armine1693 views

What is the best way to get a CPA certificate?

Hello everyone, looking for some advice on getting a CPA certificate. I've got an accounting background outside the US, with a mix of academic and work experience. Now, I'm at a US company and planning for the CPA exam. Wondering if I should go for specific courses or opt for college. Your thoughts and tips are much appreciated! P.S. - I'm not in the US, so only remote/online formats work for me.

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Hilmi2869 views

What career path should I choose ? It's getting really hard to even know what I want.

Hi, I'm someone that is currently 26 years old and in need of assistance about what type of career that i should pursue, I'm good with my adaptability (or you could say a quick learner) and somewhat interested in sci-fi movies (or technology), the thing is it's kind of hard for me to do something repetitively as it gets boring pretty fast, I do have a bachelor degree in electrical engineering but after seeing what my fellow graduate's job is now I lost my interest in the field, what should I do ? ps : I don't mind taking another degree

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Stephanie396 views

How can I get legitimate scholarships as an international student?

I am a freshman and a STEM major. I am also an African international student.

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Nomi529 views

How to get into Tsinghua university as an international student?

I'm 11th grade student in Mongolia, and I hope to get into Tsinghua as an international student. I have HSK4 score and planning on getting HSK5 score before graduating. And my English is quite not bad and hoping to get IELTS score as soon as possible. I have interest in physic and math and have achieved some medals in these subjects. And I have interest in chess, but not so good at it. My grades are not bad, straight A mostly, few Bs. So, my question is how to get into THU, am I qualified enough, and please tell me the steps of applications, including online application process, interview and examination process, and hope you can tell me about scholarships. Thank you!

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Alana239 views

What type of job that has free or paid internships overseas?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm looking for colleges that have 1. cultural anthropology classes so I can major in that 2. Faith based classes like Theology 3. Majors similar to cultural anthropology so I can get two or three majors for the price of one and a half (the classes are mostly the same) 4. Things I should know about study abroad programs 5. Jobs that let me write (ALOT)!

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Emma451 views

How do I prepare myself to apply to Leiden university when I'm an American?

-My aunt works there and my parents are very enthusiastic about me going there. -I have a 4.0 and extra cirriculars.

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Anna435 views

What are ways to interact with international students online for free?

I am interested in studying in Germany. Are there any free online exchange programs or volunteering/internship organizations that can improve my German skills or help me learn about Germany or just get some experience in German-based work? (Or other countries?)

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Anna649 views

What are some virtual volunteering opportunities with organizations?

I have an interest in international organizations and those with a focus on social activism, advocacy, medicine, computer science, or STEM overall. Thanks!

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Savreet582 views

How do you transition into a new culture/country?

I'm moving to Russia for school and want to know how to best transition and get used to the new culture.

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Victoria384 views

Does anyone have any advice on applying to European universities as a U.S. high school student? How attainable is it, if at all?

I am a rising high school senior and I'd love to go to a university in England (specifically London) but from what I've seen I'm not feeling very confident in my chances. How can I improve these chances this late in the game?

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Adrien292 views

What online extracurricular activities can I do? I'm from Romania and I want to go to college in the USA. I have 2 more years of high-school.

Hello! I am a 17 years old girl from Romania, starting the 11th grade in September. I love studying languages, astronomy and aerospace engineering. I am not sure what I want to do in college because I dream a lot and I also have lots of dreams! I speak English, Romanian and Hungarian at a fluent level, I also understand and can speak in Spanish, French and Italian. I want to do extracurricular activities online because in my town I didn't found anything. Thank you!!

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Simran553 views

How to network and build connections in the field of Biology as an introvert or a person who is shy to approach people?

Being an international student in a new country, it is hard to form connections in the field of my choice. I wonder how I can to do this to increase my academic and job prospects in the future.

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CareerVillage Office Hours372 views

What career path should I follow based on the following information?

I'm an 18-year-old freshly out of high school. I'm not really sure about what I should pursue in college. My interests incline towards chemistry, biology, and psychology and I feel like I want to do something in the field of biology. But the thing is, in this field whatever I'm inclining toward seems like it wouldn't really help me with any placements and job opportunities, at least till I complete my master's in the course. Also, the earning also seems pretty low, specifically in India. I did think about going in the direction of med, but the competition seems way too high, and it feels very challenging so I'm not really sure about it. I was thinking about choosing between pharmacy and biotechnology, but in both cases, the placements and the opportunities seem to be lacking in India. What should I do? Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Emilio369 views

What should I do after high school if I want to go to the U.S?

What should I do? I'm a high school student looking for some advice regarding major/sponsorship/financial-aid/college options/job options. I live in Colombia and after high school I want to study in a U.S University that later on helps me find a job/get a job visa. I'm very unsure about career options as my interests vary.

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Henrietta Laura341 views

What scholarships are available for international students ( from Africa) looking forward to study Graduate entry LLB in the Uk ?

I’m currently planning on applying for a postgraduate LLB in the Uk but most of the scholarships I found online does not cover full tuition and are grade based. Any ideas on other scholarship recommendations aside the governmental ones we know off? Which schools would anyone one recommended for a 2 year law postgraduate degree. I’ve already narrowed my search to 5. Thus, City university London, Dundee, Brunel, Sheffield and Leicester university.

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Leticia694 views

How can I get a college scholarship if I'm from another country?

I'm from Spain but I'm currently an international student in Vermont.

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CareerVillage Office Hours388 views

What opportunities are available for international students?

This is part of our professionals series

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Ayesha678 views

How can I get OPT easily in America as an international student?

Please share any useful tips you may have gotten while doing OPT yourself, if applicable? If you are not an international student have you ever helped someone with the process.

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Kennedy427 views

Hey...I am really interested in Mechanical engineering and would love to further my education in the States or UK. I am in a different country though. Financial factors dont support this decision of mine. Cant give up though. I will complete high school this Year. I want to know if there is any scholarship institution that can help me or help from elsewhere. Im 17

I am academically sound by Grace.

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Izabela519 views

Where are some good places (US and international) to go to university for psychology?

Junior currently

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Alexa408 views

Where should I start when searching for universities abroad?

Where should I start when searching for universities abroad? #Fall22

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Luca Massimo704 views

How can I best find architecture photography clients when starting my business?

I've developed a nice portfolio of architecture photography throughout the last 3 years and am working on my online presentation currently. I've had my first client shootings and am looking to find more clients to get started and turn my sidehustle into my dreamjob.

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Srishti537 views

What kinds of jobs can I apply for in the US as an international student with a Biochemistry/Biotechnology bachelors degree , especially if I want to work for laboratory experience and then apply for graduate school?

#international-student #biochemistry #biotechnology #job

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Ta'Vonya973 views

What are some scholarships for international students in high school?

#high-school #high-school-students #scholarships #international-student #college #science #STEM

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Tasneem931 views

Employment in College

What are good jobs to work at while being a student at college? Also, when do you recommend a student to begin working while studying? #student-employment #international-student

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Babita888 views

My question is how do I find tech companies who are hiring non-residents?

My major is computer science and I’m an international student. After graduation we can apply to work for a year as a part of practical training. But I’m worried about my career after that because my one work permit will expire and can’t be renewed since I’m a non-resident of US. I have to find a company who can sponsor H1 visa so that I could continue my work. There are millions of international students, permanent residents/citizens of US, people with greater work experiences applying at the same time as me. My question is how do I find tech companies who are hiring non-residents? How do I stand out among those huge mass people? #technology #computer-science #international-student #JULY20

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Paulina Vanessa882 views

How can international students deal with cultural shock?

I am an international student who plans to study a bachelor's degree at the United States. I have heard that many other international students have had troubles when facing cultural shock. Therefore, I would like to know how can it be handled effectively. #college #college-advice #international-student #culture #bachelorsdegree #international-students

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