3 answers
How can I best find architecture photography clients when starting my business?
I've developed a nice portfolio of architecture photography throughout the last 3 years and am working on my online presentation currently. I've had my first client shootings and am looking to find more clients to get started and turn my sidehustle into my dreamjob.
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3 answers
David’s Answer
To begin: you must have an online portfolio, website, that looks as good, or better, than the images that the working professionals are showing. Never show anything but your very best work. Referrals are your best advertising. Use the internet to locate possible clients and query them regarding assignments. In your query email, refer them to your website. Sometimes, a direct mail campaign can produce some work. I have used a postcard sized image with my business name and contact info on the backside.
Do not refer to your photography business as a "side hustle."
I have found that a freelance photographer spends 80% of his/her time marketing their business.
Best of luck.
Do not refer to your photography business as a "side hustle."
I have found that a freelance photographer spends 80% of his/her time marketing their business.
Best of luck.
Eric’s Answer
Start small. Look locally. Try joining a chamber of commerce where you live to network with other area professionals.
Oyagiri’s Answer
It's a good thing that it's a hobby and that you enjoy doing it which is very important. Keep the passion alive.
Seek for more ways to improve your photography skills.
Share your work online, a lot of clients could be gotten on that space but it takes consistency.
Never give up on your dream no matter what, it's only a matter of time. You are on the right track.
Seek for more ways to improve your photography skills.
Share your work online, a lot of clients could be gotten on that space but it takes consistency.
Never give up on your dream no matter what, it's only a matter of time. You are on the right track.