Career questions tagged organization

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Eshita319 views

How do I make my club at school more active and how do I invite guest speakers to speak about their experiences?

I am apart of the leadership board of my club in school. The club mostly focuses on writing but I don't know how to get people interested in joining. Essentially, when I was given a leadership position, it was practically a dead club. I want to invite guest speakers to speak but I don't know how to start.

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fredy1065 views

how can i get my personal development?

personal development tips

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Josue812 views

What advice do you have for students who are passionate about software development but may feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and technologies to learn?

Some people might suggest staying focused or trying to divide your workload, but many individuals in the field still struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed by the ever-evolving nature of technology and the multitude of options available for specialization. Could you share any personal strategies or insights on how to manage this overwhelm effectively? Additionally, are there any specific resources, such as online courses, books, or mentorship programs, that you recommend for students looking to navigate this challenge and stay motivated on their software development journey?

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Madeline328 views

What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ?

What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ? What balance of internal work (such as mindset, personal growth, resilience, etc.) and external work (such as skill-building, networking, opportunity-seeking, etc.) did you find most crucial in your journey towards realizing your dreams? Could you share specific examples or strategies that helped you navigate both aspects effectively? #Spring24

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Alyssa687 views

What are the best ways to organize your time as a physicist?

I'm a fairly busy person, but I really enjoy my free time and I am not the best at organizing my time. My schedule proves it greatly.

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Saniya1924 views

How can I create my own booking website?

I want to start my own business and I was wondering what sites would be good to use to create my own booking website? Which ones cost the least but are still efficient? What should be on the website? For context, I would be providing a service. I know price and policy should be there, but should I add a space where it says something like "A little about me" where its a broad section to hopefully make the client more comfortable with choosing me as their service provider?

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Syeda382 views

Which masters program in what university I should go for as a non-profit and development major?

I have completed bachelor in International relations and worked in non-profit for 4 years. I have iltes score 7.5.

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victoria462 views

how can i be better?

idk what to put

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cheyanne748 views

What are the best ways to keep your focus on one goal?

I have a hard time focusing and making sure everything I do is correct, how do I fix this?

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Allison716 views

Which colleges have the best psychology programs?

I have a few ideas on which ones do but I want more insight.

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Eliza459 views

How do you grow an organization/business?

I am trying to grow my organization but i don't know what steps I should take. For reference here is the website I am working on:

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Eliza383 views

How do you grow an organization?

How do you grow an organization?

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Anna649 views

What are some virtual volunteering opportunities with organizations?

I have an interest in international organizations and those with a focus on social activism, advocacy, medicine, computer science, or STEM overall. Thanks!

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Thomas438 views

What should I do in college?

What organizations should I look to get into if I want to be a consultant. I'm an industrial engineering major that goes to Texas A&M university college station. Rising Junior.

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Melina297 views

What should be an important thing to know befor taking my first real job? How do I know that if a career is good for me? When should I make my first resume? Why do you think you fit the role of your job?

Right now I am in the ninth grade, and I think I'm doing really well. My average is about a 95%, and a few classes that I have done really well in so far are Geometry, Chemistry, and Spanish 2.

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Gwen654 views

How do you deal with stress?

In school it gets really overwhelming and stressful and the teachers and peers just keep talking making me even more stressed and i don't know anything to help my stress when i cant get out of the class.

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Philip536 views

How can you stay consistent with a routine?

How can you stay consistent with a routine?

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David431 views

What is something I can do to keep myself organize with all my work from my computer science in the future?

How should organize my stuff so I can easily find what I need.

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Paajcha Julie1554 views

How to deal with poor leadership?

Without giving too much information away, I’m dealing with a boss who isn’t the greatest when it comes to leadership skills. I work online as a scouter for deals, meaning I search online for discounts, and I’m technically an independent contractor. When I first got the job, I asked many questions such as earning potential (since it’s commission based), if there’s a quota I have to fill, and what my role entails. To keep it short, my boss never properly trained me regarding my job. She did do a short video on the basics, however she didn’t go into great detail into things such as what the values were in the organization, what to expect when posting particular items that are discounted, tips on how to be more efficient when posting, basically anything that could help me become a better worker. To my knowledge, isn’t that what a leader or boss should do? Guide and mentor those under you? Especially when they’re new? Let’s just say her communication skills aren’t exactly the best. What has frustrated me recently is that she sent me a message saying that I apparently was “working for myself” and wasn’t working with the team. She also mentioned things that I had no idea about, things that are very specific to this job and organization, and that I wasn’t doing these particular things. How am I supposed to know these things if she never relayed the information to me in the first place? That’s her job isn’t it? To relay information to me so that I don’t mess up? I have prodded her over time regarding my work because obviously I want to know how to do my job well, but I feel like the boss/employee dynamic is unbalanced, meaning that I feel like I carry the burden of having to figure things out. I understand that as a worker, there are things that I have to do on my own but when there are things that are content specific, that should be on the leader’s plate of responsibility. There are some things that I cannot figure out on my own because they are that specific. The nature of the job did come off as a “do it on your own” type of thing, especially because she told me that there was no quota to fill. I don’t claim to be perfect. I’m still learning as a worker/employee like asking important questions and being more assertive when it comes to certain things. But this lack of good leadership isn’t really helping. Also, another question. Is it in the worker’s/employee’s place to constructively criticize their boss/leader on their work ethic/skills, etc.? There are more things I can say and want to say but I’ll stop here. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. #management #organization #community-management #leadership #work #organizationalleadership #working #business #online #boss #technology #criticism #job #sales

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Paridhi828 views

After confirming a Board of Directors, what are the next steps for registering a nonprofit?

#nonprofits #financial-planning #event-planning #organization #board #science #registration #nonprofit #Texas

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Paridhi1365 views

What are the differences between Wix, Go Daddy, and WordPress website builders? Pros & cons?

#technology #website-development #entry-level #Wix #go-daddy #wordpress #web-design #website-design #web-development #website #organization #nonprofit #front-end

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Paridhi730 views

What are the differences in using platforms like Wix or Go Daddy website builders versus coding a website in terms of what we see in the end product as the website? Which is the better option and what are the advantages/disadvantages of one method over the other?

#website # #media-production #website-development #website-design #web-development #web-design #organization #non-profit #Wix #Go-Daddy #website-buidler #coding #programming #code #algorithms #business #professionalism #front-end #back-end #appeal #marketing

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Paridhi770 views

What are the best ways to fundraise?

#organization #fundraise #nonprofit #funds

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Paridhi689 views

What are the steps in establishing, and scaling an organization?

#non-profit #business #organization #entrepreneur # #marketing #finance #business-management

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Ayen942 views

One of the things college students struggle with, is organization. What are some encouraging tips and detailed advice on how to stay organized and overall manage time?

#college-bound #organization #guidance-counselor

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Lessa907 views

What methods of organization have been successful for managing school, work and home obligations?

I have tried everything from lists to sticky notes to keep my life balanced and to remember all my assignments and due dates. I currently use a bullet journal and like what it offers, but I would still love to hear about methods that have allowed others to successfully meet all of life's obligations. #school #organization

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Taylor750 views

As a car designer, do you have time to pursue other art fields like animation?

Or any other form of arts, including the fine arts such as vocal performance. #organization #mechanical #car #design #animation

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Andrea796 views

How do you keep focus on your classes?

Sometimes I find it hard to focus on my classes when doing online classes. There are so many web sites that I'd like to spend my time on instead of doing homework. How do you stay focused? #College #focus #motivation #study-skills #organization #classes #online-classes

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Kelly1016 views

How much extracurricular work is too much?

Graduate classes + a (mandatory) internship + a job = Too much? My graduate program requires me to work an internship. My financial situation requires me to work another job. But after the homework, the interning, and the work days -- will I miss out on school organizations, meetings, conferences, and lectures? How do I know that I'll have enough time for everything? How do I manage my time appropriately? I want to make a grad school network -- but what if I'm too busy doing everything outside of school? #extracurriculars #worried #internship #job #workstudy #organization #timemanagement

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alexis1148 views

What is the best organization to join when you attend college?

Should you join an organization in your major or something fun and interesting? #medicine #university #black-students #organization #college

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