Career questions tagged study-skills

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Johnny443 views

What are the thing I can do to enhance my reading habits ?

I want to read outside the box, to be extraordinary in my reading ability

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Gerald166 views

Wt are the necessary skills needed to be a good student ?

What are Necessary skills needed to be a good science student

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Ethan241 views

What are the best proven study habits to have while in college?

I’m 18 and I’m in high-school going on to college for nursing and I’m apart of NTHS. Not entirely sure what study habits I should have. #Spring24 #College #Studyhabits

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Alex603 views

How to balance time ? currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time to balance part time job and self study at home

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Dina526 views

How to study for Naplex exam while on rotations?

Studying tips for Naplex prep

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Shena444 views

How can i study better?

How can I study better to help me with my time management? I’ve had problems studying and managing my time. so how can i help myself to study better while protecting my time?

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Anuv468 views

How to i always stayed motivated ?

Motivation is the king

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Rosalyn527 views

How do I focus on studying ?

How do I focus on studying and having a busy life with pets, friend's and family.

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Adi619 views

How do you study effectively with ADHD?

I have a hard time getting in the groove and actually studying. I have been attempting to get help with it but nothing I have tried has improved my grades. Any weird/bizarre study tips that work for the ADHD folks?

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k407 views

How can i get more motivation ?

How can I get more motivation?

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Kennedy525 views

What’s the best study method?

I have a hard time focusing when studying

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Elliott471 views

Study Skills?

What are some of the best studying tips for retaining difficult information?

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Alejandro324 views

Where should I start study Producers & Directors?

where can i study?

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lexie593 views

whats a good study method?

i need a better study method for school

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Bainat364 views

I have to pass the SAT, but I am having a hard time understanding the Reading section. What can I do to improve?

I have to pass the SAT, but I am having a hard time understanding the Reading section. What can I do to improve?

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Waylon230 views

What are the most effective ways to get in hours of studying and retain information?

What are the most effective ways to get in hours of studying and retain information, as someone who has trouble focusing during work unless in a classroom environment?

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Paige997 views

What's the best way to study for upcoming college exams?

To study for exams what are helpful tips or strategies? Flashcards, Kahoot, Quizlet? I simply do not know what college students find the most useful to help them.

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CareerVillage Office Hours723 views

Any advice for those students who are struggling with their academics, especially those who feel they aren't "smart"?

Office Hours #4: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Mark Eagle This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was preparing for life after high school. If you answer this question, we will reach out to the students who attended this office hours session to inform them of your response, and all students on CareerVillage will benefit. If you would be interested in hosting an office hours session on a particular topic, please reach out to our staff! #academics #grades #gpa #study-skills

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Noelle859 views

What are some good study routines?

I am a sophomore in High School and I was wondering what are your method for studying for finals and AP tests #APtest #finals #ap #testing #studying #study-skills

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Andrea796 views

How do you keep focus on your classes?

Sometimes I find it hard to focus on my classes when doing online classes. There are so many web sites that I'd like to spend my time on instead of doing homework. How do you stay focused? #College #focus #motivation #study-skills #organization #classes #online-classes

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Zander1062 views

What study tips can help an easily distracted mind manage college expectations?

Like many, this is my first time away from home for an extended time. I am nervous about managing my personal focus and organization skills without support. I look forward to the social aspect of going to college, but worry about managing my studies in a timely manner. I know of support services that my college will provide, but we students still have to be in charge of our time management. Do you have suggestions on managing our daily study habits? Thank you! #study-habits #study-tips #study-skills #time-management #organization-management #stress-management #self-improvement

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Asia855 views

How can I study for the AP Computer Science Principals Exam

This is a relatively new course with relatively little to no information and I am really nervous about taking the exam and could use a little help #AP #ap-testing #testing #test #computer-science #studying #study-skills

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Hanan965 views

Any tips for studying for the AP Government exam?

There are so many things I'm confused on like which court cases to study for? #APGov #AP #government #testing #study-skills

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Ciara813 views

How can I develop good study habits for college?

I have pretty much breezed through high school; I am graduating top of my class and aside from completing mandatory homework, I have never really had to study for any of my classes. Thus, I am not quite sure how to effectively study-- historically all I have had to do is take notes in class and give them a quick glance-over before the test. The few instances where I had to seriously study for a test this year, I still did not perform very well, and I think the reason for this lies in my study methods. How might I improve my study skills so I'm not wiped out by challenging college courses? #studying-tips #study-skills #college-advice

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Eva1017 views

How exactly can you better your own study habits?

Studying habits have never been my thing if I'm being honest. Even though it hasn't been my thing, I still want to be able to better them especially when I head off to college. Tips for studying would be very helpful. #studying-tips #study-skills #study-habits

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Janiyah947 views

When do you know when you are pushing yourself too hard or just need to toughen up in school?

I feel like I will join a lot of clubs and have different classes. I want to know when it is okay to take a break, or stop doing an activity or just know if I am just taking the easy way out. #dotoomuch #howdoyouknow #study-skills #mental-health

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Zachary957 views

How do you concentrate on your studies when you just can't focus

I have a hard time focusing on my homework and get distracted very easy. #focus #motivation #homework #studying-tips #study-skills

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Donovan3914 views

What is the best study habit to have for any class?

The reason why because I don't have a consistent study habit.#study-tips #studying #academic-advising #time-management #study-skills

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Sidney1160 views

What is the easiest way to study for a cumulative test or final?

My high school does not test midterms and finals. Therefore, I am not quite sure how I will need to study for those types of tests in college. #finals #exams #studying-tips #study-skills #studying #time-management

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Paige3860 views

What are helpful study habits to use in college?

I procrastinate when it comes to studying for tests. Are there any tips that can make it easier to study leading up to a test, instead of cramming? #education #college #studying-tips #studying #study-skills #time-management

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