Career questions tagged finals

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Jennifer472 views

How would I go about finding someone to interview for my finals?

How would I go about going finding someone to interview that is working in a field related to my major? (history) It's for finals and I have no social connection whatsoever.

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Olivia766 views

What is the best method not to get burnt out while studying for finals?

#studying-tips #study #college #finals #finals-week

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Keygan855 views

When studying for finals, what are some helpful tips for staying on track when studying?

#finals #studyingtips #studying #tips

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Kristen743 views

What is the most efficient way to study for finals?

Note cards? Practice tests? Studying from the textbook? Are there any resources that you recommend I take a look at that provide great ways to study for certain subjects? #finals #study

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Noelle859 views

What are some good study routines?

I am a sophomore in High School and I was wondering what are your method for studying for finals and AP tests #APtest #finals #ap #testing #studying #study-skills

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Sidney1160 views

What is the easiest way to study for a cumulative test or final?

My high school does not test midterms and finals. Therefore, I am not quite sure how I will need to study for those types of tests in college. #finals #exams #studying-tips #study-skills #studying #time-management

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Madeleine769 views

What are some good time management skills. I always seem to get off task.

I always get off task, especially at night when I have to study for a big exam. #finals #studying

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Ursula1731 views

What techniques do you use to help you keep focus?

My finals are coming up and I have a lot of content to go over. I'm a very distracted person and in the end of the day, I feel like I wasn't productive at all. I tried meditating with the app headspace and it helps sometimes. I already turn my phone off while studying, but the problem is: my mind wanders off even when I don't have any physical distractions. Do you have any tips on how to keep focus while studying? #studies #studying-tips #focusing #finals

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Ursula1601 views

Is it okay to listen to music while studying?

I always listen to music or put the tv as background noise while I'm studying and I feel like it helps me concentrate (when I feel like it's bothering me or I get to a harder topic I turn it off), but every time my sister comes to my room and sees me doing this she always gives me a lecture that I'm not studying right. Is it okay to listen to music while studying even if I feel like is not harming my understanding in any way? #music #studying-tips #studying #test #college-essay #finals

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