Career questions tagged study

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Trey465 views

What do I study to create an anime or show in general?

I would like to create a japanese style anime but I dont know what to study or really start in general. (Im still in high school and I plan on going to college)

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Andres233 views

How am I able to be in the nfl and or be a therapist?

I am 13 and my hopes and dreams are to be in the nfl but if that doesn’t work what education does it take to become a therapist.

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betty293 views

What ap exams are the least study time required?

I want least study time for any ap exam, since im taking 2 hard ap class that required a lot of study time; so i want the 3rd one to be the least amount of time to study?

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Gerald224 views

Wt are the necessary skills needed to be a good student ?

What are Necessary skills needed to be a good science student

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kayla1208 views

How do you choose a career that you can pursue ? when you are undecided about anything in particular ?

I am really undecided about my future I had nothing in particular that I was good at in school so how do you chose a course to take in university ?

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Jayleen1101 views

what skills do you find useful in the study of psychology and what are the pros and cons?

i want to study psychology but i know there are a lot of cons to it. for example there’s a lot of years in college and training. I also know that it can mess up your mental health, but what are the pros?

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Quiamani791 views

How can I find motivation and stay engaged in school when I feel completely unmotivated and disconnected from my studies?

I tend to get good grades, but I can never stay consistent with my motivation. College is such a different world so I am trying my best to stay positive in certain situations.

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suki265 views

how long do I have to study for phlebotomist?

how long do I have to study for phlebotomist?

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emma333 views

why do i need to study?

Is going to college strenous?

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thomas486 views

how to study to study?

ask my friends questions

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Wyatt906 views

Studying American Law Abroad?

Is studying American law abroad a viable option for learning or would it be recommended to learn in America?

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Grace817 views

what exams should I take to get a solid study grant?

what exams should I take to get a solid study grantand how many points should I have?

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Alex1191 views

How to balance time ? currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time to balance part time job and self study at home

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Julissa453 views

How can I stay motivated?

After studying for so long, and I will keep going after high-school how should I stay motivated? How do I overcome obstacles?

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Kenneth233 views

How to finish school with 3.0 and above?

motivation needed

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isabella795 views

how can I study for history?

I need help to productively study for my history exam within a short period of time.

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Shena505 views

How can i study better?

How can I study better to help me with my time management? I’ve had problems studying and managing my time. so how can i help myself to study better while protecting my time?

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ava893 views

why would it take so many years to become a doctor?

is it just a lot of work in general or is it studies and mentoring and finding other ways to better youself.

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Emaline370 views

Which study in Law is the most uncommon to practice ?

Wanting to learn more about the not as popular law practices as Im interested into making this my career one day and studying it in college as well.

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Lyla516 views

How do I know what to study?

I have no idea what to study or what to do when I get out of school.

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Adi698 views

How do you study effectively with ADHD?

I have a hard time getting in the groove and actually studying. I have been attempting to get help with it but nothing I have tried has improved my grades. Any weird/bizarre study tips that work for the ADHD folks?

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Noah864 views

What is an effective way to study History?

I'm in a college level US History class and don't really know how to effectively study.

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Maricela485 views

What is some good study advice ?

To help study better

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Adrian568 views

Any tips for medschool?

How do you recommend preparing for college and does anyone have any study tip on how to make it feel less of a drag and make it stay in our mind better?

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Elliott545 views

Study Skills?

What are some of the best studying tips for retaining difficult information?

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Alejandro924 views

Where should I start study Producers & Directors?

where can i study?

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Alejandro319 views

In which area of the country should I study producers & directors?

best area of oportunities

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Savreet436 views

How can I properly manage my time as a medical student?

What are good tips for revising/studying? How do I make time for it?

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john971 views

How can I study for SAT and how to feel better about it?

hello, my name is John and I have the sat test coming up. I am extremely stressed and worried and don't know what to do about it. how can I study for it? what to expect and how to get a good score.

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Sonya963 views

What is a good studying method?

Im going to be a freshman and need some studying tips

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