Career questions tagged law-practice

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Dave174 views

How do I get started on earning a law degree ?

I am 74 years old and I have always been in love with the law and I need help in getting me started?

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Katherine416 views

What undergraduate major is best for law school preparation Are there any specific courses or extracurricular activities that can help with law school admission? What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a law school? How competitive is the law school admission process, and what can I do to strengthen my application? What are the different areas of law I can specialize in? How do I choose a specialization, and when do I need to decide? What does a typical day look like for a lawyer in your field? What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being a lawyer? What are the different career paths available to lawyers (e.g., private practice, corporate, public service)? What are the steps to advance in a legal career? What essential skills and qualities make a successful lawyer? How can I develop these skills during my education and early career? How important is it to get internships or clerkships during law school? What are the best ways to gain practical experience in the legal field? What is the bar exam, and what should I know about preparing for it? How difficult is the bar exam, and what are the pass rates? What is the current job market like for lawyers? How can I improve my employability after graduating from law school? How demanding is the workload for a lawyer, and what is the typical work-life balance? Are there certain legal fields that offer better work-life balance than others? What ethical challenges do lawyers commonly face? How important is it to stay updated with changes in laws and regulations??

I hope to be a lawyer once I am older.

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Thomas251 views

How does one become a teacher that teaches about law and law enforcement?

I have been wondering how to teach people on what and how laws are to help them understand what they are.

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Thomas222 views

How does law-enforcement interact with the public on a regular basis?

I am wondering what, how, and why they have certain interactions and how they would proceed in said actions with the public

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Sofonis391 views

Why and how do I make money doing legal things around the country?


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Gifty495 views

How to Write a Personal Statement for Law School?

Tips for writing a personal statement.

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miabella635 views

What are the working conditions in a law office?

Im a 15 year old girl interested in law. What is it like to work in a law office, what are your hours like do they feel long? Is the work draining?

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Maureen435 views

How to know if you are qualified to be a lawyer?

Traits, advice, details, specifics.

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Nicole644 views

Is it important to be a good reader and enjoy reading for criminal law?

I am extremely interested in criminal law and going into that field. but I'm not he biggest reader. I tolerate it and I am good at reading, but I don't really enjoy it and I want to know if that is an important thing to think about.

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Nicole540 views

What is the most important quality for criminal law?

I want to know if I'd be a good fit, so I want to know the most important quality/qualities for criminal law lawyers.

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jocelyn255 views

What should i consider when wanting to major in Law and Criminal Justice?

I'm interested in majoring in Law in Criminal Justice and i just want to learn how to prepare for that.

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Danielle397 views

What would you say is the most challenging part about attempting to pursue a career in law and criminal justice What makes it all worth it?

I'm currently wrapping up my junior year of high school, and am really trying to solidify what I want to do in college. Any words of advice and/or warning would be greatly appreciated.

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Christopher562 views

How much do police officers make in a week? ?

how much money does a police officer make in a day

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Mya1184 views

What classes should I take when majoring in law?

I want to graduate with a law degree so that I may become a defense attorney. Law is my passion and I look forward to being able to help people who do not have the ability to protect themselves.

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Maggie1216 views

What is the absolute best paying lawyer job become an attorney

What is the absolute best paying lawyer job and how do I get there? I want to become an attourney or a game designer which are both very different fields to go down.

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Kaliyah317 views

What can I do to become better if I am trying to get into law?

I am about to be in 10th grade and trying to start early.

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Troy871 views

What are the pros and cons of being a lawyer in the US?

I’m a middle school student who has been considering law for a while. Lately I’ve been wondering if it is the right path for me. What are the best and worst parts of being a lawyer in the US?, Is it worth it to be in school for that long?, and Are you happy with your job?

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Kaylyn1092 views

What kinda of associates degree would I have to get for law school? ?

I'm graduating at 16, and looking at at getting an associates online before my four year. what kind would I have to get, or what would be the first step?

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Malia379 views

How can I boost my knowledge for the future?

How do I help myself grow in knowledge to understand more about law, and criminal justice to help me in the future classes I'll be taking in law school?

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erin228 views

How many years of collage are required to become a lawyer?

what is the minimum amount?

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Shree1482 views

What does the everyday routine of a judge look like ?

Hello. I am in 12th standard currently and my subjects are Political Science, History, Economics, English and Psychology, although I am particularly drawn to Political Science, History and English. I want to pursue a career in law and I'm specifically attracted towards joining the judiciary but I am uncertain of what being a judge would entail or if I am fit for this job at all. So could you please provide me some insight into what the everyday routine of a judge looks like ?

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mae-kayla240 views


how difficult it is to get in law school

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Addison280 views

How and what do I have to do to get to where I want to be?

I want to be a lawyer and graduate from law school.

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Bacarri396 views

What law school should i go to?

I have a 20k+ Scholarship.

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Mya909 views

What is the best field of law to major in?

What is the best field of law to major in, depending on salary, skills, and workload? I want to work in law when I graduate college, and I'm in 8th grade right now. I am good at math and ELA and am also interested in finance. I am also interested in making a good salary, which is very important.

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Andrea814 views

How do I choose what major / career if I'm interested in everything and nothing really stands out?

I was going to pursue law, but then acupuncture sounded interesting, but also com sci. I don't have experience in any of these three categories, so who knows? Maybe I won't like all of them. I'm applying to college soon, but I don't really have an idea of what I want to do so I'm kind of stuck. How did you guys choose your careers / majors?

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Marley292 views

How many years is law school ?

Im 14 and want to do law

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Manleen348 views

Which college courses or major would be best for preparing for law school?

I want to be a lawyer.

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Aiden303 views

How does a District Attorney go about making a case against a defendant?

After someone is called to court for a criminal offense.

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Ryan384 views

How to become a criminal lawyer?

I am trying to become a lawyer, Help me in my journey

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