Career questions tagged software-engineer

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Samuel413 views

Hello, how do I become a backend dev

backend developer is nice

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Nasir569 views

How can I find the best software Engineering internships around me?

Currently, I have one internship related to agriculture. I was hoping to find another internship that I'm interested in like becoming a software engineer.

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Gideon921 views

what do you think is the best path to take to become an engineer hashtag #Spring24?

I am on the brink of embarking on my college journey. Any advice will help!

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Tony446 views

What are best practices or agile methodologies for software engineering?

What are best practices or agile methodologies for software engineering, something that separates a junior from a senior level software engineer?

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Claudia720 views

How to become a full stack software developer?

How to become a full stack software developer

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bella560 views


How can I become an itern at google i would love it there

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David648 views

How can I become a good and successful software programmer. ?

I like coding, am intending to learn Python programming

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Daniel307 views

What is coding?

Coding in computing

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Godspower587 views

What are some common software development issues? And some trouble shooting tips.

I love software development and wnt o be a software engineer when I finish college, I'm currently in grade 11 and will be finishing in a couple of months

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Latoya710 views

What does a software Engineer do in this day and era?

Is becoming a software engineer still a viable career?

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Joshua560 views

What to do career wise after bad uni grades?

I'm a 3rd year CS student and my overall grades for university are disappointing to say the least, and I'm not sure what I should do to progress after I'm done on my course. I don't feel like that grade will be enough to get a good grad job and I'm wondering what can be done to get the foot in the door when it comes to a career which is what I heard really matters. I'm interested in a data science/ software engineering career

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Victor652 views

what should you expect after getting that certain job, like coding, engineering, software engineering and more. ?

what should you expect after getting that certain job, like coding, engineering, software engineering and more. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Eljay3691 views

What subjects must I choose to become a software engineer in South Africa

What Highschool subjects must I take to become a Software engineer In South Africa. I live in Louis Trichart, limpopo, South Africa, I attend Highschool Louis Trichart or Louis Trichart Secondary School.

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Jaiden778 views

As a software developer how do you take and use user feedback into your process, and how does it affect what you are working on?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

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Jaiden511 views

Do you think your job as a software developer will have an impact on the future of the IT field?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

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Jaiden613 views

As a software developer how do you stay updated with the new technologies in the field, and how do you apply them to your work ?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

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Jaiden710 views

As a software developer What programming languages or frameworks do you find most valuable in your work, and why?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

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Diego475 views

What is the hardest part of your as a software engineer? ?

I go to P-TECH in 10th grade. I was wondering what's the hardest part of being a software engineer so I can prepare for what I might have up ahead in the future if I want to be a software engineer.

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Diego306 views

Do you recommend being a software engineer to others?

I go to P-TECH in 10th grade. I was wondering what others think of their job as a software engineer and how much they enjoy or don't enjoy their job.

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Diego520 views

What is your workplace like as a software engineer?

I go to P-TECH in 10th grade I was wondering how the workspace as a software engineer is like.

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Diego409 views

What do you do in your job as a Software engineer?

I go to P-TECH and am in 10th grade and I was wondering what happens in a job that is a software engineer.

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Diego3844 views

Why Do you want to be a software engineer?

I am in 10th grade doing P-TECH and I want to know why others want to know why you want to be a software engineer because I thought the job looked nice and plan to become one soon in the future.

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Savannah581 views

What’s your career ?

I am in the 8th grade, I go to Caledonia Middle School I live in Columbus Mississippi. My favorite color is purple and I would like to be a lawyer or web developer.

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Corey441 views

Software developer and Software engineer?

What is the difference between a software developer and a software engineer?

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Elijah442 views

What is some software and hardware that I should get familiar with if I wish to pursue a career in computer science?

I am a high school student who wishes to go into some sort of field in computer science. I am very familiar with Unity and C# currently as well as Blender.

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Russell412 views

How do I become get to Software engineer ?

Software Engineer

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Andrea814 views

How do I choose what major / career if I'm interested in everything and nothing really stands out?

I was going to pursue law, but then acupuncture sounded interesting, but also com sci. I don't have experience in any of these three categories, so who knows? Maybe I won't like all of them. I'm applying to college soon, but I don't really have an idea of what I want to do so I'm kind of stuck. How did you guys choose your careers / majors?

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Daergh489 views

How to do good in AP Computer Science?

Hi! I'm in 11th grade and I'm looking for some advice on how to do good in some of my coding classes. I'm taking AP Computer Science Principles and wanting to learn how to do good in the class. Thanks!

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Harshitha442 views

As I embark on my job search preparation, I'm utilizing Leetcode to enhance my DSA and coding skills, as well as problem-solving abilities. As many successful job seekers have already walked this path, I'm seeking your guidance on how to effectively utilize Leetcode for enhancing my coding skills and solving challenging interview questions. What strategies or tips can you share to help me make the most of my Leetcode journey?

As a beginner in the job search process, I highly value any guidance or advice you can provide. I'm eager to learn and open to any insights or tips you can share to help me navigate this journey successfully.

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Harshitha485 views

How can I smartly navigate the job search process to increase my chances of securing a job?

As a Computer Science graduate student with 3.5 years of work experience as a Software Engineer, I am actively seeking a fall internship or full-time job opportunity. However, I have been facing rejections on a daily basis. I am looking for suggestions and guidance on how to smartly navigate the job search process to increase my chances of securing a job. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Below is my skillset: • Programming Languages : Java, Python, SQL, Cypher, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript • Databases : MongoDB, Neo4j, MySQL, OracleDB • Frameworks : Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, JUnit, Hibernate/JPA, REST, Hadoop, Microservices • Tools : Git, Maven, Gradle, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Jira, Postman, VS Code, Jupyter Notebook • Servers : Tomcat, Jenkins I specialize in Java programming and have extensive experience working with MongoDB and Neo4j databases. These technologies are my core areas of expertise, and I am confident in my ability to leverage them effectively in developing robust and scalable software solutions.

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