Career questions tagged datascience

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teja440 views

1. What are your career goals?

My career goal is to become a data scientist, leveraging large datasets to extract meaningful insights and support data-driven decision-making in a leading tech company.

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Melissa703 views

How do you pursue a career in data science?

I am majoring in computer science. What kind of projects could you build?

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Sam382 views

What side projects can I do as a beginner coder if I want to go into Data Science?

I have a decent foundation in Python, and I want to elevate my skills in data analytics/science. Are there any small projects I could do?

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Grant712 views

How can get job as a data analyst as an undergraduate?

I have degree in computer science and data science certification and I want to build a career in data science ,

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Aaru829 views

How should I start my journey to learn coding and programming so that I can pursue a career in data science?

i am a complete beginner to coding and i want to pursue a career in data science. i started watching tutorials on yt but i was unable to understand anything. i figured i should start with python however it is easier said than done. what can i do??

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Joshua560 views

What to do career wise after bad uni grades?

I'm a 3rd year CS student and my overall grades for university are disappointing to say the least, and I'm not sure what I should do to progress after I'm done on my course. I don't feel like that grade will be enough to get a good grad job and I'm wondering what can be done to get the foot in the door when it comes to a career which is what I heard really matters. I'm interested in a data science/ software engineering career

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Sam628 views

Is it beneficial to take online courses on Coursera or Udemy to learn data skills if I want to go into Data Science/Anaytics If so, what should I start with?

I'm in Grade 10, I have some coding experience with Python, and I want to be able to build my skill set so that I have time to improve later during high school. I also want to be able to use those skills to help others (volunteering). I've seen so many "roadmaps" for learning data skills, and they're all different, so I hope someone can clear this up for me. Thanks in advance!

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Garette909 views

What is the definition of Artificial intelligence and what are the importance to the community, how can it be applied and enjoyed by common men. And those that are rich too

What is the definition of Artificial intelligence and what are the importance to the community, how can it be applied and enjoyed by common men. And those that are rich too

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Jolie489 views

how many time i need to learn python ??

i need to learn python in short time , any advice ?

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Aashish2200 views

What kind of computer science related passion project should I do?

I am a junior in high school. I have heard the term passion project before, but I am unsure about what type of project to do. I am interested in Computer Science but want to differentiate myself from others with a unique project. What kind of project, using my skills from business as well, will look good for college admissions?

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Peyton294 views

What does a typical day look like as a data scientist? ?

Data science is a newer field, and companies are willing to pay too dollar for this talent!

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Blessing591 views

What is the likelihood that a career in Data Science will still be relevant in the next 15years?

I am a graduate student studying Business Intelligence and Cybersecurity. I recently developed an interest in Data Science. What steps do I need to take to become a successful data scientist, what is a typical day in the life of a data scientist and lastly is there a likelihood that a career in Data Science will still be relevant in the next 15years? #spring23

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Megan580 views

What can I do to find a mentor and begin my career in data analytics?

I have a bachelor degree in psychology with a vast interest in research so a solid base in statistics and SPSS. I am about halfway done with my data analytics course on Google to be a certified data analyst. Do you have any advice to help me get started?

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Zion675 views

I want to be a data scientist, what skills do i need?

I want to be a data scientist, but I do not know what skills I need to learn or what majors I should take in college.

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mia642 views

How do you be a data analyst ?

Is there collaboration as a team? What do you analyze in your career? Is there any other requirements to enter this career, example: certification or degrees?

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Sarah784 views

Is a Data Science BSc worth it?

I've gotten into a Data Science Bachelors program at the University of Bristol, and I was wondering if it is enough if I want to get into data science or machine learning roles in the future. Would I be disadvantaged as compared to stats/maths or computer science grads.

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Neela511 views

What is the difference between baseline computer science and data science/analytics?

Can a business degree include data science? Also does it still count as a STEM field?

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Ivy612 views

What is the recommended coursework for a computer science major who wants to enter the data science field directly after graduation?

I'm currently a rising college freshman aspiring to be a data scientist in the future. What courses should I take in college to set myself up for success?

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Genevieve650 views

What's it like being a data scientist?

According to an article on Indeed, data scientists "may work in social media companies and use the user data to understand habits and suggest content that the users will enjoy. They may also work in politics and make predictions about the election results. In general, data scientists use the data from their analyses to solve real-world problems in business and politics." What other fields do data scientists use their knowledge and skills?

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Qinglin703 views

What aspects do data science job interviews typically cover?

I am graduating by the end of this year and have started building my resume and preparing for job interviews. I wonder if there is a "leet code" equivalence in the ds field that I should be working on? What types of questions do a data science job interview typically includes? Thank you in advance for your answer :D

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Genevieve656 views

Data Science/Scientist Questions

I recently learned about the field of Data Science. I'm seriously considering a career in Data Science because it combines my interests in math, computer science, research, and writing. I'm really interested in learning more about it as a career. My questions are: 1.) What do data scientists do? 2.) According to an article I found on Indeed, some things that data scientists may do include "working in social media companies and using the user data to understand habits and suggest content that the users will enjoy. They may also work in politics and make predictions about the election results. " What else may they work on besides this? I like the idea of studying retail data, or data on where college graduates relocate to. 3.) Does it involve a lot of math, or is it mostly computer-based? 4.) What are the pros and cons of this career? 5.) Is it in demand? When I was researching data science on LinkedIn, I found a disheartening number of posts by laid-off data scientists. 6.)How much education to you need to become a data scientist? 7.) Are data scientist jobs mostly in person or remote. If they're in person, where are they mostly located (e.g. East/West Coast, big cities, specific cities, etc.) 8.) Is it a popular career choice? Is it a popular career choice among women? 9.) What classes/self-study courses should I take to see if I would enjoy being a data scientist? 10.) Can you get an MBA with a focus in data science? If you can think of anything else that would be useful for me to know, I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!! :)

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Ridwan631 views

what do I need to know as a data scientist?

I am an Msc student in data science and artificial intelligence. I had no previous background in programming hence I find it difficult to cope.

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Dorothy820 views

What is the typical day in the life of an investigative journalist?

I am a sophomore in high school; I want to become an investigative journalist. I am currently interning at a non-profit where I report on topics such as poverty, poverty alleviation and other worldly issues, but I really want to get a feel for "digging" up stories that could possibly make a greater impact. What would this look like and how does this look like for you?

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Stella1147 views

Opportunities for data scientists?

I am a college student majoring in Environmental Science. I'm considering adding a second major of Data Science. However, I am wondering how many opportunities there are for data scientists that are not working for just any large company to help them maximize profits. For example, are there opportunities for data science in the renewable energy field, such as using data to problem solve/ figure out how to transition to renewable energy or similar topics? I am interested in environmental-related things but also any other interesting/ meaningful application of data science that I may not be aware of. Thank you for your time.

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Kang1234 views

What does a day in the life of a data scientist look like?

Looking to potentially become a data scientist in the future.

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Jessica514 views

What would I need to do in order to get a Data Science internship in college?

Are there any technical skills I need to be an expert on? Prior experience?

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isys738 views

what is the work culture like in the data science field

#datascience #career #computer-science

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Jessica633 views

How do you deal with impostor syndrome as a Data Scientist?

I heard a lot about those that start working after majoring in data science in college and they feel like they don't being. Some of their coworkers have extensive backgrounds in the field. I was wondering how one would overcome this. #datascience #impostorsyndrome #impostor

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Jessica966 views

What is the most frustrating part of a data scientist's job?

#datascience #data

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Mohamed611 views

Which program is better: integrated CSE Data Science at VIT or IT's CBIT +VNR's CSE

#science #question

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