Career questions tagged machine-learning

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Wonderful570 views

What is the best way to learn?

What is the best way to learn

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Bisika357 views

What should I choose to be a data scientist?

I am really much interested in data science and machine modeling things. so which course should i study and which universities provide bachelor's degree in data science?

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Mayank682 views

how can i switch my carrer from computational chemistry to machine -learning or ai ?

Hi, I'm a mtech 2nd year student from computational chemistry background .

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kouma759 views

How do you learn recommendation systems?

hi,I'm trying to create a web application using a hybrid recommendation system, but I don't know how to study it.I'm trying to create a web application using a library called lightfm, which is said to be suitable for creating a hybrid recommendation system. I'm trying to do this, but I'm having trouble finding any articles that explain it in detail. This is my first time learning about machine learning. I've been looking into it on Kaggle, but I don't fully understand the hybrid recommendation system or lightfm yet, so I'm looking for articles and sites that will help me understand the overall picture, as well as sample code to actually implement it. Please give me some advice on studying.

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Srishti1074 views

How do I start my Artificial Intelligence journey from scratch ?

Give me the complete road map for it

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Cassandra686 views

Who is an AI specialist?

What is the importanceof AI specialist?What do they do?

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Qinglin703 views

What aspects do data science job interviews typically cover?

I am graduating by the end of this year and have started building my resume and preparing for job interviews. I wonder if there is a "leet code" equivalence in the ds field that I should be working on? What types of questions do a data science job interview typically includes? Thank you in advance for your answer :D

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Qinglin639 views

How would the release of GPT4.0 affect the job market in machine learning/natural language processing?

Given the latest advancements in GPT4.0, is the field of ML/NLP still a promising field to enter after graduation? How effects would those large language models have on the current jobs in the field ML/NLP?

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Ossama634 views

Remote data internships ?

how can I find remote internships for machine learning/ data engineering roles? knowing that : I live in Morocco. I pursue a data engineering degree Thanks

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Jiarong680 views

What is a life of a machine learning engingeer is like?

I have an interest to work as a software enginner and focus on areas like artificial intellgence and machine learning. However, I am wodering what specific tasks would an engineer do.

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Rashad723 views

How do you make a base recommendation system for an app without a large amount of data, assuming the data would be provided by the users?

#recommender-system #computer-science #machine-learning

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J1116 views

Is a MS/MCS degree necessary to work in machine learning engineering

I've seen that quite a few #machine-learning job listings prefer or require graduate degrees. How important is it to get a graduate degree if I want to work in this field? Also, does the professional Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree give me as much of a competitive advantage as MS in computer science? #tech #computer-science #data-science

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Pranav1116 views

How do I land a tech internship with no experience?

#internship #technology #computer-science #job #programming #tech #data-science #machine-learning #AI

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Martino685 views

I would like to make a PhD in Computer Science about Robotics or Computational Photography.

Hi, My name is Martino, I have a master degree in Computer Science and I would like to do a PhD in Computational Photography or in Robotics. I don't know how to choose, could you give me some advice? I started to search for a PhD programme but I am not sure where to look, do you have any good website? Thank you in advance, Martino #computer-science #science #phd #robotics #computational-photography #machine-learning

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Aravindhan701 views

how to train and test a machine learning model

As i have the datasets for machine learning, I know to code python, I don't know how to train and test a machine learning model. #tech #machine-learning

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Pratik837 views

How should I build my Data Science Portfolio to find a job?

I have a Bachelor's Degree in CS, 4 years of work experience and currently pursuing MS, Business Analytics from The University of Texas at Dallas. I want to build a strong portfolio for Data Science Jobs. I am seeking a mentor to help me work on some good projects or provide guidance. #data-science #machine-learning #data-analytics #job

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Thomas1067 views

What is a simple beginner path to Machine Learning?

I'm looking for a way to learn how to program ML and Neural Networks, but my high school lacks a class or any instruction. #coding #machine-learning #neural-networks #software

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Albert1567 views

What is the difference between data science and machine learning?

I've been looking into data science careers, and I know that it is closely related with machine learning and big data. I'm confused as to what the difference between data science and machine learning is, and also how big data plays in a part in both fields. What exactly is data science and machine learning, and how are they related to each other (and how does big data tie into them)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. #data-analysis #data-science #computer-science #computer-software #big-data #machine-learning #data-visualization #data #data-mining

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Albert1433 views

What are the best data science courses/nanodegrees I can take online?

I'm currently a third year computer science major, and I've recently discovered a passion for data science and machine learning. I've been trying to learn more about it, and I've found many online resources (Udacity's data analyst, machine learning nano degrees, Stanford's Intro to Machine Learning course taught by Andrew Ng, and various courses offered on Udemy). With all of these great resources, which one would be best for someone who is comfortable programming and wants to get more practical experience? Any advice would be very helpful (and even more so if you are a current data scientist!) and would be greatly appreciated! #machine-learning #data-analysis #data #big-data #computer-science #computer-software #data-science #data-mining #data-visualization

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Veronica821 views

What is the best trade school nationwide for welding?

I'm debating on future schooling next year, which school would be most cost efficient and still an outstanding education. #weld #manufacturing #skilled-trades #machine-learning

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Albert1436 views

How do I get started in the field of data science/big data/machine learning?

I'm a third year computer science major, and I've been trying to learn more about data science/big data/machine learning. There aren't any classes offered at the college that I'm attending that cover these topics, and I'm a little lost as to how I would get started in any of these fields. What are some resources that I could use to learn more about these fields and get a taste of what they're like? Any help would be appreciated. #computer-software #data-science #data-analysis #big-data #machine-learning #software-engineering #engineering #analytics #computer-engineering

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Rohit1557 views

What do computer- science engineers' actually do in MNCs'?

I am going to college this year in India ... I am going to take engineering (mostly computer science) as my major ... I currently don't have any exposure to what engineering is and what do they actually do in MNCs' #computer-science #engineering #coding #web-development #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning #mnc-company #amazon

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Wenge1552 views

I am thinking about either a career in Network Security or in Machine Learning?

I have few options modules to choose. Basically is Network(Network Theory, Network Security, Cryptography and Information Security) and something like AI (Pattern Recognition, Biologically Inspired Methods, Computational Models)? Please help me. I'm more interested in AI, but it seems it's a bit easy to get job for networking. #network-security #machine-learning

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Anina2647 views

Why should I learn about machine learning?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. Because I'm interested in computer science, I always hear people telling me to learn machine learning. Why should I do that, rather than just learn to be a better programmer in general? #technology #programming #machine-learning

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