Career questions tagged web-development

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Anita345 views

Why should I still learn web development in 2024?

Why should I still learn web development in 2024?

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CareerVillage Office Hours553 views

How to become a Web Developer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring web developers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Paul418 views

Why shouldi learn web development?

Websites developer

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Tom636 views

What is the best learning bath to be web developer?

Web development

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Benjimen923 views

What are some benefits and drawbacks of being a web developer compared to other IT/computer science careers?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on web developers which is a career I'm interested in going into when I get an associate's or bachelor's degree in IT.

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PRAVEEN725 views

How to get the first step towards becoming a full stack web developer I want to learn it from the scratch and do projects it the full stack web development using that I want to get a job as soon as possible That is why I am seeking experts guidance. ?

I am B.Sc(CS) graduate passed out on 2022 I want to get my job in web development but due to the It reassertion the vacancy are too low I need to enhance my skill to get the job so I am looking for a mentor where I would able to learn full stack web development from the very scratch.

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Devran426 views

What is the best type of business to start after dropping out of school??

8th grade. Currently learning Web Development full stack.

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Michael415 views

What is the best path to learn web programming?

I want to become a web developer.

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Lexsie601 views

Is it hard being a computer programmer and web developer?

Hello, my name is lexsie I am 12 years old in 7th grade, and the career I got that matched with were computer programmer and web developer. And my question is, Is it hard being a computer programmer and web developer?

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Eric1190 views

How do I get started in the tech industry coming from an unrelated field Are there any real pay to learn opportunities??

For the better part of a year I have been learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, and Swift. I am still relatively novice but Im learning quickly. The trouble is that I cant dedicate enough time to truly practice my skills because I am too busy at my other job. I am in a position in my life to be able to make the jump into tech at an entry level or lower job position if need be. Meaning I dont need a high paying position, I just need something to get my resume started and allow me to focus more time on building my portfolio. I have a background in Construction management and experience in industry standard computer programs like Excel, Word, Outlook, and various CRM tools. Are there any job titles that I can look for that will allow me to get my tech career started with what experience I have?

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Josh382 views

What is the best way to get meaningful coding experience to help land my first job?

I’m currently pursuing an Associate’s degree in Computer Science- Emphasis on Computer Programming.

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Gregory553 views

What are some best practices for optimizing code performance in a web application?


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Corey522 views

Hello, how do I make a website?

Looking to learn more about building a website!

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Elizabete348 views

What I need to know?

What I have to learn to start working as a web developer ? I am in 9 grade but i want to start some projects to put on my portifolio and get some frelances job but idk how to start. Im alredy learing javascript if that helps.

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Zion803 views

What is the tech industry like? What technical / soft skills are needed in the field? How can I prepare myself in such a oversaturated field??

I'm an sophomore majoring in computer science and data science. I basic knowledge in python, java, web development, sql, and swift.

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María435 views

What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?

What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?

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Tianna669 views

What's the nature of working in Software Development for E-Commerce?

I noticed that Developers work in various industries. I'm slightly interested in e-commerce. I like the idea of building websites and apps to help businesses have a way to sell items. What is the day-to-day of working in E-Commerce? What is the nature of the job? Would be nice to hear from software developers, or any professionals adjacent to it: Product Designers, App Developers, UX and UI, etc.

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Ariel488 views

How do I make a good website?

How do I make a website from scratch, not using any templates, and making something that is functional and a good layout. I am having difficulty knowing where to start!

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Anastasiia715 views

Do you need to take art classes for graphic or web designing?

I am a freshman in High School and one of my favorite classes is algebra, I always was an amazing student with good grades in school, love to design and be creative about all the things but also is very responsible and organized student.

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Kadiatou603 views

How to have knowledge in blockchain and web 3.0?

I didn't see any colleges offering a major boarding this subject, and it's an industry I would really love to work in. I learned everything I know about this field through Youtube and Google and am planning to try some internships to have some work experience in this field. Is there any additional way I could try to have a deeper understanding of blockchain.

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Kadiatou518 views

Which degree I should chose?

I have to choose between two colleges. College 1 offers me a Bachelor in Marketing with a minor in Business Management, and College 2 is offering an associate in Digital Marketing/advertising and Public Relations. They are both great schools and I don't which one would bring me closer to my desired field. I want to work in everything related to the web 3.0 and blockchain industry, especially in the advertisement sector and marketing campaigns on social media. I also want with the help of m y degree to open a business later in this field. Which college could ideally get me there?

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Elliot883 views

What are the main responsibilities of a web developer?

What are some day-to-day tasks a web developer might perform?

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Heidy371 views

what should I start doing/resources I can use/how should I start as a 10th grader going for a front end and even mybe a full stack web developer?

For now I have just watched videos on YouTube about different people's lives as a web developer and also started learning HTML coding.

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Bryan856 views

How to land a job after full stack web developer program?

Im going to take a full stack web development bootcamp at my local community college. Do you think I’ll have a good chance of landing a job after getting my certification?

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Kyle571 views

How i do find my way in life?

How do I go about finding my purpose in life? I love music and anything creative but don't much confidence I have what it takes.

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Ikram404 views

What do you like most about web developing ?

like what you like about most talking with clients about what they want is the time you work that you like where you work? and what are things you enjoy the most.

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Melinda416 views

Which programming languages should I focus on?

I am a junior in high school. I want to pursue a career as a software engineer. I'm currently in a fellowship where I'm learning basic web development languages and React, but I want to have more languages under my belt. Which languages would be best for me to focus my time on?

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lennye793 views

How to begin coding/start a career in tech with no experience?

What tips/advice would you give to someone who has no experience in the web development field - who would like to begin? Are there any certificates you’d recommend for beginners wanting to learn to code?

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Shaina731 views

I just got an offer! How do I tailor my resume?

I just got an offer from a recruiter yesterday. She asked me to send my resume to her email since I want to have an internship to explore the different industries. The recruiter offered me free training in web development. Although, my resume has no experience related to the "web development" field. Should I pass my current resume (the only one I have) without tailoring it or should I tailor it to that field?

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salvador479 views

what kind of experience can you attain while working as a web administrator?

#technology #web-development

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