Career questions tagged java

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Pamela561 views

what is the best source to learn programming?

i want to learn java ? any advice

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Charlotte612 views

how to be success in math and problem solving?

i learning python and java

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Balram557 views

How can I learn Java script?

What is the best way to start learning Java script online?

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Matt10622 views

What are some entry-level jobs for a math bachelor's degree?

I've just graduated with a bachelor's degree in math, and I'm looking for a job that I won't have to go back to school for. My degree's mostly been focused on pure math, and some dynamic systems/fractals. I've taken a couple classes in Python, and one class each in R, Java, and SPSS. I've also taken classes across lots of areas, so any interdisciplinary jobs might be interesting. If I have to go through a little bit of training or self-study that's alright, but I'd like to start working as soon as possible. I'd also like to have a fair amount of free-time if that's possible: just not too much overtime work. Thank you all for your advice and let me know if you have any questions for me to narrow things down!

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Harshitha485 views

How can I smartly navigate the job search process to increase my chances of securing a job?

As a Computer Science graduate student with 3.5 years of work experience as a Software Engineer, I am actively seeking a fall internship or full-time job opportunity. However, I have been facing rejections on a daily basis. I am looking for suggestions and guidance on how to smartly navigate the job search process to increase my chances of securing a job. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Below is my skillset: • Programming Languages : Java, Python, SQL, Cypher, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript • Databases : MongoDB, Neo4j, MySQL, OracleDB • Frameworks : Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, JUnit, Hibernate/JPA, REST, Hadoop, Microservices • Tools : Git, Maven, Gradle, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Jira, Postman, VS Code, Jupyter Notebook • Servers : Tomcat, Jenkins I specialize in Java programming and have extensive experience working with MongoDB and Neo4j databases. These technologies are my core areas of expertise, and I am confident in my ability to leverage them effectively in developing robust and scalable software solutions.

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Emre489 views

Is cloud technology necessary for interns or junior positions?

I am a 3rd-grade computer engineering student with knowledge of Java and backend technologies such as Hibernate, Redis, and MySQL. When I look at job applications, I often notice that cloud technologies are required, which I am currently unfamiliar with. While I have experience with Docker, I haven't used Kubernetes, AWS, or GCP. I find it challenging to learn these technologies solely through videos or self-study. Could this be a reason why I am not getting selected for interviews?

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Zion803 views

What is the tech industry like? What technical / soft skills are needed in the field? How can I prepare myself in such a oversaturated field??

I'm an sophomore majoring in computer science and data science. I basic knowledge in python, java, web development, sql, and swift.

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Yuanbiao654 views

What Languages such as C++, python, java, node js, html, etc.. should I learn first What's the order that's easiest??

A high school student that's interested in programing.

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shamarr410 views

what are some programs I can get involved in that would push me further?

I want to be a game dev and computer programmer

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Dante904 views

What are some tips on learning and improving on coding java?

I am junior and have just started to learn about Java. #computer-programming #Java #high school

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christopher4157 views

what kind of programming language would you recommend for a computer engineer thats also a freshmen in high school?

were are doing a project at school about our carrier #technology #computer-science #software-engineering #computer-engineering #programming #software-development #computer-programming #python #java #C #javascript

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Amanda2524 views

What professions would it be helpful to have a dual major in computer science and mathematics?

I'm wanting a dual major in computer science and mathematics. What kind of jobs will want or appreciate both of these degrees? I'm also minoring in education. #stem #stem-education #java #math #mathematics #computer-science #computer-programming #education #teaching #teacher #dualmajor

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Amanda1316 views

Is a dual major in Computer Science and Math a good combination?

I'm currently graduating from community college, ready to transfer to the university. My associates will be in Java. Are math and computer science a good dual major? I'm also minoring in education. #stem #stem-education #java #math #mathematics #computer-science #computer-programming #education #teaching #teacher #dualmajor

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Victoria1331 views

Job for self-taught junior java developer?

What is the best way for a self-taught Java developer without degree in computer science to get hands on the real project to gain experience? #java #java-development #core-java

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Terryn1012 views

How difficult is it to transition from Android to Apple application development?

I have developed several Android and Amazon applications but am interested in releasing on the Apple Store as well. #android #apply #technology #programming #swift #java

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ian1938 views

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?

I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software #coding #html #css #java #javascript #it-management

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Thompson2135 views

Is proficiency in Java enough to get you placed in good company?

I'm a graduate student(MS Computer Science) and I'm gonna be graduating in a year and a half and I wanted to know if there is any skill that I must have besides Java. I would like to know what are the other programming languages/skills that any employer can expect from a potential employee with a masters degree. #computer-software #career #software #software-development #development #java #android #personal-development #career-details #job-application

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Augusta1267 views

When employers list a specific GPA requirement, is it final?

I ask this because I am a electrical engineering major and I don't have a 3.0 GPA, which seems to be the threshold for most companies looking to hire college students. I would like to apply for most companies but I do not meet this requirement. I want to note that I usually don't meet this requirement and about two or three more, an my GPA is not even close to a 3.0. Does this requirement automatically disqualify me from the position or should I apply regardless of my GPA? Thank you. #computer-science #internships #tech #entry-level #java

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Paul1661 views

How can I improve my algorithm thinking?

I struggle trying to create simple algorithms. For instance, I would spend almost an entire day trying to figure out how to print an inverse right triangle with asterisks in my computer programming class while my fellow peers would solve it in 30 mins. #computer-science #programming #java #critical-thinking

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Colin1529 views

What made you want to do CS?

I am a high school senior who has just started to learn the Java language. I"m curious as to what made professionals want to learn Computer Science? #computer-science #computer #japan #java #python #cs

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Colin2651 views

Do you prefer frontend or backend of your Computer Science oriented job? Why?

I am asking this because I am trying to discern which one I will prefer. I do not have very much knowledge or resources regarding which one will be more beneficial to what I would want to do. #computer-science #computer #japan #java #python #javascript

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Blessed Joshua 1518 views

Any Tips for someone learning Mobile App Development? Specifically for Android

I am a first year Computer Science Major. #computer-science #computer-software #technology #software-engineering #software-development #java #android #mobile-applications

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Darren1323 views

Computer Programming. Where to go, what to do?

Hi! My name is Darren. I want to pursue a career in computer programming but I don't know where to start. What are the first few steps I should take? I know that a first computer language is needed but I don't know which would be the most effective or the easiest. (Java, C++, ect...) What opportunities would be available to a 11th grader in high school living in SF? Are there places or websites that I could visit to learn more? What college choice would be best close to SF? I hope you get back to me on these questions. Thank you. #programming #computer-hardware #java #developer #operating-systems #website-creation #application-developer

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Logan 1594 views

How difficult is it to find a job after college for computer programmers?

I want to go to college to learn how to program computers, but I'm wondering how the job market for computer programmers are? #computer #software #programming #java #developer

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Nigel1423 views

How does one utilize HTML, CSS, and Java for computer science?

I was learning about HTML, CSS, and Java in school and at a computer tech camp called ID Tech Camp and was very interested in gaining an understanding on these computer languages. #computer #java #html #css

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yogesh1471 views

How do I start right now to become an programmer?

I a sophomore in high school, and i am interested in learning as much as programming language as i can specially Java, and python. i tried many youtube course, and i get the basics of all of them, what would be my next move in becoming fluent with all the languages. #computers #java #python

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Stéphanie 1994 views

Is age a factor for hiring entry level computer engineers?

I am in my mid thirties with a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering but no professional experience. After graduation I worked in other fields just to gain a living. I am looking for a job as programmer, but my age and lack of hands on experience seem to block me. I had couple of internships, I have worked on some projects in my free time just to keep up with market demands, but it doesn't seem to satisfy employers. How can I break through? #computer-science #programming #computer-engineering #java

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Táo8579 views

Too good to be true opportunity? Java training and job placement.

I found on a posting looking for Java/Android developer trainees. They almost cover anything including free training(5-7weeks), accommodation, seemingly 100% job placement(with 70K+ first year salary), seemingly H1B visa and Green Card sponsorship. This sounds too good to be true to me. Can anyone help me to see if this is scam or legit ? #job #programming #java

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Jordan49770 views

What programming language should I try to learn first?

I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it depends", but I'm not sure what it depends on, and if I just want the best general option, which one do I start with? #programming #computer-programming #software-development #java #python #ruby

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