Career questions tagged computer-games

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John777 views

How much does video gamers make?

Is it possible to make a life playing games

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AMYT553 views

Where do i post my first game?

I have an idea for a visual novel game, and i am in the proces of making it. one major concern i have is where should i post the game? i am worried that some sites will cost money to put it out there.

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mills1112 views

Where do i look to get a game design/development internship and is the projects linked bellow enough?

I have experience making/designing witch can be found both on my steam page and itch page Links: my steamworkshop witch I cant link but if you search RainWorld Deadlands and click the modpage you can find one of my mods and my account witch has all of my games on it. I also have a custom TTRPG ruleset that I am designing One of those is a large public modding project with I manage and have ~40 developers and 450 people in a discord I am under 18, junior in high-school(able to graduate by the end of current school year), and taking dual enrolment classes at local collage

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Savion717 views

What is the best possible way to learn more about technology, making games, or designs online.

Best way to make games or designs.

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Ian332 views

What's the best way to start a video game designer career company-wise?

My name is Ian and I have an interest in animation

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daniel528 views

How hard it it to make your own game from scratch?

like do you have to make the gaming design and make your own pictures

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Jayson264 views

What are some position recommendations for someone who is dipping their toes into the programming field?

I am still a high school student, but I'm trying to learn semantics for potential beginner jobs in the programming field, specifically related to the creation of games/game design.

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Ender1106 views

What would be the best major to go into when I want to be a game developer?

I really want to go into game development or design but I can never find a good answer about what would be the best major to go in.

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Eliezer388 views

What are the steps to making a game and displaying it to a big community?

When it comes to game's, do you promote it with other peoples followers or do you try to gain your own audience with your skills on twitter, you tube, Etc.?

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Marion364 views

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

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Elsi439 views

What type of growth opportunities can I expect working at a video game company?

I’m a female who’s very invested in creating video games, and learning new skills in the field, I’m currently working on a game but I always wonder how far up I can take my career.

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Jacob428 views

What are some ways to become a good game designer?

Specificaly someone who wants to work on video games or computer designing.

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Braeden319 views

what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making

Hello,I was wondering what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making.I’ve always loved games and coding and would really love too be put in a situation we’re I could develop my own game for people like me too play.

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Sydney1522 views

Is designing video games any fun?

Id love to have a job I truly enjoy, so I'm split between becoming an MD or pursuing a career in video games.

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Tyler1222 views

What do i need to become a professional gaming streamer?

I like playing video games on my free time. Some say that I have potential, and I think I should embark on this journey.

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Christopher466 views

When do companies decide to develop a new update for a software?

For example, when do game developers decide when to change their style of their game?

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Alexis300 views

What information-if any- should I learn before going to college for game development?

Will be attending community college

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Jan360 views

How do I start teaching myself game development?

What are other ways to learn game development to eventually publish a game online besides earning a college degree?

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shamarr409 views

what are some programs I can get involved in that would push me further?

I want to be a game dev and computer programmer

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haley445 views

where can I learn coding without school program?

Where is a place i can learn how to code so i can be prepared for my dream job?

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Sasha492 views

How to get established

How does one start out in graphic design, a form of art, or game development in a successful way? It would be hard to start a career like that without any prior connections.

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Dean424 views

How do I get started being a Video Game Programmer?

So I'm 14, and I want to be a Video Game Programmer for a career. But the thing is, I don't know where to beginning or how to publish my first game for people to see.

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Pei Bin637 views

How can I get into software engineer or game design?

What will help me achieve my goal of becoming a software engineer or game designer?

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Brandon546 views

What do I need to do to become a videogame animator

I am a Freshman and have a good understanding on videogame designing, however; I want to know what to do on how to make cut scenes, movement and attacking animations, ect. I know how to code it into the game just don't know if I should take animation, 3d-animation or something else

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mario347 views

What area of coding or software development should I get into for video game development?

I want to get into more areas that involves game development. Im not a good graphic artist .

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malachi661 views

How do I become a professional YouTube gamer pls answer

how do i become a professional yt gamer and a better gamer? Pls answer im in the 9th grade

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ash736 views

What is being a game designer like?

what is your role for your company and what daily problems do you have to overcome.

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Hope452 views

How much time has to be put in for just coding the start out of the game?

How much of your time goes into the first steps of just coding a game

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Hope444 views

When working on game do you have to speak with a lot of people?

when you make a game do you have to speak with a lot of people during the work in progress?

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Hope381 views

Is it a struggle when putting a game on market?

After coding and making a game when you put it on market is it hard to get people to play the game if so how do you deal with it?

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