Career questions tagged games

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jude321 views

How do I connect to an Online communities to make money?

I really want to have an online side hustle to make money from the internet, really wish if some of the communities can be share to me

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John779 views

How much does video gamers make?

Is it possible to make a life playing games

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Ender1106 views

What would be the best major to go into when I want to be a game developer?

I really want to go into game development or design but I can never find a good answer about what would be the best major to go in.

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Jackson510 views

What are the credentials for being a professional gamer?

I am a junior in high school

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Braeden319 views

what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making

Hello,I was wondering what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making.I’ve always loved games and coding and would really love too be put in a situation we’re I could develop my own game for people like me too play.

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Sydney1522 views

Is designing video games any fun?

Id love to have a job I truly enjoy, so I'm split between becoming an MD or pursuing a career in video games.

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Zi'ez394 views

What steps did you take to get in your field of work?

how did you figure what career you wanted to work in?

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malachi661 views

How do I become a professional YouTube gamer pls answer

how do i become a professional yt gamer and a better gamer? Pls answer im in the 9th grade

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Hope982 views

How do I make roblox games?

Im 14 love roblox #gaming #game-design #computer-games #engineer #games

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Scout818 views

What do you do in game design?

#game-design #design #designer #gaming #games

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Jefferny649 views

Are there any tips or a heads up for people getting into the gaming industry?

Hi, I just recently graduated and I'm heading off to college to major in Game Design. I am aware of how risky it is, but it is one of the only things that I can do for hours on end and enjoy every last moment of it. I just hope I can make this work somehow. #game-design #games #video-games #college #design #technology #computer

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Elise535 views

So if I wanted to have a gaming youtube channel would Roblox be a good game to video?

I love Roblox and I love youtube. I was wondering if Roblox would be content people would like? Do yall think so? Please help me. #games #roblox #youtube

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Phiseth964 views

In game development what is the development process like?

Im a Junior in highschool and find video games and their creation really interesting since a young age and want to know more about the things that you have to do in the creation of those games. What do you on the daily? What are factors that can make your job easier or harder? How hard is the learning process to become a developer? #video-games #games #game-industry #art #programming

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Tyler543 views

How do i get viewers on my stream.

I am looking for a way to get my stream/videos recommended but I have a very small audience, where do I start? #games #marketing #advertisement #content-creation #streaming

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Richie446 views

What is the starting pay for Video game testers

#video-games #games #tester

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Ramon1446 views

What are the steps I need to become a video game developer

Hi my name is Ramon I am a student at New Endeavors and I would like to learn more about becoming a video game developer #video-games #games #tech

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Trinity508 views

What are some career fields in Rangeland Wildlife Managment that make good money and focus on being outside?

I love being outside and working with animals, currently i work and a game and parks recreation area with the horses and i love my job but would like to get paid better and to move around more and possibly work with more animals as well. Hunting and fishing is also a passion of mine. #salary #career-path #veterinary #games

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donquavis476 views

What do you have to do to become a video game designer

i love games so i thought to my self why not make em? #video-game-production #video-games #gaming #games

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Abdiel1097 views

Is a career in Video Game Design viable for living?

If I pursue a career in game design, will it help pay for bills and the like or should it just stay a hobby? #video-game-design #games #design #game-design

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joseph597 views

how the experience to watch the games will be

i have always wanted to watch a pro game #games

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goaway4188 views

What degree do i need to become a youtube gamer

Im 14 need help #youtube #games #college #video-games

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Dylan874 views

How to get a good Starting point in the field of Game Design

So i'm looking to peruse a career in Video game design and currently gonna be a senior in high school and want to know a good starting point for getting into it before going off to college. #gamedesign #games #computer-science #computer-graphics #programming #game-design #design

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Guntaz811 views

Is there a Job where you can play games for the company and give them feedback?

Because i'm very interested in games and i would like to make it a profession. #games

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Gabriel894 views

Whats the best way to get a job in game design

My dream job is to work on video games, preferably independently but experience at a major game studio would help. I was wondering what are the best things I can do right now to help me get a job at a major game studio? #games #computer-games #game-design

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Devetra936 views

How can you make your own card games?

I thought of a cool card game that I want to start a business. #business-development #games #card-games #product-innovation

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kaylen869 views

what would be more benificial aircraft engineer or a automobil engineer

I am in the six grade and I'm looking to become a engineer but I am not sure out of these two because I want the most money that I can get out of a job and what type of degree would I have to have to be a professional? #games

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Chase1615 views

How do I practice programming and making games?

Currently, all I know is a little bit of GameMaker's built in coding language, and I have a budget of 0 dollars. I've made 1 game with the help of a YouTube tutorial (an asteroids clone) and have multiple unfinished projects. I want to know the answer to these questions: What programming language should I start with and why? What game engine should I use if any (I currently make 2d games for of, and I plan to expand to 3D)? How do I practice my programming language? What are some recommendations for games to practice programming? Thank you for your time. #programming #video-games #business-development #computer-games #video-game-design #game-design #games #development

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Soghra875 views

I want to make a career in Baseball. I am very fond of that game. But the problem is that I belong to India and that sport does not exist here. Is it possible that i can join a team in any foreign country?

Interested in baseball but the sport doesn't exist in India. #sports #athletics #games #baseball

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Maitlin1975 views

What is it like to be a professional game tester?

As anyone who plays video games would be, I was excited by the prospect that playing video games could be a viable career choice. But I don't know if it would be the right career for me, since in the end it sounds like a lot of sitting down. Is it as fun as it sounds initially, does it become boring and draining, or is it more like a "thing to do" for money? #tech #video-games #game #games

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Maitlin1529 views

How does one get involved in the creation of video games?

I've always loved video games, not only as a way to take my mind off of stress, but also as a form of interactive media that can bring people together. The unique experiences and lessons I've learned from video games have helped me so much in life, that I want to do the same for others, even if it is helping with just a small part of one. But I don't know where to start, where to go, or what I should know to really start getting into the field. #tech #video-games #games

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