Career questions tagged tech

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Opeoluwa171 views

what career do i need to know be aware of for someone who as an interest in tech related field?

just help me provide insights that would be helpful

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Everyln782 views

How can I improve my tech skills?

In the tech world, how can I improve my tech skills to stand out

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Rose457 views

what is computer science

what are the requirement for computer science

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Shanah506 views

what & how to write your resume when applying for CS related jobs, when you're a self learner without any prior experience.?

I'm currently self learning web development . I don't have a Computer Science related degree. What should I put in my resume when I start applying for jobs without any prior work experience and a degree.

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Jayden740 views

How hard and how long will it take to master cyber security?

Cyber security is one of the ends i'm most interested in along with programming.

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Sanaii340 views

Is there anyone who can help me start up a free online coding program for elementary school students?

I am a member of the organization LoveTech. LoveTech is a youth organization dedicated to uplifting and supporting everyone in STEM, no matter their age or gender. Members like myself are committed to helping our communities and making sure everyone achieves tech literacy, something that is more important than ever as life grows more technologically dependent day by day (A great example is ChatGPT!). I would be interested in hosting a free coding program online to make it more accessible for students. If this seems plausible, please fill out the form: I have reached out to a few libraries and schools but haven't gotten a response back yet, so if anyone would like to help out that would be great! I would also love to recruit some volunteers for the organization as it would be a big help!

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Kyle820 views

What is it like to be a penetration tester?

Hi! I am currently looking at possibly becoming a penetration tester. What is an average day on the job look like? What skills and software should I be familiar with?

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alonzo726 views

what can i do to get in the tech industry?

hi i am Alonzo ..i would like to know how one can get into the tech industry

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Rodgers1331 views

What is the best degree in the world?

What is the best degree in the world?

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zack643 views

How long does it take?

I'm in job corps looking to take a tech course and was wondering how long it took you to find a well paying job in tech?

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Samuel592 views

How can i get a physical mentorship any digital skill?

Question on how i can have a physical mentor that will make me concentrate building my digital skills while building my social skills and making me a better person

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Mary666 views

Will artificial intelligence ever take over the world ?

Is there a likelihood of this ever happening

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Josue1198 views

As a high school senior, I would like to start my tech newsletter should I do it?

In 2022, I saw a video on YouTube about a guy who created an app like Fiverr, but just for developers. It was called CoffeeDev, and I really liked the idea. A few months later, I made a Discord server with the same name, thinking I could turn it into something big. But I got too busy with school and other stuff. In 2023, I decided to try again, but this time I wanted to make CoffeeDev a newsletter for students who are into tech stuff. I tried to get the domain, but it was taken. So, I found and made a simple website for the newsletter. But it didn't work out well because I didn't know much about newsletters and the website was slow. Now, in 2024, I'm ready to give it another shot. I want to make CoffeeDev a newsletter made by students, for students who love tech. It's going to have tips, tricks, and cool stuff to help us learn and grow together. "Blank" is the name of our newsletter. It's for developers of all levels, from beginners to pros. Written by students like us, it'll be full of helpful stuff to keep us on top of our game. "Blank" would be a newsletter that I'll send every Saturday morning. it will include coding tutorials, career advice, project showcases, interviews with industry professionals, or even fun tech-related content. Comment: Multiple people mention Researching Newsletter Platforms like Substack, Mailchimp, or Revue by Twitter, and advised on the importance of having a website. To kickstart this, I'll secure a .net domain initially, deferring the purchase of the .com domain until I have the necessary funds, considering it's priced at $3000. As for the newsletter platform, I'll begin with Beehiiv, which offers website-building capabilities. While I develop a custom website for the newsletter, Beehiiv will serve as the temporary platform, primarily for sending out newsletters. Inspired by Ericlamideas YouTube video on building a powerful newsletter (, I plan to integrate multiple APIs to enhance the functionality of the website. These APIs include Next.js for dynamic web applications, Tailwind for streamlined UI development, Sanity for content management, Beehiiv for newsletter management, Sparkloop for audience growth, Stripe for payment processing, Firebase for backend infrastructure, Calendly for scheduling, and Teachable for online courses. This integration will ensure a robust and versatile platform for delivering engaging content and services to subscribers.

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suki419 views

how much study is for lab tech ?

how much study is for lab tech ?

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Doug581 views

How do I position myself to remain relevant in the technological industry ,having expecting exponential growth in this space (technology industry) in the years to come . How do I prepare for the ever on growing changes ?

How do I position myself to remain relevant in the technological industry ,having expecting exponential growth in this space (technology industry) in the years to come . How do I prepare for the ever on going changes

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Jeannie771 views

best skills for 2024 like programmer or photoshop?

best skills for 2024 like programmer or photoshop?

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Ivy881 views

why is python necessary?

i want to lean

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Madelyn765 views

How do I get into coding?

Hello, I am asking this question to understand how do I start getting into coding and making certain things.

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Rudolph629 views

can i learn new language on youtube or online?

can i learn new language on youtube or online?

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James337 views

How can I build my CV?

What are the procedures to build my CV as a professional?

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Hannah796 views

What should I study to be a good vet tech?

I really want to be a vet tech and I wanna start studying now

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Landon710 views

What skills and experiences are most essential for someone looking to excel in the field of data science, particularly in the context of advancements in machine learning and AI?

Question writing tips

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Asrar472 views

As a professional in the tech industry, what are the key factors that have contributed to your career growth and how do you stay updated with the rapidly changing technology trends? #Spring24

"I completed my first degree in political science, and currently, I am studying for a master's degree in development policy. After completing my studies, I want to understand the current changes in technology, so I need to learn more about it."

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John777 views

How much does video gamers make?

Is it possible to make a life playing games

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Opeyemi382 views

How can I become a successful electrical engineer?

Am an electrical engineer who love to learn more in my field of study

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Erma4653 views

The importance of science and technology to our society?

I want to know the importance of science and technology to our society and the disadvantage of ai to our society and what measures or information to take in other to understanding better

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RICHARD Lee512 views

What other "Branches" of the Electrical Career should I know?

I know there are powerlines and powerboxes, however, should there be other 'branches' of the electrical field that I should know about? Electrical with vehicles, or is that still part of the auto industry? Avionics have their seperate electrical field or don't?

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Acree630 views

What is the best way to get into the Computer/technology world?

I am a senior in high school and plan to major in computer science in college. What is the best way to start coding, and how to learn it?

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Jalaa774 views

What did u find challenging about being a nail tech ?

I’m in the 9th grade and chasing my dream to become a nail technician

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Jeremiah489 views

How can I become an IT support Specialist?

I recently graduated with my Bachelor's degree in communications technology and would like to take the next step in my tech journey.

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