Career questions tagged cyber-security

For a peek inside the industry, check out Spark 101's Cyber Security Snapshot video  Read more Show less
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Jayden740 views

How hard and how long will it take to master cyber security?

Cyber security is one of the ends i'm most interested in along with programming.

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Faith831 views

What roadmap do I need to become good and get a job in cyber security

I'm still in highschool, but I'm starting to think of what next next to do after highschool.

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ylanda609 views

what is the best cyber security mechanism?

cyber security tips

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Faith327 views

What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security?

I'm currently studying a course (Chemistry), but I want to transition into Cyber security. What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security

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Jos361 views

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel?

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel

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ALVINO465 views

How can someonewho studied accountinggain admissioninto a universityto to study cyber security?

I studied accounting in high school but now I wanna get into cyber security.

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chinaka309 views

What is cyber security all about ?

Explain cyber security to me

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roger406 views

what is the biggestb issues with cyber security?

cyber tips

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Isaac589 views

How can I get started a career in cyber security... What kind of mindset can I carry into the cyber security career.?

How can I get started a career in cyber security... What kind of mindset can I carry into the cyber security career.aa

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Bethel329 views

How to be a cyber security specialist?

How is it possible to study cyber security, and what are the skills that will be required in order to achieve my dream in learning different specialization in computer science

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Puppet852 views

How do I be a part of Cyber security and what are the benefits of it?

What do you do as a person who works for Cyber security? And how do you get a job/ career in it? Why did you want the job in the first place? Are you able to work while at home? Do you have flexible hours? How much do you get paid monthly? How many years does it take to be in Cyber security? And lastly, Do I have to go to college to have a job in Cyber security?

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Jesse1473 views

How do I find out if the cyber security sector of technology is the right choice for me.?

I've been studying codes for the past year now and I'm pretty sure that I would love to get a career in the cyber security sector but I am uncertain if that would be the correct choice in this age

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Faisol773 views

How important is programming in cybersecurity?

What is also the best programming language in cybersecurity and what are the applications of programming in cyber-security.

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Faisol1026 views

Where is the best place to get free cybersecurity hands on experience?

#cyber-security #hands-on

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Faisol903 views

What aspect of cybersecurity pays the most money?

#cybersecurity #computer science #cyber

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Jana613 views

Is there any room for growth when working in Security?

I would like to know if there is any advancement or opportunities in homeland security.

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Jana812 views

Why do you want to work in Security?

I would like to know everybody's opinion when working in homeland security or as security guards.

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Kevin1724 views

What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job?

My name is Kevin, I am a 8th grader in middle school. What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job Is it worth the money to go to college for this career?

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Angel1954 views

What are the cons and pros of Information Security Analysts

Hi I am a 7th grader in middle school and I am interested in Information Security Analysts I am in 7th grade and I have been interested technology for years but I still don’t know if is this the right choice so if anybody who works as a Information Security Analyst how much do you make what are some problems you face on the job and what type of education do you need to be a Information Security Analyst

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Daniela2204 views

What are the best certificates to get an entry-level internship in cyber-security?

I'm currently a PoliSci major who wants to get an internship in the field of cyber-security, what are the best certificates to get?

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anthony293 views

What tools of the trade should I be familiar with?

I'm currently at Loring Job Corps to get training in Cisco. I'm later planning on take both Advance training programs: Cyper Security Ops and Advance Computer Systems Administration.

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Brayden367 views

How long do i have to go to colage for computer saftery and how much does it pay?

I take cyder securety in school

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A'Santi806 views

What are some internships that can set you up for a job in cyber security?

What are some internships in cyber security that are online (or in the Atlanta metropolitan area). Specifically that offer things for HS freshman.

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Lucas1234 views

What do cyber security analyst actually do in the office?

I've met quite a few people who are cyber security analysts, but I have no idea what that means. A little help?

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Chiara764 views

What are the top 3 best industries within IT?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. I want to know the best sectors or industries to work in. By industries, I mean the following areas that use information technology: - Cybersecurity - Military - Healthcare - Business - Government - Manufacturing - Oil & Gas - Advertising / Apps (i.e: FAANG companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and other social media app co.'s - & More! An industry I wanna work in is one that: - provides good work/life balance - values curiosity, learning, and well-being - is stable (meaning people don't get let go frequently)

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tommy670 views

How can i Start my career in Cyber Security?

I am Tommy a person who is a tech geek and loves everything to downloading software and a 9th grader to hopefully get taught Javascript and HTML to further jumpstart my career as a Beginner level it job to a cybersecurity specialist.

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Jay645 views

What would be the best first step to getting into the Cyber Security Field after college?

What would be the best first step to getting into the Cyber Security Field after college? I am trying to get into the field with a AA in Information Technology while working towards my Bachelor's.

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gavyn558 views

what do you do on a day to day life in cybersecurity ?

What you need in your job.

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Mahima584 views

What is Ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking, also known as white-hat hacking, is a cybersecurity practice that involves using the same methods and techniques as malicious hackers to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a computer system or network. Ethical hackers are professionals who are authorized to perform hacking activities with the purpose of identifying security flaws, which they then report to the organization or business owner, helping to improve their security posture. In this article, we will discuss the important benefits of ethical hacking. Identifying Vulnerabilities: The primary benefit of ethical hacking is that it helps identify vulnerabilities in the computer systems and networks that could be exploited by malicious hackers. By conducting a comprehensive security assessment, ethical hackers can help organizations to identify potential weaknesses and take steps to address them before a hacker can exploit them. Improving Security: Ethical hacking can help organizations to improve their security posture by identifying vulnerabilities and recommending appropriate security measures. This helps organizations to implement appropriate security controls, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption, to protect their data and systems. Cost-Effective: It is much more cost-effective for organizations to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious hackers. The ethical Hacking course in Pune allows organizations to identify vulnerabilities early, which can save them the high costs associated with data breaches, theft of intellectual property, and other cyberattacks. Compliance: Many organizations are required to comply with various industry standards and government regulations related to cybersecurity. Ethical hacking can help organizations to meet compliance requirements by identifying vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to comply with regulations. Reputation: Data breaches and cyberattacks can severely damage an organization’s reputation. Ethical hacking can help organizations to avoid such incidents by identifying vulnerabilities and implementing appropriate security measures. This can help build trust with customers and stakeholders, which is crucial for the long-term success of any organization. Proactive Security: Ethical Hacking Classes in Punef provides a proactive approach to security, which is essential in today’s constantly evolving threat landscape. By identifying vulnerabilities before they are exploited, organizations can stay ahead of potential threats and protect their data and systems from cyberattacks. Competitive Advantage: In today’s highly competitive business environment, organizations that take cybersecurity seriously and can demonstrate their commitment to security can gain a significant competitive advantage. Ethical hacking can help organizations to improve their security posture, which can set them apart from their competitors.

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Paul878 views

What are the requirements to join the NSA?

What are the requirements to join the NSA working in cybersecurity and obtain a security clearance?

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