Career questions tagged cyber-security

For a peek inside the industry, check out Spark 101's Cyber Security Snapshot video  Read more Show less
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Owen377 views

How do i become successful in the field of computers and networking?

How do I become successful in the field of computers and networking?

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Gabriel691 views

Would having a dual major degree in Computer Science and Cybersecurity & Operations have a negative impact while applying for work?

I'm wondering if hiring managers in tech might be biased against candidates with a specialized CS degree. Initially, I planned to pursue a degree in cybersecurity, but I was advised to opt for a more generalized degree. Given the course requirements, it was feasible to add a dual major, so I chose that route. Now I'm questioning whether I should reconsider my choice before it's too late. Although I'm still aiming to specialize in cybersecurity after graduation, I’m also hearing advice to remain open to unexpected opportunities in the tech field. I want to ensure I have flexibility in the future, so this decision has been weighing heavily on me.

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Clayton578 views

What education and skills does it take to become an ethical hacker?

I am in middle school and I like seeing people help companies get their firewall stronger and I wanna be a part of that percentage that helps companies.

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Gregory507 views

College or Certifications for IT Jobs?

I keep seeing that job offerings for IT jobs require a Bachelors at the least, however I keep being told that you really only need certifications. Which is it?

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Faisol1138 views

What can you do with the combination Data Analytics and Cyber security?

I previously started a career in Cybersecurity and networking and i have gone a distance in that path but recently i got an opportunity to learn data analytics, which i have started. So i want to know where both fields connect and what i can do with them and if i should just stick to one field or i should manage both.

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undefined's avatar

how can I get a cyber security job?

how can I get a cyber security job?

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Cartaleyiah390 views

What should I be doing to gain experience in my field ?

I am trying to gain my CompTIA +A certification but I don’t know what else I should be doing. I want to gain a job within the government doing IT work I just don’t know where to start.

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Noah266 views

What are some prerequisites that should be handled before entering the cybersecutiry/ethical-hacking field? And if there are any, how would I go about getting these things done?

I have been interested in entering the cyber-security field since I was young, and now I can start. Where should I begin? What do I need to know before getting started? Any advice at all would be great. Thanks.

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Tatiana215 views

What would the roadmap be to become a cybersecurity analysis?

Hello, I'm currently a student and would like to start planning out my journey to become a cybersecurity analyst. I would prefer to start working early and work my way up. What jobs would be good to get my foot in the door and what certificates/education will I need to get that first job? Also, what certificates/education should I work on while working and where should I go from there?

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Joshua522 views

What should I expect by entering into the world of computers?

I'm a student here at Columbia Basin jobcorps, I have my high school diploma and I'm considering taking Cisco for a trade. What does a typical workday look like in this field? what preparation steps should I take before entering this line of work?

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Mostafa398 views

What is a good roadmap for devops?

I have basic to intermediate knowledge about the field in general, but i havent been using a roadmap so i have been wandering from course to course, which is why i need a clear and simple roadmap to guide my path. Thanks in advance!

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Jayden859 views

How hard and how long will it take to master cyber security?

Cyber security is one of the ends i'm most interested in along with programming.

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Faith1164 views

What roadmap do I need to become good and get a job in cyber security

I'm still in highschool, but I'm starting to think of what next next to do after highschool.

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ylanda663 views

what is the best cyber security mechanism?

cyber security tips

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Faith408 views

What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security?

I'm currently studying a course (Chemistry), but I want to transition into Cyber security. What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security

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Jos405 views

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel?

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel

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ALVINO1027 views

How can someonewho studied accountinggain admissioninto a universityto to study cyber security?

I studied accounting in high school but now I wanna get into cyber security.

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chinaka348 views

What is cyber security all about ?

Explain cyber security to me

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roger504 views

what is the biggestb issues with cyber security?

cyber tips

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Isaac916 views

How can I get started a career in cyber security... What kind of mindset can I carry into the cyber security career.?

How can I get started a career in cyber security... What kind of mindset can I carry into the cyber security career.aa

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Bethel377 views

How to be a cyber security specialist?

How is it possible to study cyber security, and what are the skills that will be required in order to achieve my dream in learning different specialization in computer science

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Puppet958 views

How do I be a part of Cyber security and what are the benefits of it?

What do you do as a person who works for Cyber security? And how do you get a job/ career in it? Why did you want the job in the first place? Are you able to work while at home? Do you have flexible hours? How much do you get paid monthly? How many years does it take to be in Cyber security? And lastly, Do I have to go to college to have a job in Cyber security?

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Jesse1558 views

How do I find out if the cyber security sector of technology is the right choice for me.?

I've been studying codes for the past year now and I'm pretty sure that I would love to get a career in the cyber security sector but I am uncertain if that would be the correct choice in this age

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Faisol879 views

How important is programming in cybersecurity?

What is also the best programming language in cybersecurity and what are the applications of programming in cyber-security.

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Faisol1756 views

Where is the best place to get free cybersecurity hands on experience?

#cyber-security #hands-on

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Faisol1129 views

What aspect of cybersecurity pays the most money?

#cybersecurity #computer science #cyber

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Jana680 views

Is there any room for growth when working in Security?

I would like to know if there is any advancement or opportunities in homeland security.

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Jana1486 views

Why do you want to work in Security?

I would like to know everybody's opinion when working in homeland security or as security guards.

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Kevin1927 views

What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job?

My name is Kevin, I am a 8th grader in middle school. What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job Is it worth the money to go to college for this career?

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Angel2950 views

What are the cons and pros of Information Security Analysts

Hi I am a 7th grader in middle school and I am interested in Information Security Analysts I am in 7th grade and I have been interested technology for years but I still don’t know if is this the right choice so if anybody who works as a Information Security Analyst how much do you make what are some problems you face on the job and what type of education do you need to be a Information Security Analyst

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