Career questions tagged information-security

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Cody472 views

What would you say your biggest strength is that has helped you develop your career as an information security analyst?

I understand that complex problem-solving and critical thinking skills are pretty much essential when it comes to any IT field. Are their any skills that I may not have considered or that you think are underappreciated in your field? What would you consider your top 3 skills of this trade?

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undefined's avatar
Cody408 views

Which steps have you taken in order to become an information security analyst?

I understand that you need to at least have a bachelor's degree for the most part to fill this role, but I'm curious about how you went about furthering your career from the ground up to the career. Did you take another entry level job? Because I understand that a lot of companies require their information security analysts to have 4-5 years of experience in a related field in order to be employed.

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undefined's avatar
Daniel1148 views

How common are promotional opportunities in the field of Cyber Security (e.g: promotion wise)

Hello my name is Daniel I am a current Cyber Security prospect and would appreciate information on how consistent or common promotional opportunities are. Any information helps, Thank you for your time.

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undefined's avatar
Daniel606 views

What additional training/certifications/classes should I take to further my career in Cyber Security

Hi my name is Daniel I am a current cyber security prospect, I am looking to build myself, as well as my portfolio in the field and would appreciate any information or tips for a strong lucrative start. Thank you for your time.

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undefined's avatar
Daniel1995 views

Does working in Cyber Security give you more or less time for your life

Hello my name is Daniel I am a current Cyber Security prospect and would like to know if and how working in Cyber Security has affected your time work-wise and socially. (e.g: work hours/free time) Any information helps, Thank you for your time.

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undefined's avatar
Jacob636 views

Where in the US is demand for Information Security Analysts/Network Security Analysts the highest right now?

#information-technology #cyber-security #network-security #information-security

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undefined's avatar
Omar674 views

Information Security Conventions for beginners?

What are some of the best InfoSec cons for people gaining interest in this field? #Information-security

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undefined's avatar
Omar567 views

Best resources for developing in Information Security?

Such as resources for learning specific programming/scripting languages (Python, Perl, bash), sites for knowledge in skills like cryptography, pen-testing, pcap analysis, etc. #information-security

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Harry1483 views

How much money will I need to complete my Bachelor Degree in Cyber-Security

I am almost out of .money and I need to know how much more money is it going to take for me to reach my goal #information-security #information-technology-and-services #computer #cybersecurity #computer-and-network-security #computer-networking #cyber-security

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Armando1022 views

What can I do to prepare and acquire a cyber security internship?

I'm halfway through my first year in my Cyber Security Master's program and I want to take any necessary steps to obtain the experience that I need to acquire a great job after graduation. I've never had any experience with applying to internships, specifically in cyber security and related areas prior to now and I want to be as informed as I can be in terms of what companies are looking for in their candidates. I would appreciate any advice I can get to better prepare myself and stand out in this competitive field. Thank you! #cyber-security #information-security #internships #cybersecurity #cyber-crime #cybersecurity-workforce-development #cyber

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Gwendolyn1105 views

How do I get more information about becoming a Private Investigator/Detective?

I am a Cyber Security Student with Corporate experience in Information Security. I was wondering if the CIA or NSA are the places to look into? #criminal-justice #information-security #cyber-security #citi #women-in-tech

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nicholas1593 views

how would i go about becoming an ethical hacker

i have always been interested in the idea of hacking #technology #cyber-security #computer-security #network-security #information-security #it-security

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Eric1520 views

What is the best path for a student of information technology or related field that wishes to start a career in Information Security?

I am graduating soon, and want to work in Information Security. What certifications, if any, are required/appropriate? Should I get programming work experience before attempting to move into Information Security? Is there any other advice that you can give that might help me break into the field? #cyber-security #information-security #cybersecurity

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a2639 views

Would it be wise to take AP Calculus to pursue a career in Information Technology?

Hi, I just became a senior in high school and have plans to pursue a career in IT security. I have a choice to take AP Calculus this year. My other options are Business Math or Statistics. Would Calculus be a helpful course to prepare for an IT career? I know it is not a mandatory course to take, like it would be for someone entering Computer Science. But I have looked at other discussions and many people says that it helps you think differently. Thank you for any advice and comments. #information-technology #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #information-security #it-security

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Anne2364 views

How should I figure out what job I should do within cybersecurity?

I'm currently a junior in high school and i'm very intrigued by a career in cyber security because i've been told that this is a really good field to get into, but i'm not exactly sure what job options are available to me within cyber security. I'm thinking about marketing.. but I'm not set on that career choice. Is that even an option? How did you figure out what you wanted to do? Are there jobs that are harder to get than others in this industry? What job do you do and how do you like it? #technology #marketing #cyber-security #computer-security #network-security #information-security

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Ivan2390 views

I am interested in Computer Science and Information Security, which one is better to go into?

I have an interest for both CompSci and InfoSec, yet I have this problem: I am interested in both. I am not sure which one to pursue? Can anyone help me answer this? #computer-science #information-security

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