Career questions tagged knowledge

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Alphonso497 views

What are some of the best things you learned about your trade and how you built your network?

I did this question because I wanted to know more about the topic of EV and what steps someone in that field took to achieve that knowledge/build a network to receive more knowledge from someone else with more experience

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Izabela526 views

How can I best prepare myself for working in the world of counseling?

Just graduated high school. Going to major in psychology next academic year in university. I am really interested in counseling and as I continue studying I will be able to figure out how to narrow down what kind of counseling I want my focus to be. I want to be doing things outside of school that will also be helping me to prepare for the counseling world. Any suggestions? Thank you!

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brandon277 views

how to learn english in college?

questions english tips

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Bryan276 views

Best ways to prepare for college?

I want to know what I should be doing to be college ready

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hannah595 views

what is the best place t earn and learn english?

english tips in career

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meaghan235 views

what things helped you achieve the place you are in right now ?

i really want to become a trauma surgeon and graduate with high honors . any advice will be helpful

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Bella433 views

where the best things i have to learn about designer?

like photoshop

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Aniya705 views

What is the main thing I need to include in my college essay?

I am a junior in high school and my favorite classes are math and science. My hobbies are reading, writing and hair styling. I want to major in either psychology, nursing, or information technology.

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Jayden590 views

How can I be the most successful in this field?

I am going for Pharmacy Technician and want to know how I can be the most successful within that occupation?

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Zuri556 views

What are the best universities if im considering medical school?

I'm in highschool and I want to start thinking about college but I don't know which ones are good.(I also want to go to a hbcu)

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Kaia2651 views

Do you have to go to college to be a 911 dispatcher if so what are the best colleges to attend?

I want to be the person to answer the 911 calls, but I'm not sure if I have to attend college in order to do this.

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Love479 views

How do I get an high paying job at such an young age?

Someone help me and tell me what to write for my questions because idk and Im broke and I need food so you I really need help with how to do this stuff idk

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Felicia351 views

How should I start college?

"To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you too may one day be president of the United States." – George W. Bush

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Bekka641 views

What should I do after I’m done with high school ?

I’m interested in learning about the medical field or welding.

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brinson569 views

How should I differentiate myself from other students to arouse colleges' interest in me?

How should I differentiate myself from other students to arouse colleges' interest in me? I swim year round, play varsity baseball and basketball, and have a 4.0 but i have no interest on NCSA.

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Dallas289 views

What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter the carpentry field?

asking for an assignment at SJ Job corps

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Douglas386 views

What should I do in college that many don't?

I am planning going to college but I need more knowledge

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Ellie316 views

Where can I find study guides to help my personal expanse of classical literature before I start Lit classes in college?

I hope for maybe a free online site or a good recommended bookstore

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Noah442 views

How do I mentally prepare for the classes in college?

mostly the generalized classes first.

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Cody472 views

What would you say your biggest strength is that has helped you develop your career as an information security analyst?

I understand that complex problem-solving and critical thinking skills are pretty much essential when it comes to any IT field. Are their any skills that I may not have considered or that you think are underappreciated in your field? What would you consider your top 3 skills of this trade?

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Nathaly430 views

What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter the dentistry field?

I want to start preparing as much as I can for my future career. I hope to get some information to be well educated in the dentistry industry.

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Pablo Edrei576 views

How can I become omniscient?

How can I become omniscient?

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Casandra642 views

what skills for medical assisting do you have that accomplished you for this capacity?

I can use all the tips and advice

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Elizabeth415 views

How do events affect the amount of pay(if they do so)?

If one week is less eventful than the other and less work needs to be done, does it affect the amount of pay an investigator receives?

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Elizabeth526 views

How does the amount of education effect your position as a criminal investigator?

The educational requirement to be an investigator is simply having a GED or a high school diploma. Is there any other education that may be needed? Any certifications?

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Elizabeth931 views

What does a typical day as a criminal investigator consist of?

I realize that being a criminal investigator isn't exactly how it's show on the media, so what is it really like?

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nyliyah702 views

how to become a detective ?

how to become a detective , like someone who figure things out

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Darnell682 views

What are the Do's and Don'ts of Culinary?

I would appreciate some tips from experienced cooks that would be useful in the field or good information to know.

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Shaina611 views

Where do I find internships or immersions?

Greetings! I am a Grade 12 student in the STEM fields. I want to start my journey by looking for free and virtual internships and Immersion in the STEM or ABM field to expand my knowledge and skillset in these industries. My school currently does not provide these opportunities. Any experience will do as I am starting out. You may contact me via LinkedIn by searching my name. Thank you and Have a nice day!

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Lakiriaha420 views

What can be done to improve your knowledge as a detective?

I want to be prepared with what I have to work on for myself?#knowledge

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