Career questions tagged criminal-investigations

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arianna602 views

what does it take to become a crime-investigator and what are the other jobs that are like this?

? im a 15-year-old girl who always has, and I mean always been interested in crime documentation and investigations, but I don't know how I would start it honestly. I know I would never want to be a police officer because Im kind of scared of them based on the past and the salary, I know it would take time but what would I do even to start this? I would love to help people get closure and be an investigator but it seems to me that it's police work first I'm just so confused about how I feel about this. what do I need for college credits? where would I even go?

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stephanie367 views

What should I do to get to my end goal?

My end goal is to become a criminal behavior analyst or a Criminal Investigator. I currently am in school earning a bachelor’s in Criminology and Behavioral Healthcare. With an Associates in Criminal Justice already. I was wondering if getting a job as a CPI ( child protective investigations will help me land a job in behavior analysis or criminal investigations easier ?

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Sydney296 views

How do you proceed a case if the victims won’t give you any evidence or information?

How do you get your client to share the information you need to win the case

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Pria272 views

How do I know if I'm cut out for my dream job?

I've always loved criminal psychology. The real life one and the shows. How do I know if I'm cut out to be around criminals all day? What are the biggest challenges to doing this?

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Miranda937 views

Which degree(s) will I need to go into the criminal psychology/criminology field?

There are a lot of different degrees regarding this field and I’m not sure what or which colleges and degrees to look at. It would be helpful if I could get suggestions as to which colleges/universities and degrees to look further into.

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Dorothy820 views

What is the typical day in the life of an investigative journalist?

I am a sophomore in high school; I want to become an investigative journalist. I am currently interning at a non-profit where I report on topics such as poverty, poverty alleviation and other worldly issues, but I really want to get a feel for "digging" up stories that could possibly make a greater impact. What would this look like and how does this look like for you?

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Grace407 views

Studying Psychology in college

What are good college majors to get jobs in psychology?

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Kimberly623 views

What do you need to graduate with in order to study criminology?

Ive been doing really great lately in all my classes! Ive been enjoying taking geometry lately and I wanna study criminology one day after highscool.

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Madyson380 views

Federal Government or Investigator/ College

What college courses should I be taking to work for the federal government as an agent or investigator?

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Elizabeth415 views

How do events affect the amount of pay(if they do so)?

If one week is less eventful than the other and less work needs to be done, does it affect the amount of pay an investigator receives?

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Elizabeth526 views

How does the amount of education effect your position as a criminal investigator?

The educational requirement to be an investigator is simply having a GED or a high school diploma. Is there any other education that may be needed? Any certifications?

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Elizabeth931 views

What does a typical day as a criminal investigator consist of?

I realize that being a criminal investigator isn't exactly how it's show on the media, so what is it really like?

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Chassity572 views

How long should you being involved in the law enforcement before trying to promote to a K9 Officer or Criminal Investigator?

As a college student, I'm now working harder to get involved with the police department. Within the past few years, two of my options/passions were to become a K9 Officer or Criminal Investigator. However, I'm not sure how long something like that would take. What is an estimate?

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Amayagrace2275 views

I want to be a criminal investigator. I read I need to go to the police academy to become a patrolman and then be promoted to a detective but I don't necessarily want to become a police officer. Is there ways I can become a criminal investigator without the police academy and promotion?

I read about becoming a criminal investigator and plan to get a psychology degree as well as criminal justice. I know I can become a social work investigator but I'm not sure if this would work well to become a criminal investigator after this job. If there is anyone who has experience in these fields I would love your advice!

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Giovanna1498 views

If you study criminal justice can you become a forensic scientist?

#criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #forensic #forensic-science

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Michael971 views

I want to know how to become one who investigates crime but also goes out into the field to do the arrest. What career should I pursue?

I'm asking because I'm in high school and would like to start taking the right classes I need to take #criminal-investigations #criminal-justice #police #law-enforcement #investigations

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isacc1071 views

How would I apply to become a forensic analyst after I got my degree?

I'm curious as to how I would become a forensic analyst after i got my degree. What I mean is that I'm confused as to where I would go to apply and how I would learn how to do my job. I'm also curious as to whether I'd need to travel long distances to investigate crime scenes. #forensic-analysis #law-enforcement #crime-scene-investigation #criminal-investigations #forensic

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Diamond793 views

Is there any challenging that any FBI agent faces ?

I want to know are there any challenges any FBI agent faces when they are on duty? Are there emotional times when they see things happen from someone they don't even know? Is there tension between 2 FBI agents or them having tension with someone else? #fbi-agent #criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #criminology

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june873 views

What is the best way to become a detective?

I want to become a detective to help investigate and solve serious crimes. What is the best way to get there .To become a detective do someone work up to the career or start from college. What is the best route to become a detective? #detective #police #criminal-justice #criminal-law #criminal-investigations

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My'Lirea1362 views

What do you like most about being a private investigator ? What do you like least about it ?

Hi, I am a high school student and I want to be a private investigator. I would like to know more of pro's and con's about this specific career. #private-investigations #criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #private-detective .

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khalia1013 views

what are the best colleges offering forensic science programs and are any summer programs that would help me better understand what i would need to do in order to major/study this in college?

When I first started high school, I wanted to become a pediatrician, but as the years went on I became more interested in forensics. I want to pursue forensic science/ criminal science as a career but I don't know where to start. #college #forensic #criminal-investigations

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Azandia799 views

What are some good colleges to go to , to earn a masters in forensics

What a good college to go to is #lawyer #criminal-justice #forensic #criminal-investigations

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Trisha1028 views

What education requirements, college degrees, licenses are needed for your career as a Forensic Toxicologist?

I am asking this question because I want to be a Forensic Toxicologist and I want to know how the job actually feels once you have it as a career. #chemistry #forensic #criminal-investigations #career

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Lindsay2099 views

Do I have to study chemistry or biology in college to become a Forensic Scientist?

I have been debating over whether it will be easier to find work in this field if I major in a strictly science subject, or if I can major in criminal justice/criminology and still achieve the same goal. #science #biology #chemistry #forensic #college-majors #japan #criminology #criminal-investigations #crime-scene-investigator

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Andrea1925 views

Special Agents vs Crime Scene Investigators

Is there a difference between the two? If so, what is/are they? #college #university #federal-government #crime #criminal-investigations #federal-agent

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Cayman2536 views

I want to work in the BAU but i have a lot of questions

I want to work in the BAU as a "profiler" I want to work on making profiles for unidentified/identified suspect. I want to work in the field and see the crime scenes and help catch the criminals. I want to work on serial murder cases, rape cases, abduction cases, typically any violent crime case. It may seem crazy but its been my dream for a while and i have a few questions about it. I want to know if having a Doctorates degree in Criminal Justice will help me or if being a field agent in the BAU is even possible. I'm young and need to stark thinking of what i want to be and what college to go to. #psychology #criminal-justice #fbi #crime #criminal-investigations #investigation #special-agent #violent-crime

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Christina1152 views

What do you wish you had known before you went in to law enforcement?

I am currently in college and hope to pursue a career in law enforcement. I have looked up different law enforcement agencies, but I don't know which one is a good fit for me. What are some things you wish you had known before you went into law enforcement? Or before you picked a specific agency? #law #police #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #criminal-investigations

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Lilian850 views

What is the best i should take if i want to become a detective?

Im a high school senior and i want to know what the best option for this career is. It has been on my mind lately and i would lik to know more about it. #law #criminal-justice #detective #criminal-investigations

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Sarah1110 views

Is there a large variety and availability of jobs if I have a Forensic and Investigative Sciences degree?

This is the field I plan on studying and I am curious as to what my future would be after attaining my degree. #forensic #forensic-analysis #criminal-investigations #forensic-investigation

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Quashika3072 views

Are there different ranks in being a crime scene investigator or are they on the same level?

I want to know about the ranks/ promotions. #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #criminal-investigations

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