Career questions tagged fbi

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Thomas228 views

What do you teach as a law enforcement teacher?

I am curious as to what laws and practices they would teach their students concerning laws and law enforcement.

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alyna319 views

What is the day of a Behavior Analyst working for the FBI like?

I'm curious and want to gain inside knowledge of what it's like before I pursue this career! Is it scary, exciting, rewarding, dangerous? How long did it take to become a behavior analyst for the FBI? Was it hard? I'm trying real hard to dig deep into this career and anything will help!

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Melissa325 views

What jobs are there in the forensic field?

I want to major in forensics and what career can I make out of it?

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khloe299 views

What does a criminal profiler need to go out to the field ?


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Amy387 views

What degrees for becoming a police officer?

I want a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree and maybe even a Master of Criminal Justice degree. Should I go to a community college for my first two years of undergraduate education and then move to a 4-year college for my bachelor's/master's? Are the degrees even necessary? Also, since I'm going to start as a cop and then move up to homicide detective or maybe even as an FBI (special) agent, what classes should I take? What colleges are good for my degree? I really like writing, but my parents say a writer can't live off of books. So I guess it could be a hobby kind of thing. I'm also planning to take 4 years of study in French (of high school). What should I major in? Should I also minor in other studies and if so, which ones?

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Annika234 views

What can I do to get myself to my future job in law enforcement??

Like, how do I prepare for it?

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Autumn329 views

What should I major in if I want to go into the FBI?

What should I major in if I want to go into the FBI

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Makayla437 views

What are your favorite and least favorite things you do as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school who is interested in forensic science. I would like to learn more about what exactly you do to make sure I will enjoy it. I am thinking about one day applying to work for the FBI as a forensic analyst.

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Makayla262 views

How much work do you do outside of paid hours as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school who is very interested in forensic science. I would like to one day work for the FBI as a forensic analyst.

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Austin589 views

As an FBI agent/profiler, would you spend a lot of time away from home and family?

I’m a junior in high school and was wanting that as a career but was concerned with not being home with the wife and kids in the future.

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Autumn636 views

What should I do if I want to join law enforcement such as the FBI?

What steps should I take

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Autumn995 views

What steps should I take if I want to become a FBI Agent

Step by step on what should I do if I want to pursue a career in the FBI

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Luis677 views

What can I do to increase my chances of getting accepted as a special agent in the fbi?

I am a senior in highschool, and I got accepted to study criminology and Justice studies. I have gone through the page and I would like some tips to increase my chances of getting into the FBI

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Janelle531 views

How do i become apart of the FBI Do I need to be a cop before or do I have to have some other experience?

I am in 12th grade.

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Elizabeth357 views

What kinds of classes in college should you take to be in Public Relations for the FBI?

Also what are the qualifications

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Pria2097 views

What should I study for Criminal Psychology?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to become a criminal behavior profiler. I want to learn about how criminals think & what leads them to do what they do. I know that it can take a huge toll on you, but what other challenges to people in this field, & what I should study in college or what high school courses would help.

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Pria769 views

What are some of the hardest things someone in Criminal psychology does/faces ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm trying to plan out my future. I really want to do criminal psychology and something in the FBI. I want to help criminal cases and save people or help people that need it. I want to learn more about how criminals think and act. I mostly want to work in the Behavioral analysis unit but I'm wondering what some of the hardest things they do/face are? If anyone could help answer this that would be great!!

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Ellanor364 views

What jobs that are in the FBI that don't require the PFT or any physical training but can also gain me great experience in the field? Also, is there a good job/major that can help you chances getting into the FBI in some field?

I am a 9th grader taking high school and college courses in a dual-enrollment program. I am looking for a law enforcement related job

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Zoe304 views

Was all the schooling worth it?

My plan is to get some kind of degree in Psychology. I may even go as far as a PhD I'm still not sure. I want to join the FBI and study criminal behavior. Analyze behavior and predict violent criminal's next moves to catch them.

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Itzel214 views

How many years to be a full agent?

how many time will take to be ready for be an fbi agent.? What things to they really do to be an fbi.?

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Gabriel320 views

What jobs are like MARSOC?

What jobs are like a MARSOC special operations officer that are not in the military? This is asking about things in agencies like the FBI, CIA, and DEA.

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Autumn488 views

What do FBI profilers make?

Is being a Fbi profiler a good career choice?

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CJ310 views

To be FBI or CSI, do we have to be some type of previous law enforcement prior to applying for or being recruited for those careers?

literally that question?

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Cece463 views

Are there any career options where I can be a writer or designer and also work in the field of crime and mystery?

I am a freshman in college currently undecided on my career path. I have a wide number of interests so I’m in the process of exploring. My main interests are in interior design and writing. However, I do also loveee mysteries/crime solving. For right now, I just want want to learn how or if it’s possible to combine two of my interests(writing and mystery/crime or design and mystery/crime) together as a career. For instance, I’ve heard about investigative journalism but I am oblivious to anything else writing or design related in the field of criminal work.

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demi273 views

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? ?

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work? How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? #fbi #crime

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Marek343 views

What is your favorite and least favorite aspect of being a Digital Forensics Analyst?

I'm a San Jose Job Corps student, looking into this career option. Thank you!

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Marek332 views

How do you deal with all the information you come across with as a Digital Forensics Analyst?

Thank you for your answers.

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Aiden369 views

what when why and How much effort do i have to do to get into law enforcement?

What do I have to do to get into law enforcement. Why do I have to do it. When is the police academy hiring what age. How long will it take to get into law enforcement.

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T'oni585 views

What requirements do you need to work in the Healthcare/ Forensics field?

I want to study forensics or nursing when I go to college.

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khalil595 views

military and law enforcement ?

how did you get to where your at right now

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