Career questions tagged forensic-analysis

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Makayla437 views

What are your favorite and least favorite things you do as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school who is interested in forensic science. I would like to learn more about what exactly you do to make sure I will enjoy it. I am thinking about one day applying to work for the FBI as a forensic analyst.

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Makayla262 views

How much work do you do outside of paid hours as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school who is very interested in forensic science. I would like to one day work for the FBI as a forensic analyst.

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Makayla355 views

What does an average day in your job look like as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school. I am very interested in forensic science but do not know for sure if it is the right fit.

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Lauren788 views

How to gain experience related to forensic science?

Shadowing and internship opportunities for forensics is limited because their work is confidential. Any way for me to learn more about forensics? Thanks!

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isacc1071 views

How would I apply to become a forensic analyst after I got my degree?

I'm curious as to how I would become a forensic analyst after i got my degree. What I mean is that I'm confused as to where I would go to apply and how I would learn how to do my job. I'm also curious as to whether I'd need to travel long distances to investigate crime scenes. #forensic-analysis #law-enforcement #crime-scene-investigation #criminal-investigations #forensic

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Azandia847 views

How long would i have to be in college to get my masters

How long I have to stay to succeed #forensic #forensic-analysis #crime-scene-investigation

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Felicia3186 views

How does a week look for a blood splatter analyst?

I am writing a research paper on my future career I am hoping to get a insight on how a day looks in the life of a splatter analyst. Your hours,does geography affect the job. How often do you go to court. Thank you #forensics #forensic-analysis #forensic-pathology

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Sharlene1351 views

I am pursuing a major in Public Health for my undergraduate degree, however I am also interested in becoming a forensic scientists. How could I pursue this?

I have been interested in forensics for a while, however I have decided to pursue a public health major for my undergraduate degree due to my interest in public health as well. I am wondering if there are any recommendations for becoming a forensic scientist from a public health bachelors degree. #forensic #forensic-analysis #forensic-pathology

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Celeste889 views

As a forensic anthropologist, do you feel satisfactory by solving a case? When presenting information on a case, do forensic anthropologists get nervous?

As a junior in high school a forensic anthropologist is my ideal career choice. Before making a final decision on my future career choice I would like to know more information about it than what the internet gives me. To get a better understating of this job and to get information from people who are involved in that job. #criminology #forensic-analysis

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Amanda3119 views

With a forensic science degree with a concentration in biology, what is to be expected job-wise?

I intend to major in forensic science (biology, not chemistry), but even after quite a lot of research, I'm finding it quite difficult figuring out what exactly one does if they have biology as the concentration (for the major). I prefer biology over chemistry, so I'm just wondering if a major in forensic biology would allow me to collect and possibly analyze trace evidence such as fingerprints, blood, fibers, etc. I've also found that crime scene technicians/investigators are usually just police officers who've been working for many years and are given the job of collecting evidence, so does this mean I would first have to become an officer before I can work at crime scenes? I know this is a lot, but I'm really interested in the collecting aspect (more so trace evidence than DNA) , so would a major in forensic biology allow me to work in both a lab and at crime scenes? I also have one more question. A lot of sources claim that forensic chemists work primarily in labs, so I was wondering if this is true for forensic biologists as well. #biology #chemistry #forensics #laboratory #forensic-analysis #crime-scene-investigator #analyst #evidence

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Rebecca825 views

I understand that as a Forensic Biologist you are looking at DNA and the small micro details to solve a crime, however, how often does this evidence actually lead to a great discovery that solves the case?

I want to be a Forensic Biologist. I know what the job implies, but I really want to know how often the evidence actually leads to solving the crime. #professor #forensicscientist #criminologist #dnaanalysist #forensic #forensic-chemistry #forensic-analysis #biology #law-enforcement #criminal-justice

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Trisha1302 views

What are the most important skills and abilities required for a Forensic Toxicologist?

I am asking this question because in the future I want to be a Forensic Toxicologist and I want to be prepared with the right skills to get the job. #chemistry #criminal-justice #forensic-analysis #criminal-investigation

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Silas1099 views

Is a better choice to graduate in a school with a biotechnology program or a school that has just a biology major and concentration in Biotech

Am a junior college student majoring in Biotechnology. Am asking my question because I want to make a better choice for my degree #tech #marine-biology #biotechnology #laboratory #forensic-analysis

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Onyinye923 views

How can someone get C++certified even though he or she is not a computer science major? Will having this advantage help with interview?

I took a c++ programming class and saw the benefits of learning to write codes for certain applications. I have a better understanding of how many technology work and the programs responsible for running them. I wish to apply what I have learned to the forensic field, but I do not wish to go into cyber. #computer #technology #forensic #forensic-analysis

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jasmine1865 views

What jobs could I get with a forensics degree?

I plan to major in forensics. #forensics #forensic-analysis #forensic-psychology #computer-forensics #forensic-pathology #forensic-chemistry

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Kirsten1109 views

How long does it usually take to get a job in the forensics field after graduating college?

I'm very anxious to start a career in forensics and I would love to know how long it usually takes to get a job after graduating. #forensic #forensic-analysis #forensic-psychology

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Kirsten1174 views

How do I prepare myself for a career in forensic sciences?

It would be helpful to know what classes are recommended for me to take in college and any advise from professionals that may help me in the future. #forensic #forensic-analysis #forensic-psychology

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Sarah1110 views

Is there a large variety and availability of jobs if I have a Forensic and Investigative Sciences degree?

This is the field I plan on studying and I am curious as to what my future would be after attaining my degree. #forensic #forensic-analysis #criminal-investigations #forensic-investigation

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Alyssa1075 views

what are the courses I should take before applying for the FBI?

I want to join the FBI and I am not sure what exactly to take while in college. #law-enforcement #government #fbi #forensic-analysis #csi

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Amanda5595 views

What is the work schedule for a Forensic Scientist like? What's the best part of the job? What's the worst part? What commonly occurs? Do all forensic scientists appear in court at least once in their careers, or are there some that don't ever?

I'm a current college freshman majoring in Biology. I am highly interested in going into the Forensic Science profession; no specific choice of emphasis (DNA analysis, fingerprinting, etc.) I was considering changing my major to forensic science to get a more in depth education. However, before I do that I would like more insight on forensic science. I'm very hardworking, organized, attentive, and determined (I don't like leaving work unfinished); I feel like these are good qualities for the career. Also, the idea of finding answers and giving victims and their families closure or declaring a person of interest innocent is appealing to me. #forensics #forensic-analysis #forensic-science #forensic-scientists

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