Career questions tagged professor

Typically an educator at college institutions, a professor possesses a Masters or Doctorate degree in their field of expertise. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Gavin273 views

How to be a professional Footballer?

There are so many way of becoming a professional footballer like Robert Lewandowski

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Ava514 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or extracurriculars would you recommend in high school to prepare me? I am a little lost on what classes will be helpful in the long run.

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Julie395 views

What should we look for in a college as a History major?

Hi, I’m trying to help my son figure out his path to and through college. He is a history buff and his goal is to get a PhD Or doctorate in history. During our research we found a lot of Grad programs and I’m wondering if there are any specific programs or courses we should look into for undergrad to start the way. Any feedback would be appreciate! Thank you!!

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Tedd786 views

How to manage my money better?

How to manage my money better?

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Ogunleye255 views

What are the qualifications of becoming a teacher?

Qualifications of becoming a teacher

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Md251 views

How can i make a good ielts score?

How can i make a good ielts score?

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Charly416 views

How can I get a research opportunity or internship with a professor or company as a high school student?

Hi, I am an high school junior interested in conducting a research or interning in the engineering field this summer, but I’m not sure where to start or how to go about it. I contacted a lot of engineering firms around me and most of them either don’t do internships or don’t have any openings. I don’t have any research questions I specifically want to study, so I was thinking about emailing professors at nearby universities/colleges about joining their research but I’m afraid it might only be limited to students of that university with some sort of experience. I’m also worried that it might be too late since the university’s spring semester around me (their current semester) has just ended. Should I still try and email professors about to join their research, and if so, how? Or should I keep contacting more firms around me? What do you think I should do?

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Tonya205 views

What are the benefits of getting a PhyD verses a Ph.D?

Ultimately I would like to become a university professor and teach a class on how to have positive approaches to conflict resolution. Which degree will help me be a qualified candidate?

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Stephen631 views

can i learn new skills in one month?

can i learn new skills in one month?

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Kayode506 views

What are the steps I need to take to become a professor in chemistry ?

How do I go about be on top of my academic career

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Katherine549 views

best course for 2024 ?

what is the best course can i take and learn new skills

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Evelyn551 views

Qualifications of being an architect ?

What best colleges can i apply for a course in accounting

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Charly410 views

How does one (a high school student) gain real-life experience in the engineering field?

Hi, I'm a high school junior who wants a real-life experience/job/internship in the engineering field to help me understand the career more. How do I find opportunities?

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miyana558 views

What are the requirements to be a High school english teacher?

I've been searching google but nothing is giving me a clear answer.

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Janet930 views

How can you overcome challenges ?

What leads to success

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Antonio401 views

How much money approximately would I spend on going to a 2 year college to major in the departnt of software engineering before transferring to a University.

I'm planning to go to SJCC

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Max365 views

what is the best period for study?

also want to know how to develop?

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Kyleigh692 views

What is the number one way to pass your college classes?

yep this is really stupid now that I am done

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Jade746 views

How should college students reach out to professors for letters of recommendation ?

I am a second-year psychology student and while I have received letters of recommendation from staff, asking professors seems a bit daunting. Is there a way to ask that would be received better? When applying to multiple opportunities is there a limit to how much time so should ask them to submit their recommendation?

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Daniella1162 views

Why is college more expensive ?

Why is college so expensive/ university? Are we supposed to be 40 and still living with student debt? Are we supposed to work our 40k job to pay the 300k dollars on student loans?

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Amna943 views

What is the best course to study in college?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 9th student. I'm good in science but also interested in enterpreneur. What is the best course for me to study in college?

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Bamist995 views

How do you focus on your career with being distracted with a relationship ?

Unless you have something important to do other than classes, which you think will help your self-growth indirectly, never skip classes. (good for attendance also, end-sem papers are made by professors who teach you, they often hint during class on the topics which they will put more weightage in exams.)

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Kundan Kumar276 views

Is it better to go into research sector or enter into genetic counseling after completing undergraduate in biotechnology?

I am looking for an answer based on job and career prospective.

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Braedon478 views

How can I become a Fire Crew Supervisor by 35?

My goals in life are to be a Frontline Fire Fighter, then continue to Fire Crew Supervisor, and after if I still have time get my Doctorate in Forestry Preservation and teach as a professor.

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Melonie569 views

why is college so expensive? Will it still be expensive by the time I graduate in 2030?

what is grant or something that can help with college or something that can help you not pay so much money into college like a scholarship?

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Owen1296 views

What classes did you take in college to become a professor?

What majors can you take in college to become a professor?

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Destiny435 views

What is college and what is the best way to pass a class?

Honestly I know little to nothing about college. I am just attempting to get more foresight I guess you could say.

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Madilyn5916 views

How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be? I'm going to be out of school soon and need to find a career, but nothing comes to mind.

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adriana622 views

how did you choose what you wanted to be?

how did you choose what you wanted to be when you selected your major for college? for instance i want to be a sports agents but im not sure what major in college i should choose to become one.

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Anne296 views

What doe it entail being a history professor at college level ?

Hopefully medieval history. Just curious.

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