Career questions tagged genetic-counseling

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Keely527 views

What are good colleges in Pennsylvania for pursuing a genetic counseling career? Are online college courses possibly a better, more affordable, option?

I'm an 11th grade high school student just curious on how to wisely start my career path, with the thought of affordability, and later debt in mind. Traveling too far for college seems like a hassle as well. Possibly, I could find some good advice on this?

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Kundan Kumar276 views

Is it better to go into research sector or enter into genetic counseling after completing undergraduate in biotechnology?

I am looking for an answer based on job and career prospective.

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Lydia705 views

How do I shadow genetics counselors?

I am two years post undergrad and have been working in patient care since graduation. I am looking into getting my masters in genetics counseling. I want to make sure the career is right for me and get some experience before applying, any advice?

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Marissa511 views

Does anyone know of any genetic counseling shadowing or internship opportunities in the greater Philadelphia area?

I'm a junior biology major and am hoping to apply to grad school next year.

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Katie589 views

Does genetic counseling involve more math or writing in addition to biology and genetics?

I have better math skills than writing skills so I was wondering how well a genetic counselor career would work for me.

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anai362 views

My name is Anai , I am a current high school student. I am conducting an interview with any Genetic Counselor for a FAH class project about careers. I have created a total of 13 questions. Thank you.

1. What profession did you choose?Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. How did you feel through this process emotionally and physically? 12. Was youre family supportive of you? 13. Were there any sacrifices you had to make. Thank you :)

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Michelle1021 views

Letters of Recommendation

I have just started my grad school application for Genetic Counseling but am not very confident regarding the 3 letters of recommendation I need to gather. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and my own social anxiety, I have had a hard time making any connections with professors. Classes have around 300 students so they have little to no memory of me. I've e-mailed the grad program about if letters of recommendations from my supervisor at work could be considered (currently an HR intern). I have also reached out to a professor I recently had last Spring. Is there anything else you would recommend for me to do?

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Karen628 views

How to choose which school to apply to?

I would love some advice on program selection and enhancing a resume

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Isabella495 views

What is the best way to gain experience in the field of genetic counseling?

It seems that shadowing and volunteer opportunities are few and far between.

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Rachel1584 views

Career advice for directionless psychology graduate

I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in #psychology and I am looking for a #career-path that will be fulfilling, suit my interests, and not require more than a #master's degree. I'm an introvert, but I am interested in helping/understanding others. I enjoy puzzles, learning, appreciating art, and solving other people's problems. I do not want to be a therapist, though. I've been looking into #healthcare fields such as #nursing and #genetic-counseling, #marketing and #HR, and #school-counseling. I am hesitant about marketing/HR since I do not see myself in a corporate setting, but that will satisfy more of my creative side and I would get to work in a nice office. On the other hand, I could satisfy my curiosity and need to help others in healthcare...without the cushy office and more limited creativity. School counseling would satisfy my need to help others, but not my curiosity. I would love to try these all out, but most require further education. I need to decide what to go back to school for!

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Hailey1392 views

What is the most rewarding part of being a genetic counselor?

#psychology #counseling #genetic-counseling #genetics

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Hailey873 views

What is the most difficult part of being a genetic counselor?

#psychology #counseling #clinical-psychology #genetics #genetic-counseling

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Jada864 views

Are there any outlets for socialization or working with people in the fields of genetics/biomedical science?

I'm in love with biomedical engineering and genetics/genomics, but I also tend to be a social butterfly. I'm concerned that the constant lab work and studies will keep me from interacting with people and forming stable workplace relationships. My parents have suggested the profession of genetic counseling, which is a viable option, but I was just wondering if there were any other professions that would allow for a more equal science/communication balance. #genetics #genetic-counseling #relationships #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #molecular-biology #biology #social #career-paths #career-path #people #psychology #college-major

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Caroline1088 views

When deciding upon the Genetic Counselor career were you more interested in the research and application of knowledge or the counseling aspect?

I am a high school senior who has researched Genetic Counseling as a potential career interest. One question that seems to never be answered is if the Genetic Counselor's were more intrigued with the research aspect of the job or with dealing with the patients. This is important for me because I am more interested in research and would like to know if being a Genetic Counselor would satisfy my need to be involved with understanding and working with the genetics. #science #biology #research #counseling #genetics #pyschology #genetic-counseling

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Cleone2267 views

How can I increase my chances on getting into a Genetic Counselor training program in college?

I'm High School Junior student from Rhode Island. My life career is to become a genetic counselor. I know that getting into a Genetic Counselor training program is pretty competitive, but I want information on how can I increase my chances. It would be exceptional if I can find free pre-college classes on biology, psychology, medicine, and counseling. #career #medicine #biology #counseling #genetics #genetic-counseling

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