Career questions tagged research

Research is a skill acquired by increasing knowledge of a particular topic. Popular careers include research scientist, historian, and sociologist. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Warren441 views

How to get a job in qualitative marketing research?

Degree, interships

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Rajee579 views

What kind of jobs are available for Doctor of pharmacy graduates with a Masters degree in Pharmacology and drug discovery??

Can someone with a career break due to family issues land a job after 5 years of graduation? I finished my Pharm.D in 2019 and worked as a freelancer clinical SAS associate for a year. I quit my job in 2021 due to family issues and served as the full-time primary caregiver for my immediate family until 2022. In 2022, I pursued my masters in pharmacology and drug discovery in the UK and moved to the US after graduation on an H1b visa.

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Pawan629 views

I'm a Research scholar in University of Mumbai. I had completed masters in life sciences specialization in biochemistry, and now I am working as a JRF(Junior Research Fellow) in Project. and at this stage I am Stuck, as soon as the project gets over i have to go for another project or research work. the main question is should i go for PhD or go for Teaching, or in research again which one will be better? My Pov-(I've seen people with PhD were jobless because they did not find any suitable job they often get rejected by recruiter and the reason is overqualification). So, now am quite afraid to pursue PhD but also I don't want to stop myself for learning and earning.

There is no gaps in my academics. and I am very much interested research field. My age is 23.

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Vikram259 views

What internships are available right now for high school engineering students?

I'm a high-achieving Engineering focused student with knowledge in CFD software and 3D design through Fusion 360.

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Udaya534 views

How to get high school level research assistant position under a professor in CS field

Please advice on how to get research student opportunities under a CS AI background professor in high school level

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Riya375 views

As a high school junior, I want to write a research paper on a legal case. How do I get started?

As a dedicated junior with a passion for political science and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity.

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Julia304 views

What kinds of career paths are available after getting a degree in biomedical engineering? Are there opportunities for non-research based jobs?

I’m a junior in high school interested in going into biomedical engineering. I love chemistry, math, and biology, and I’m more interested in the practical, hands-on side of science (experiments, things that make a difference in people’s lives).

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Esther303 views

What path do i take to become a pharmacologist?

I am in my second year of Biochemistry at university and i want to pursue oncological pharmacology, is it better to get an MD or an Msc and a Phd.

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Emmy297 views

What are some of the best opportunities for undergraduates to explore healthcare/medical careers and careers in research?

I’m leaning toward pre-med, but I want to explore career paths of both an M.D. vs a Ph.D., and want to experience parts of both before choosing.

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Sharneice241 views

What are the best tips to start writing a research paper? My major is Healthcare Administration with a concentration in Leadership.

Study tips

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Ang217 views

How do I get into SIU Healthcare Investigations?

I would love a career in that! I am currently obtaining my associate in Healthcare Administration.

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Siddhi513 views

Are there any research/volunteering/internship opportunities related to med for grade 11/12 students? ?

Can you please send some links or websites for any opportunities either online or in-person in Canada, Ontario? Thank you!

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Reeva274 views

How should I start researching different career fields ?

How should I start researching different career fields? I am an 11th-grade student and I am having trouble picking on what I want to study. There are so many options so it is difficult to choose one.

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Eno292 views

How do I find research opportunities as a pre-med student ?

I’m in my sophomore year as a pre-med and want to spend a summer doing research because I heard it increases chances of acceptance into medical school, but I’m not sure where to find them.

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Huntington809 views

Have you experienced or witnessed discrimination in the STEM field?

We have a huge research project in our PBL class where we need to gather information on discrimination in STEM. If you or someone you know has faced discrimination in the STEM field please fill out this Google form. You can choose to stay anonymous.

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Yanic285 views

What can I do to get into a fully funded scholarship program in a graduate school and do a PhD with a professor that has an ongoing research interest that he's working on? #spring24

I have a BSc in Mechanical engineering, I graduated with honors and I'm looking forward to working in a research Lab(manufacturing or a design and simulation Lab). I believe that I have talents in Mechanical engineering that can contribute to the world. #spring24

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Jocelyn448 views

Is there any research lab program or internship’s that are virtual or online I can take as a student interested in medicine and engineering?

Hi, I’m currently a Junior in Highschool and I wanna gain research experience this summer before I start applying to colleges. I was wondering if anyone can help me find these opportunities in Illinois if possible. Thanks!

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Talabi314 views

What does it take to be successful and fulfilled ?

I love maths, science research, and all

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Chio398 views

How do you create opportunities in school when you have no support?

Hey everyone I've been struggling lately with looking for opportunities to boost my resume as I'm lacking in being involved. I have work and project experience but I would like to dive a little more into R&D. I already have one year of research with a professor but it's not in the field I'm interested in. Our school only has a set amount of research and a set amount of student orgs. Anything else, good luck on getting funds and support. So in the end, students basically have the same resume but in different format and with different timelines. Out of the whole graduating class few get offers bc they all end up looking the same. I understand schools can't accommodate to ALL interests but my school only offers 3 different fields for research and if you're not interested well goodbye. I'd like to change that and create my own opportunities with what we have at school bc I have no money but I just don't see how. Anyone else on the same boat? I'm willing to hear any suggestions, I really need help. I almost forgot to add: I have already talked to faculty for different opportunities. Thanks to my on campus job I have a close relationship with some faculty. Every time I would ask, they would direct me to the same professors doing the same projects.

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Tasmina346 views

Can I put research papers on my common app?

I am writing a research paper for something i care about, and i was wondering if it was worth attaching it somewhere on the common app or like an abstract of it.

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Okikioluwa461 views

Can I go for a Master's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology with a Bachelor's degree in Anatomy ?

I have basic knowledge of biochemistry and cell biology in my undergraduate and in my undergraduate research project.

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Daphne397 views

Are M.D./Ph.D. (neuroscience specifically) programs worth it ?

I'm currently a high school senior. I already committed to a college and I'll be majoring in neurobiology but I wanted to get some advice from others to see if an M.D./Ph.D. program after undergrad is the way to go (or if just getting an M.D. is better) so that I can start preparing for it. I know I want to become a neurosurgeon and that I definitely do want to do research before residency.

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Charly416 views

How can I get a research opportunity or internship with a professor or company as a high school student?

Hi, I am an high school junior interested in conducting a research or interning in the engineering field this summer, but I’m not sure where to start or how to go about it. I contacted a lot of engineering firms around me and most of them either don’t do internships or don’t have any openings. I don’t have any research questions I specifically want to study, so I was thinking about emailing professors at nearby universities/colleges about joining their research but I’m afraid it might only be limited to students of that university with some sort of experience. I’m also worried that it might be too late since the university’s spring semester around me (their current semester) has just ended. Should I still try and email professors about to join their research, and if so, how? Or should I keep contacting more firms around me? What do you think I should do?

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Caryse415 views

How can I publish a research paper as a high schooler?

Hi! I'm a sophomore who really loves biotech and Bio. I'm doing a summer program this summer that allows me to write a paper about genome errors and a particular disease. I'd like to work on it over junior year and get it published. Are there any programs where I could get advice on how to edit and improve my paper so that I could eventually publish it? Thank you!

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Keilana404 views

What chemistry field would be the best for someone who doesn't want to be stuck in a lab all day?

I want to go into a chemistry field but don't want to be stuck in a lab all day. I have looked into chemical engineering but I want to know what other fields I may like.

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RICHARD Lee512 views

What other "Branches" of the Electrical Career should I know?

I know there are powerlines and powerboxes, however, should there be other 'branches' of the electrical field that I should know about? Electrical with vehicles, or is that still part of the auto industry? Avionics have their seperate electrical field or don't?

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RICHARD Lee295 views

What are good resources outside of my Schooling?

I have been researching Electrical, Wastewater, and Construction Management on YouTube and Google, and I have not found good sources outside of schooling.

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Adarsh1158 views

What are good internships and research opportunities for high school students currently open?

Hello, my name is Adarsh, a junior in high school student in Bellevue, Washington. I am a very motivated and hardworking high school student who has multiple years of experience in programming with various languages like java, python etc. I believe to be a valuable asset for any company and am trying to expand my knowledge in my passion. Any suggestions/help towards this goal is appreciated

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Prathiv854 views

What are some summer programs for research I can take?

I’m a rising sophomore, and I am trying to build a good background in life sciences like biology/biochemistry and research for college. I want to apply for top schools, thus I felt it was best to start setting the foundation now itself. Are there any (preferably online, or in the Boston area) research programs/opportunities available for me?

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Bernard336 views

how to become a biologist?

best ways to be a biologist

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