Career questions tagged medical-research

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Esther303 views

What path do i take to become a pharmacologist?

I am in my second year of Biochemistry at university and i want to pursue oncological pharmacology, is it better to get an MD or an Msc and a Phd.

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Deborah600 views

Why do some US and Canadian medical schools not accept international students? I was making some research on some medical schools but I noticed that most of them don't admit international students? If I obtain my bachelor's degree in a US or Canadian university, would I still be considered an international student who is ineligible to get into those particular medical schools. Or could I get in like other US/Canadian citizens if I attend undergraduate school there?

I just graduated from secondary school.

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Reid504 views

What is an Immune System Researcher called?

What is a Immune System Researcher called

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Divyesh630 views

How do you get research opportunities and projects in NJ as I am unable to find any available research opportunities currently.?

How do you get research opportunities and projects in NJ as I am unable to find any available research opportunities currently.

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Mar456 views

If I'm already working in the pharmaceutical industry (regulatory affairs) and have a background in research, is it necessary to get a PhD degree if I want to continue my career in research or I the chances to relocate in my company with Master degree are higher? What would you recommend?

I'm a Pharmacist with a Master in Neuroscience. Currently, I'm working in regulatory affairs field. I would like to continue my career in research (drug development). I'm trying to decide the best way to get to my purpose.

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Ngoc285 views

Oncology Research

Hello! My name is Ngoc and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Oncology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! A total of 13 questions that I made are required to be answered by a professional in the field of Oncology for my research project. Please spare some time to answer these questions and thankyou so much for your time.

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Madeline409 views

How do scientific researchers come up with their ideas?

I'm an 11th grader in some biotechnology classes, and it's got me very interested in pursuing a career in medical research. However, I don't really understand how researchers come up with their ideas. Is there a list out there to choose from, or do people come up with them themselves? Because I've been trying and never came up with anything.

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Alexandria1105 views

How do I find someone who would be willing to mentor a medical student?

I am a current medical student, looking for a mentor. I'm very dedicated, passionate, energetic, and always looking for ways to become more knowledgeable. My main interests are Surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery, Cardiology, and Public/Global health. Is there anyone interested in mentoring me, or knows anyone who may be interested in mentoring me? I am also available for remote mentoring.

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amanda525 views

Is it hard to be an orthodontist?

(any info is helpful)

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Meghana1704 views

What is the career path to become a geneticist? How long does it typically take after high school?

Genetics is a very fascinating and growing field, so I want explore my career options, especially in research.

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Dy'isha499 views

Get a PhD?

What does it take to get a PhD

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Miracle695 views

Q1: I know I want to be a scientist or researcher, but I just want to help people and find cures for diseases or help people in general, by figuring out to make them walk again or anything like that, but what career would that be?

Hi, my name is Miracle and I’m about to start college in the fall, but I’m not sure what to major in and I was hoping that having a scientist answer my questions then that might give me some insight on what to major in. I know these aren’t ideal questions, but I’ve always loved science and science fiction in general, and I want to be a scientist and , I just don’t know what scientist to be. I want my career to be fulfilling and have purpose and to see my work help people. Thank you for your time.

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Anthony3462 views

Getting into Biotech without Biotech related degree

I am a Psychology major graduating in Spring of 2022 and heavily considering getting my MBA after graduation. I discovered recently that I would like to work in business for a medical research/ biotech company in hopes of starting my own one day. But I am not sure if getting in this industry is possible, because of my current degree and no prior experience in this field. #biotech #molecular-biology #mba #medical #medicine #nanotechnology #college #research #business #medical-research #career #masters #career-choice

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Jocelyn661 views

If I don’t do research in college, will it affect my chances of getting into medical school?

I’ve heard that research opportunities present themselves to students in college. However, what if I never get the opportunity to be chosen to participate in a conducted research investigation? Will it lower my chances of getting in to a medical school? #research #medical-research

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Aishwarya686 views

What are some examples of cellular engineering in research?

#medical-research #clinical-research #clinical-psychology #engineering #cellular-engineering #research #biology

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Kania1252 views

My biggest strength is patience, how can this be more effective in the medical field ?

#medical-research #medical-practice #career #medicine

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Rebecca646 views

Is the CDC a good place to intern?

I am about to start college and the university I will attend has a program that allows you to intern with the CDC in Atlanta. Have any of you interned with the CDC and if so, how was your experience there? #Medicine #CDC #medical-research

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Kendall1068 views

What’s the most difficult part of graduate school, and of becoming a pharmacist?

I am currently a senior in high school. I plan to earn my bachelor’s degree in Biology. At this time, I am interested in pharmacy as a potential career. I feel it would be a good fit for me. If I were to continue on the pharmacy path, I may begin my career in R&D and then work my way to Pharmacy Administration. From your personal experience, what is the hardest part of graduate school? What’s the toughest aspect of pharmacy? #college #pharmacy #pharmacist #graduate-school #medical-research #administration #biology

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Daysha697 views

What field of study can I choose in college to learn about opioid addiction treatment and cures?

I lost my brother to opioid addiction last year and would like to be involved in groundbreaking research to find a cure for this disease. #medical-research #healthcare #medicine #research

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Katia1576 views

If I get a Bachelor's in biology, can I get a Master's and PhD in biomedical science?

I'm a high school student who wants to be a biomedical researcher, but most of the colleges that I'm looking at only offer biology and not biomedical science as a major. I'm wondering if I can jump to biomedical science in grad school, even though I didn't major in it in undergrad. #biology #research #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia5282 views

What is the difference between biomedical engineering, medical research, and the pharmaceutical industry?

I'm interested in pursuing a career path in one of the above fields, so I would like some clarification as to what these specific careers entail. #biomedical-engineering #pharmacy #pharmaceuticals #medical-research #biomedical-science

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Ya$h1370 views

What is the average salary of a Paleontologist???

I am also interested towards paleontology so , it is better to know their salary #biology #japan #medical-research #evolutionary-biology #paleontologist #financial-planning

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Katia1095 views

Is it possible to get a job in the research industry, not academia, with a PhD in biomedical science?

I'm interested in pursuing a job as a researcher and was wondering about whether it would be possible for me to work in research in the industry. #research #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1149 views

Can I still do biomedical research with a degree in biochemistry?

I'm interested in becoming a biomedical scientist. Would I need to get a Bachelor's Degree in biomedical science only, or would biochemistry allow me to work in that industry as well? #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Katia999 views

How do students pursuing a PhD working in research earn money?

I'm interested in getting a PhD in biomedical science, but I'm not sure how to earn money working as a researcher while still having to pay for school. #research #biomedical #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1608 views

Is a PhD required to get a good job in the biomedical field?

This is a bit of a general question, but I'm interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, research, or science. I've heard that there is much competition and that a lot of experience is required to get a job in this field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1496 views

What are the steps required to become a biomedical scientist?

I'm a sophomore in high school and am not fully sure of the prerequisites needed to pursue a career in biomedical science. For example, what would I need to major in in college? Should I get a PhD or Master's? #science #college-major #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Katia1111 views

Is it possible to do research as an undergrad with a major in biomedical engineering?

I'm still in high school, but I'm planning to pursue a career in the field of biomedical research. I was told that I would need to major in biomedical engineering to do so, but that I wouldn't be allowed to do any research. Is this true? And if so, what would be some majors in which I can do biomedical research as an undergrad? #college #science #college-major #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #undergraduate #medical-research

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Katia956 views

How did you about becoming a biomedical researcher?

I'm a sophomore in high school who is interested in pursuing the field of biomedical research in the future, and I don't know all of the steps required to become a researcher. I'm planning to take AP Chemistry and Biology, as well as AP Stats and BC Calculus in the 11th and 12th grades. What are the courses I must take in college? What are the possibilities for my BA degree? Should I also pursue a Master's Degree of PhD? #college #science #college-major #biology #research #medical-research #biomedical-science

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Katia1069 views

What are the academic steps required to become a biomedical researcher?

I'm not sure of the specific field I would need to major in to pursue that career field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science

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