Career questions tagged oncology

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Labiba452 views

I'm a junior in high school wanting to be an oncologist. I want to take the BS/MD path but I'm not sure what the process and steps are?

Hi, I'm really lost and don't have anyone that has gone through the american education system. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Aisha992 views

What are some extracurriculars I could do that is stem/medicine based?

I’ve had a lot of ideas on what Extracurriculars I want to do but they just seem too much for me to accomplish as a 16 year old. Some ideas I had was formulating an eco friendly sunscreen using chemistry principals but I would assume you need to have a degree in chemistry. Another idea was creating a skin cancer detecting app, or starting a program by going around to different schools, and/or community centers providing information on skin cancer and hosting events with the help of volunteers from my school. Honestly this all just seems really complicated for me to do especially without a mentor. I plan to start volunteering at a kidney center next month and get a part time job on the weekends. At the moment I am applying to stem/medicine based internships. I need some advice. I am 16 and in 10th grade. I plan to major in chemistry and I aspire to be a dermatologist.

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Thomas796 views

Is it possible to become an oncologist and a radiologist and can you be both at the same time?

Is it possible to become an oncologist and a radiologist and can you be both at the same time?

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Eddie763 views

What do you need to do to become an Oncologist?

How many years of schooling are necessary to become a medical oncologist? Are there any extracurriculars/classes that I should be taking to prepare myself? What undergraduate major should I look into?

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Alivia387 views

To all pediatric oncologists: what keeps you motivated whenever you encounter a terminal child?

I have wanted to become a pediatric oncologist for 4 years now. But, whenever I describe my aspirations to an adult or mentor, they tell me that it will be too hard and mentally taxing. So, what keeps you going whenever the job brings you down?

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Cindy274 views

What are somethings you did in high school to help you go into the medical field?

Hi, My name is Cindy and I go by she/her pronouns. I have always wanted to work in the medical field. It wasn't to long ago that I found my passion in working in the ER. There are a few personal reasons that push me to hope to become an MD in the ER. That also brings me to ask a questions on how to become one and how to get accepted into my dream college of IU.

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Ngoc285 views

Oncology Research

Hello! My name is Ngoc and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Oncology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! A total of 13 questions that I made are required to be answered by a professional in the field of Oncology for my research project. Please spare some time to answer these questions and thankyou so much for your time.

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Stanley296 views

Are you a professional in the Oncology Nurse Field?

Hello! My name is Stanley and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Oncology Nurse field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment.

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Alexandra580 views

How can I pick between 3 specialties I really want to do?

I start my first year of Physician Assistant school this fall. I already know I'm interested in pediatrics, behavioral health, and oncology. How can I decide what to do between those 3? #healthcare #medicine #college #medical #pediatrics #psych #oncology #physicianassistant

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Morgan1126 views

What's the hours, working conditions and salary for a pediatric oncologist nurse?

#pediatrics #medicine #nursing #oncology

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Morgan512 views

Whats the worst and best parts of being a pediatric oncologist nurse

#pediatrics #nurse #medicine #oncology

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Jaayna782 views

How would I go about becoming an ultrasound technician?

I am in an early college high school with my associate's in science but I want to be an ultrasound technician. #technician #medicine #oncology #doctor #high-school

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skye555 views

how can i become a FBI agent

like what would it take to become that #oncology #homicide-detective #forensics

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lolann472 views

Would a pediatric oncology nurse fit me?

I like kids I enjoy helping others I work well with others I enjoy making people feel good about themselves I strive to make people feel their best when they are at their worst #Oncology #Pediatric Nurse

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Jacob761 views

What is it like to be an Oncologist?

Primarily, I am curious to know what the working hours, the flexibility of work hours, the levels of stress, and the job salaries are. Also, are there any location restrictions to this career? #oncologist #oncology

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Jacob456 views

What is involved in becoming an oncologist?

I am most interested in learning how much schooling is involved and how long that will take. Additionally, how much stress does this cause? Will the coursework bog you down? How hard is it to get into medical school? #oncology #oncologist

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Diamond652 views

How can I better my chances of getting accepted to medical school?

I am currently a biology major at Old Dominion University. #Oncologist #oncology #doctor #medicine #med-school #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

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Ashley815 views

What would be the best curriculum for undergrad to apply for any top P.A. program?

Currently enrolled in college to start all undergrad work towards becoming a P.A. #medicine #pediatrics #physician-assistant #oncology

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Claire1553 views

What is a day in the life of a pediatric oncologist like?

I'm interested in pediatric oncology but am worried that I am not fit for this type of emotional job #medicine #pediatric-oncology #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #oncology #pediatrics

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isabella1015 views

is it necessary to study physics in high school to be paediatric oncologist?

I'm going to be paediatric oncologist so i'm studying chemistry in high school should i study physics? or i can study it in the university? #doctor #medicine #oncology #oncologist #pediatric-oncology

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isabella1025 views

should i study physics in high school because i want to be paediatric oncologist?

i want to be paediatric oncologist in the future so i should study physics ? becouse im studying now chemistry. #medicine #pediatrics #oncology #pediatric-oncology

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Shelby857 views

how would i go about scholing to become a pediatric oncologist nurse?

I am thinking this is something I would really like to do, but because it is so specific I dont know how to go about my schooling #nurse #oncology #pediatric

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Dominica852 views

What specific skills does one need to be an oncologist?

I'm Dominica and a junior in high school. I have a passion for the medical field and I want to be an oncologist because I want to save the lives of cancer patients, and end up finding a cure for cancer. #psychology #pediatrics #pharmacy #oncology #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

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Sierra 1026 views

How difficult is it to become an oncologist?

This is my future job goals. #doctor #medicine #oncology

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Sierra 923 views

How much schooling does it take to be an oncologist?

I want to becom this. #doctor #oncology

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Sage897 views

What is the best college for me

I want and will become a Surgeon no matter what it takes, and I would like to know what college is the best fit for my preferences. Pediatric Surgeon specializing in Oncology, what college, in or out of state (Utah) would fit this description best. #doctor #pediatrics #surgery #surgeon #oncology

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Aubree 1054 views

I am also considering being an Oncologist, I want to know what your average day is like?

Just trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. #doctor #doctorate-degree #oncology #science #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

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Angie1116 views

What is it like to work in a hospital with children who have cancer?

My other career is to be children's cancer hospital because I want to help kids with cancer and make their life better and try to help them with their life's and their dream to be because I always think what happen if one of my family has cancer and I don't want anyone to die from cancer. I have a question about that how much do you get paid if you work their and what will your schedule be like because I really want to work and help out kids with that #hospital #cancer #oncology #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #pediatrics

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Emily1118 views

With better cancer medications available, is a career in radiation therapy a good career to get into or is it slowing down?

I am starting college in the fall for pre-radiation therapy. Getting into a radiation therapy program is very difficult as they only take 7 student. So, I know that they are not graduating many therapists per year. Also, there are only 2 universities in my state that even offer the program. #medicine #healthcare #therapy #oncology #cancer #radiation #cancer-research

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Melissa1382 views

About how long would it take to become an Oncologist?

I have a great passion to become an oncologist due to life experiences therefore I was wondering how long does it take. Either way, I'm always going to want to follow that career path #pre-med #oncology

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