Career questions tagged surgery

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Derry241 views

How to become a surgeon ?

Brain surgeon

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Trenton292 views

Do I need to volunteer at hospitals or anywhere to better understand what to do in the Medical industries?

I want to become a Neurologist and was wondering if I need to volunteer for things that relate to the Medical field.

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Elizabeth291 views

how am I able to start my path in firefighting/emt?

I am a uprising 11th grader in NYC. Just wondering how I may take a step into this field...

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Sierra332 views

Are surgical technologists on their feet all day?

I am a 19 year old Job Corps student. I want to know if I should expect to be on my feet the entire shift or if I will have time to be seated.

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Sierra215 views

How would a surgical technologist remain out of the way during a procedure?

I am a 19 year old Job Corps student. I want to be a surgical technologist, and need tips on staying out of the surgeons way during a procedure.

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Sierra306 views

Are there lots of moments in which a surgical technologist tends to get in the way of the surgeon?

I am a 19 year old Job Corps student that wants to do something in the medical field. I want to know if being in the way of surgeons will potentially be an issue as a new worker.

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Marc352 views

What are some internships for a freshman who wants to become a doctor in the future?

I am currently in 9th grade, and I am very interested in science, math, and medicine.

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Manor312 views

How can I become a surgeon?

Brain surgeon

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Caleb255 views

How do I become a surgeon ?

Brain surgeon

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Caleb219 views

How can I become a surgeon ?

Brain surgery

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fatima299 views

How can you balance two career paths that both require a lot of attention and hard work to achieve ?

As a high school student set on having a successful career as both a surgeon some day , as well as managing a separate business i would like to learn more about time mangement .

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Caleb182 views

How do I become a surgeon ??

How do I become a surgeon ??

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Ramilton429 views

why would you want to be a doctor ?

i cant explain anyone knows ?

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Stephen350 views

Why doctor is great profession?

I want to be a doctor

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Blessing1055 views

What skills should I have for being a surgical technician?

I want to become a surgical technician in hopes of becoming the first surgical assistant along these lines. I'm about to enter into the surgical technology. I want to prepare myself for what's to come and make sure that I'm on the top of my game. I also would like to know what a surgical technician does from day to day in detail. Thank you!

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Jack734 views

Can you become a paramedic from being a doctor What’s the process from going from doctor —-> paramedic. Is it better to do the other way round??

Interested in medicine

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Abdul346 views

Do surgeons value humor?

I am an 8th grader.

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CareerVillage Office Hours603 views

How to become a surgical tech?

Share your journey & guide aspiring surgical techs on their path. Note: Given the growing interest in surgical technicians, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Dylia578 views

How long does it take to become a surgical technologist?

Could you tell me the steps to becoming a surgical technologist?

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Divya695 views

Are doctors really earning less?

It's been a good while since I asked my last question. I am now almost done with my A levels and will hopefully be in medical school for my MBBS degree next year. While I am not pursuing medicine for the pay, but rather because it is a true passion of mine and something I would be delighted to do for the rest of my life, I've always considered the high wage as somewhat of compensation for all the sacrifices doctors make. Weekends and youth spent studying instead of partying, and adulthood spent in incredibly stressful situations, literally holding the life of others in our palms, the extra cash seemed deserved. But recently I am hearing of doctors in the West being overworked and underpaid, and the NHS crumbling as patient management is outsourced to clerks with insufficient medical training. If there is anyone who works as a professional doctor or surgeon in a hospital, please do feel free to share your experience in your workplace- whether to confirm or dispel the rumour. It would be of major help to a med student just starting out. Of course, I feel obliged to say that even if I would be getting paid lower, I won't change my mind. I feel that servicing others through medicine is the best thing I can do with my life, and I would be glad to. Thank you!

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Brendon338 views

What makes being a Surgical Nurse worth it?

Hello, my name is Brendon and I wanted to know if becoming a Surgical Nurse is worth it or if I should skip it and go straight to surgery.

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Brendon277 views

What do Surgical Nurses do?

Hello, my name is Brendon and I am in the 10th grade. I am Interested in working in the surgical field and want to see what type of surgeon I want to be. I want to have experience in the surgical field by possibly working as a surgical nurse so I wanted to know what they do.

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Brendon478 views

Why did you choose to be a Surgical Nurse?

I'm a 10th grade student and i'm interested in working in the surgical field, and I wanted to know why should I become a Surgical Nurse

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Brendon258 views

What type of skills are needed for a good Surgical Nurse?

My name is Brendon and I am a 10th grade student in P-TECH. I am interested in working in the surgical field and want to know the skills that are needed for this position.

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Brendon273 views

What does your average day look like as a Surgical Nurse?

I am a 10th grade student and I am interested in working in the Surgical field. So I wanted to see what its like to be a Surgical Nurse.

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Chastity541 views

How can I graduate without student debt besides scholarships/grants?

I want to become a doctor/surgeon which means it's a lot of money to become one. What are some options to graduating without debt besides scholarships? Thank you!

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Chastity317 views

Whats the best options for bachelors if I am unsure of what kind of doctor I want to be?

I'm curious to what my options are before getting into med school. I have no idea what kind of doctor/surgeon I want to become yet. Thank you!

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Umar-Faruk575 views

Is it possible to study neurosurgery with a degree in physiology ?

I am a college student currently studying physiology and aspiring to become a neurosurgeon and a cardiologist but I'm not sure if my current course will be of any use to what I am aspiring to be

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rae440 views

How, Based on your experiences, would becoming a surgeon worth it I know it has awkward hours, weird timings to work and it's a lot of stress performing, but I think I would enjoy it. Not sure though!?

Life being a surgeon

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Brendon474 views

What is it like to be a perioperative nurse?

Hello I am a 10th grader that is interested in working in the surgical field and i am looking to interview a Perioperative Nurse. What does your day to day life look like? What is your cost of living? Do you get a livable wage? What type of skills are needed? What is your work environment like? What type of education is needed?

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