Career questions tagged pre-med

Pre-Med is a term used for undergraduate college students who are on track to go to medical school. Popular medical doctor careers include a pediatrician, surgeon, and anesthesiologist. Please read below to find out more. Read more Show less
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Labiba454 views

I'm a junior in high school wanting to be an oncologist. I want to take the BS/MD path but I'm not sure what the process and steps are?

Hi, I'm really lost and don't have anyone that has gone through the american education system. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Natalie388 views

how do i navigate the world of medicine and surgery?

i would like a surgeon to give me the best advice

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Jamylah303 views

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean ?

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test?? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean

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IMRAN257 views



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Ivan236 views

what do you have to go to get into school?

What do you have to do to get into dentistry school. What takes you there. How hard is it. What do you have to deal with everyday. What do you have to do in school

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Derry241 views

How to become a surgeon ?

Brain surgeon

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Emmy297 views

What are some of the best opportunities for undergraduates to explore healthcare/medical careers and careers in research?

I’m leaning toward pre-med, but I want to explore career paths of both an M.D. vs a Ph.D., and want to experience parts of both before choosing.

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Trenton327 views

How long have you been working in this profession?

I want so see how long someone has been in the Neurologist profession.

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Leslie292 views

If you are in college and you're major is Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Neuroscience, or Molecular Biology, can you name the school you attend(ed) and what consisted of the curriculum In other words, why did you choose your major and how advantageous was it for you?

I am a rising high school senior and am looking for insight into different college majors. I want to get into med school. If you have any tips, please share!

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Jorge209 views

What really differentiates every branch of psychology?

Not just academic requirements, but the general field of work and skills that come with them.

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star928 views

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner??

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major? What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner?

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Kamiya365 views

How can I prepare myself for my future in medicine and in college?

As an African American woman aspiring to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, what are some struggles I should prepare myself for before going off to college and in the work field?

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Alexander472 views

How do I proceed ?

I’m not sure how to continue my journey, or at least make it easier to come out of high school. I would like for my career to be in the medical field.

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Jenna361 views

Is it wise to take a gap year between college and med school? What are the best majors for pre-med?

I am a student trying to figure out the best course of action for my undergrad! I would love to be able to directly speak to a medical professional who is a physician or PA.

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Aeriel436 views

What is the pathway I need to take to become an Anesthesiologist ?

What major do I need to take in college? Do I need med school? Approximately how long would it take for me to become an Anesthesiologist?

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Eno292 views

How do I find research opportunities as a pre-med student ?

I’m in my sophomore year as a pre-med and want to spend a summer doing research because I heard it increases chances of acceptance into medical school, but I’m not sure where to find them.

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Abdulsalam329 views


How to get good grades in school

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Irene-Emily159 views

What is the shortest path for a pre med student and what does a high school students who want to go to premed school need to have inorder to go to a prestigious school ?

I am a junior in East chapel hill high and need more clarification in the pre med career path.

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Daphne375 views

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?

Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

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Lory593 views

What are some steps I can take as a highschool student to prepare myself for a possible psychology degree?

I'm almost sure that I'll take psych and be a PA but I know that its very selective and rigorous.

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Kennedy799 views

How do I acquire a internship?

I am a 14 year old high school freshman wanting to pursue medicine, I've been planning to apply to a internship to shadow a psychiatrist in my area my Junior year of high school, but I don't how to write a good resume or if my current enrollment classes will prepare me for to shadow a physician. Is there any resume help or class advice to prepare me?

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Ari623 views

How do you earn money while being in med school?

I am a senior in hs, and will be pursuing a biology bs/ pre med degree in college and after that want to get into a good med school, but since med school is quite expensive and I will certainly have to take student loans, how do i earn any good money in med school? For most other majors, you can do jobs after your undergraduate degree and get a better job if you get a master’s degree, which is usually completed in a maximum 6 years, but for med school i will be unemployed for a whopping 8 years! How do i earn money in that time to take care of my finances??

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Jayla710 views

What are the everyday tasks of an anesthesiologist ?

I want to know the daily tasks of an anesthesiologist.

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Sanya617 views

What should I do if I have two different passions I heard that to get into competitive colleges you needed to show a spike on your resume like a specific passion you pursued. The issue is I have two science/biology and creative writing. I have always wanted to go to NYU, or Vanderbilt but both of those are competitive schools and I’m not sure how to connect these two passions? ?

I want to do pre med in college

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Prathiv877 views

What are extracurricular activities, how would that factor into my college application?

I’m lost on what extracurricular activities are, but I’ve done some research and it talks about volunteering? My aspiration is med school, and I want a great profile for the top universities for my biochemistry undergrad. I have also enrolled in multiple competitions for research and projects involving STEM. What can I do?

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Josephine506 views

What are the requirements to get into medical school and how long it would take to meet those requirements and how long medical school would take. I want to do plastic surgery. ?

I am 15 and in 9th grade and I would like to go to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. I live in Missouri now.

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Grace722 views

How do I know if pursuing medical school is right for me?

I’m a sophomore in high school, and I’m beginning dual enrollment classes. I’m trying to figure out what I’d like to do in the future so I can gear my electives towards that. I have an interest in medicine, specifically surgery, and I think I could be good in it, but I’m just not sure if I’m ready for the commitment.

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Lily996 views

Is multivariable calculus or linear algebra better for someone who would like to become a doctor?

I'm taking calculus BC (high school), and unsure of whether to go into multivariable calculus or linear algebra next. I would like to become a doctor, as a surgeon specializing in orthopedics.

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Mutahajed2512 views

Is Physics really needed for medical school or depends on what school I'm gonna choose?

I'm gonna choose my subjects soon this academic year and I searched about the topic but there wasn't a solid answer.

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Aaliyah1759 views

Why did you choose a career in the Health field?

What inspired you to help others?

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