Career questions tagged future

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Elsher257 views

Can I still be pilot at this age?

I live being a pilot since I was child but due to some circumstances I haven't achieved the dream. Can I still make it?

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Auta457 views

Should I continue with my passion?

I want to be a news anchor. I have been told I have the voice and confidence, I also enjoy talking to new people. My parents however don't support this. They say that news anchoring can be depressing and I'll eventually get bored of it. They have been constantly trying to change my mind and it is now getting into my head. I don't want to end up going a career that I would later on regret. I need a point of view from someone professional and honest on what to do.

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NataliaAa308 views

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

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Jin351 views

What future careers could I pursue when interested in biology?

Hello, I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school. I have a very strong passion for biology as I plan to major in it for college, yet I am unsure what career I could pursue if going into that field of study.

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Sib264 views

What is engineering ?

What is the future of engineering.

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Shaina575 views

Can you reject a task given by your boss in the internship?

I don't like the task. I feel like she's taking advantage of me as a mid-beginner. She is giving a big load, a campaign to do..all the content ideas for one months. She's asking me to do it.

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Jorge209 views

What really differentiates every branch of psychology?

Not just academic requirements, but the general field of work and skills that come with them.

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Baoyi287 views

How can I overcome my fear?

I am afraid of injections. Will I have a chance to be a nurse in the future? How can I overcome my fear?

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Kendall194 views

What resilience-building strategies should one use, and how should one anticipate overcoming setbacks and difficulties along the way?

When thinking about our futures as college students, how can we manage ourselves successfully? So many things are thrown at us at once that we must navigate and learn through.

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Xin Hui769 views

How can I better understand myself for my future career?

I am in 10th and i’m really lost in life about what I should do. I like creative jobs, science and business.

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Summer586 views

How to turn my weakness into one of my strengths?

I'm kind of a procrastinator but I always do my work as the last moment.i work better under pressure because I focus more on those type of moments

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Kamogelo939 views

Tell us about a project or experience that truly ignited your passion and how did it shape your skills

Tell us about a project or experience that truly ignited your passion and how did it shape your skills

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Mikey970 views

How do I get seen by more colleges?

How do I get seen by more colleges ? I am a student in high school and I want to be noticed by more colleges but I’m not in any sports or fancy electives, help please. Any advice is super appreciated, is anyone in the same boat as me?

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Summer879 views

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?

Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence, which is a two day national academy of future physicians congress meeting that will also allow me to be featured on local TV stations and newspapers. The problem being that I'm not interested in the medical field as a future career path. If I were able to pass this over to someone else, I would but I can't. This would be a really big opportunity to put myself out there, and it would look really good on college applications, and on my academic profile, but it doesn't have anything that I inherently want for my future career path, and it also might look weird on my college applications.

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Juan822 views

What do I do if I dont know what to major in, in the future?

What might be things I can consider/do to help me decide?

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Asher288 views

Do you have to be commanding when working as an Actuary?

As an 8th grade student I am looking into my possible future career possibilities. My favorite classes are science and math.

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Owynn637 views

How much money do you get in air traffic controllers it's a lot of money?

still in 10th grade doing research about Air traffic controller tower .

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Seth301 views

Why do I not know for sure what I want to do as a career in my future.?


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Alyssa438 views

Do you have to be competitive as an astrophysicist?

I'm not much of a competitive person and would rather avoid that stuff, but people say it's a very competitive field. This scares me since it's one of my biggest dreams.

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Job726 views

Which career is best to go for?

Am still stuck on what i will pursue in future

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Zyaire940 views

What can I do now, like joining clubs or learning new skills, to help me in the future?

"As a ninth-grader, I'm trying to figure out what I might want to do in the future. I want to make smart choices about my future career, and any advice you have would be awesome!

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Vega869 views

What is your future career?

What are your long-term career goals and how are you planning to achieve them?What do you think are the most important skills to develop in order to succeed in your chosen career field?

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Morix431 views

How can I prepare myself for my future on my own?

How can I properly save up my money?

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Cooks693 views

What is the future of artificial intelligence ?

What is the future of artificial intelligence

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Megan521 views

How do I find the right college for me?

How do I find the right college for me? I am not too sure what college I want to go to. I want to stay local, but I'm not sure if staying local would be the best thing for my future.

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Julia689 views

What are the factors I should be considering when deciding my future career?

I haven't even solidified a major or decided what my "dream job" would be. I've tried these tests that are supposed to link me with jobs but none of them make sense to me.

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Olivia355 views

How can I get into fashion design?

If I were to go out and design outfits or items for company’s or stores how would I get to that point and what would I need to do to get to that point in my future career

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France616 views

How do I choose what career I want to have in the future?

I am interested in the marketing field, nursing field, and psychology field I feel incredibly passionate about these fields. I am also a junior in high school

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Isabella545 views

How to find the right career/major for you.?

I don’t know what to choose for my major and I really need to know. I am in high school and I still don’t know what to choose for my future life.

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emily233 views

How should I start preparing for my future?

I’ve felt lost and don’t know what to do in my future. I don’t know where I need to start.

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