Career questions tagged artificial-intelligence

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CareerVillage Office Hours462 views

Has anyone used an AI career coach?

We've noticed an increase in learner interest in coaches and as a response we will be posting questions that address that!

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Dinesh836 views

What career choices intersect computer science, finance, and artificial intelligence?

I have an interest in the technology sector such as software development and AI. However, I also like the business side, especially the financial sector. Is there a career or career path that intersects computing science and artificial Intelligence finance with the financial sector? Note; By the way, I am somewhat of an introverted person, My best comes when I work alone or with a few people. I can work with teams.

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Nataly645 views

What is a day in the life of someone who works in the field of artificial intelligence?

Hello, I am a young student studying software development, one of the fields I can specialize in is artificial intelligence, so I would appreciate a glimpse into what a day is like for someone who works in this field: what they do, his routine, his work.

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NataliaAa308 views

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

What are the least convenient careers to study in the future, with the arrival of artificial intelligence?

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Samir669 views

How can I get to familiarise with programming knowing that I am trying to do (courses, tutorials...) ? I feel like I still can't find the "how" I get the right way to think relating to computer science fields ?

I am a mechanical engineering intern and I am interested in improving my software engineering skills.

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Ashwarya179 views

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

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Camilla618 views

Should I worry about AI taking over the possible jobs as a business major?

I want to make absolutely sure that I have security in my career in the future. And in the case that AI does take many people's work in business, what are some business-related careers that AI probably won't bother with?

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Ciara672 views

What are some worthy high-salary potential career paths for a student majoring in informatics with a concentration in "Interactive User Experience" and double minoring in business and artificial intelligence ?

I am currently a freshman in college, I know I want to go into a career path that somewhat combines all of these subject areas. But, just unsure on what that can even look like or what careers can be pursued. If someone who works with maybe at least 2 of these subject areas can help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.

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Nicholas414 views

How can i pursue a career in technology??

I am looking for a career path in computer technology or AV

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CareerVillage Office Hours769 views

Should we use AI to help write resumes/prep for interviews?

This question was asked by a learner during our Internships 101 webinar

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Muhammed2720 views

What is the best route of becoming an AI Engineer?

I am a 17 year old boy, a self taught programmer in python, C++ and C# and a 3d artist with professional certificate. I want to show this world a better and ease future with the aid of AI technology and virtual reality. I am looking for a guide to help me enroll in an AI course as a degree. thank you have a wonderful day😊

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Sam1828 views

What is artificial intelligence all about?

What is artificial intelligence all about?

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Srishti1074 views

How do I start my Artificial Intelligence journey from scratch ?

Give me the complete road map for it

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Jen1175 views

Is artificial intelligence just a trend?

Is artificial intelligence just a trend?

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Carlos459 views

How can I start a career in the blockchain sector after studying finance?

I love finance and the investment sector. Also, I love technology like artificial intelligence and blockchain, so I would like to work in finance-related work that is also related to artificial intelligence and blockchain.

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CareerVillage Office Hours1460 views

What careers are most susceptible to AI takeover and is it likely to happen ?

Note: this is part of the professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform!

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Cassandra687 views

Who is an AI specialist?

What is the importanceof AI specialist?What do they do?

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Leo641 views

Can using chatgpt be beneficial?

How should I use chatgpt for school?

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Monika392 views

What career I should choose? Related to technology like AI, digital marketing, graphic designing, named these because seeing these everywhere.

I want to earn money, improve my personality but I don't have any specific skill, interests or strengths. And degree is in hospitality but no knowledge.

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shch572 views

AI influence on academic

How would AI such as chatgbt affect the academic environment?

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Melinda1168 views

What careers use AI/Machine Learning?

I'm interested in getting a career in AI. Which jobs work with it regularly and what education should I get to get there?

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Melinda937 views

What universities or colleges should I look into/research as someone looking to go software engineering/AI?

I know that I want to have a career as a software engineer or a career that has something to do with AI (although I'm not sure what). Are there any colleges that specialize in this that aren't as well known? Or colleges that you all recommend? Saying this because I recently discovered RIT which seems to have great programs, but I've never heard about them until now. I'm wondering if there are any other colleges like RIT.

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Jiarong680 views

What is a life of a machine learning engingeer is like?

I have an interest to work as a software enginner and focus on areas like artificial intellgence and machine learning. However, I am wodering what specific tasks would an engineer do.

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Jane1837 views

What's a day in the life of a career related to artificial intelligence? What options are there to work in that field?

#JULY20 #career #ai #artificial-intelligence #day-in-life #options #career-choice

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Sohalia693 views

Is there still a point in studying to be a lawyer when IA is going to take over that field?

I wanted to be a lawyer before, but my dad told me that I shouldn't since artificial intelligence will be taking over law (in 10-15 years) instead to make it more efficient, and there would be no use for me then. Is that true? #law #lawyer #law-school #college #IA #artificial-intelligence

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Aiesha773 views

What is studying artificial intelligence like?

I have been considering it as I major in computer science, but I'm wondering what it's like. #college #technology #artificial-intelligence

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Sophia1049 views

Can psychology be applied to the field of computer science and more specifically, to artificial intelligence? If so, how?

While I would love to major in computer science, I am also very interested in psychology and would love to also get a degree in the subject as it pertains to nearly every aspect of the real world. As a result, I am very curious about the interaction and connection, if any, between psychology and computer science. Seeing that technology becomes more and more fundamental in our everyday lives and artificial intelligence continues to grow at an exponential rate, I was wondering if certain psychological concepts could be applied to construct robots that can think and behave just like a human being? And if so, how? #stem #psychology #artificial-intelligence

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Maya2517 views

How to improve my CV as a computer Engineering student?

I'm a third year engineering student, and I studied different courses like (java, data structure, networking, mobile apps, AI, micro, electronics, and other topics ), but the issue is that when I want to apply for an internship or a research program especially internationally I have nothing to support my CV or personal statement just the projects I did in these courses which are not complex and my high GPA. Also, I always study online courses and try to improve my skills, but now at this time I feel it's not enough, so what kind of programs or activities should I participate in to improve ? #computer-engineering #computer-software #computer-hardware #artificial-intelligence #career-counseling #career-development #career-path #career-choice #engineering #programming #computer-programming #computer-networking

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Rohit1557 views

What do computer- science engineers' actually do in MNCs'?

I am going to college this year in India ... I am going to take engineering (mostly computer science) as my major ... I currently don't have any exposure to what engineering is and what do they actually do in MNCs' #computer-science #engineering #coding #web-development #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning #mnc-company #amazon

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Anja1964 views

What programming languages are useful for robotics?

Hi! I'm currently interested in pursuing computer science, especially for the development of artificial intelligence and robotics. What are the most valued and useful programming languages to know? #programming #robotics #artificial-intelligence

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