Career questions tagged user-experience

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Ciara672 views

What are some worthy high-salary potential career paths for a student majoring in informatics with a concentration in "Interactive User Experience" and double minoring in business and artificial intelligence ?

I am currently a freshman in college, I know I want to go into a career path that somewhat combines all of these subject areas. But, just unsure on what that can even look like or what careers can be pursued. If someone who works with maybe at least 2 of these subject areas can help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.

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Jayla1050 views

How to figure out what I want to pursue later in my life?

I am currently an informatics major in college with a concentration in User Interactive Experience. Initially I was a computer science major, but saw it wasn't something I 100% wanted to do. How can I figure out what I want to do. I enjoy coding and web design, but Im also interested in owning my own business. I don't know if the major I'm in is beneficial to where I want to go. How can one figure out what they want to do with their life?

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Anthony969 views

What should be included in a portfolio review for a product design interview?

I just finished my UX/UI bootcamp and I'm wondering what advice you have on what makes a compelling portfolio review for a Jr. Designer.

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Nat877 views

How did you get your position in technology?

I am currently trying to transition from marketing/social media in the entrepreneur world and taking classes in user experience. However I wanted to see how others got their job in the field as a UX Designer and or Project Manager?

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Jamie973 views

How necessary is it to get a college degree for web development or UI/UX design?

I am a current high school senior considering whether or not I want to dedicate four year’s time and go into debt for a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a minor in design. I am hoping to get online certificates and take online courses instead as I’ve heard the computer science/design fields hire mostly based on experience and portfolio rather than education. If I were to not attend college, what are my chances of obtaining a good job as a web developer or UI/UX designer? Would it take forever for me to find a job in these fields without a degree? #design #computer #technology #computer-science #uxdesign #uidesign #user-experience #graphic-design #technology #web-development

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Jersey670 views

Why Design?

Hi! I just want to ask all of you designers out there, "why did you choose design?". Why did you choose it as a career path? I have always loved design but when a person asks me why I chose it, I seem to have the answer but it's stuck at the back of my mind. I am hoping to have some insights so maybe someone can take the words out of my mouth. Thank you! #design #career-path #designers #graphic-design #user-experience #artist

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Jersey1500 views

Why did you choose to become a user experience designer?

#ux-design #user-experience #ui-design #product-designer #graphic-designer #GivingisCaring

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Jersey636 views

What's your day like as a user experience designer?

#graphic-design #user-experience #ux-design #design #GivingisCaring

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Jersey964 views

How is the life as a graphic designer? Specifically in areas of package, web or ux design??

I am pursuing graphic design in post-secondary. I am contemplating whether I should focus on package, web, or user experience design. Although, I am kind of leaning more towards user experience so any insights on how is it look would be really appreciated. Thanks! #web-design #graphics #design #graphic-design #graphic-designer #user-experience #package-design #ux-design #ui-design #arts #GivingisCaring

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Avni1355 views

How can I find good internship opportunities as a high school student?

I have a Linkedin but all the internships require one to be currently pursuing a college degree but I'm still a senior in high school. I'm interested in UX Design and Computer science. #computerscience #user-experience #user-experience-design #internships #highschool #highschoolsenior

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Paola1017 views

What are the different experiences from job interviews?

I am a junior. I am interested in the different perspectives of those who have gone to job interviews, either it is a career interview or a regular job interview is fine. #job-search #career #user-experience #interviews #interviewing-skills

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C2235 views

Can you share your experience as a UX or UI designer? What's like? What takes you there?

Undergraduate student thinking about future career options. I don't really know much about UX or UI Do I need to know programme language before taking UX or UI courses? Major in Psychology ; Want to explore different career options & where to apply psychology knowledge in real world. Any recommended online courses or schools that offer UX/UI courses? What makes you want to become a UX or UI designer? pros and cons? BIG THANKS TO YOU! #education #designers #user-experience #user-interface-design #career-counseling #career #career-choice #career-path #undergraduate #online-learning #certification #psychology #explore #lifeishard

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Kathryn1181 views

Is "return offer" the major way of getting a job offer after graduation?

Hi! I am planning to apply to a graduate program in UX/HCI, and work as a UX designer after graduation. There are 1-year programs in some graduate schools, but my concern is that if they do not help much in job seeking. My friends told me if I join a 1-year program, I would not have the chance to do an intern before graduation, so I won't have a "return offer" from the IT/Internet companies. Do the graduate Master students mainly get jobs in the IT/Internet industry through "return offers"? Thanks. #technology #IT #internet #user-experience #return-offer #user-interface-design #user-experience-design

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Kathryn1328 views

Which are the best American colleges for user experience (UX) design?

Hi! I'm 27 years old and decide to invest 2 years in my life to join a graduate program. When I graduate again, I will be 29. It's not a very young age, so I'm careful in choosing which college to spend this 2 year with. My future career plan is to be a UX designer, with focus on the intersection of data science and user experience design. If there is a chance to work with search experience, I will definitely go for it. Which American universities are the best choices in UX design education? How will the recruiters see the universities? Thanks. #user-experience #design #information-technology #computer #search #university #college

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Abhinav1060 views

Questions about User Experience (UX) and Prototyping tools in Game Design

Hey all, I'm interested in pursuing a career in game design and because it is such a broad field that encompasses a multitude of disciplines and specialties (especially in larger studios), I am specifically interested in going into UX Design (a.k.a. Visual Design, Interaction Design, or UI design). That said, I recently completed an online course in Principles of Game Design and I posted a thread on the course's discussion forum asking questions about UX design and prototyping in game design about a week ago. However, since I have yet to get a response on that thread, I thought that this would be a good site to ask this question on in hopes of getting at least one response. Here are my questions: 1.) In addition to taking the game design course, I am also taking a course in UX design. I am curious to know what prototyping tool(s) is/are most used by game designers as well as by UX designers who work in the games industry. Here is a link to a page of prototyping tools (see below). Are there any from that list that are most prominently used by game designers? Also, would any of you happen to know of other prototyping tools that were not on the list but are still frequently used by game designers? []( 2.) Two things I have learned so far from my UX design class are user-centered design and the five elements of user experience: strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and surface. Are these frameworks and methodologies also applied in game design or are different approaches used? If you have any questions that you'd like to ask me in order to better understand where I'm coming from, please ask and I'll be more than willing to clarify. Thanks to all who responded! #game-design #user-experience #visual-design #ux-design #user-interface-design #interaction-design #prototyping #wireframes

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Estefania1491 views

what are some careers in Psychology?

I want to be a psychologist but I don't know what type. #psychology #college-major #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #choosing-a-major #university-teaching #user-experience

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Shardae1475 views

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses? How would you describe yourself? How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?Why should I hire you?

i want to know #user-experience

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Nicole2381 views

How do I get internships for my major if I do not have much experience in the field?

Hi, I am Nicole and I am a student in college. I am a Marketing major and am required to finish 2 internships before I graduate. The only thing is, I haven't had any experience in marketing before so landing my first internship may be difficult. Any advice? #marketing #internships #social-media-marketing #marketing-communications #user-experience #marketing-strategy #online-marketing

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Joe942 views

What are some ways in which I can get some in-field experience while still working on my major?

I'm a high school senior and I know that, unfortunately, some graduates don't know what to do, or don't have the experience to start working in their desired field after college. So they take a part time job and just waste time because, even though they have a degree, they don't have any actual experience which is what companies are looking for. How can I find ways to look for experience opportunities in my desired field while still in college? #internships #career-development #user-experience

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Mitchell1192 views

Are there any jobs that will hire a college student fresh out of school without any experience?

Currently, I have been searching on websites like for applying to jobs/careers. I read through everything and then when I get to the requirements area I am told that I need this many years of experience. I understand that experience is vital, very important to have but will I ever come across an entry level job where no experience is necessary? I do plan on taking up an intern but I am just curious as to if this is available out there in the real world. #college #internships #school #user-experience

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Gobinath904 views

After 10 th standard which group i want to take for automobile engeneering

hi i am gobi i was studing 10 th standard i want know answer for this question please help me #teacher #professor #automotive #user-experience

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Dave2525 views

Being a Game Designer: What's the experience on the job?

As a high school student addicted to technology, i've come across the saying that if what you are doing is something you love, it hardly feels like work at all. I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE video games, a designing them myself has always been a dream of mine. As I type I have a plethora of ideas all jumbled up in my head just waiting to be heard. So what kind of things are we talking about when someone asks you what a Game Designer does? Riveting and frustrating aspects alike, I would like to know as much as I can about my aspiration. Thank you for your time in advance. Aspiring Game Designer, Dave Laplante #computer-science #computer-programming #computer-animation #hardware #user-experience

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