Career questions tagged uxdesign

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Sherry727 views

What does a day-to-day look like as a UX/UI Designer?

I'm currently a senior in high school and I'm interested in pursuing a career in UX/UI. #uxdesign #uidesign

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Sherry1206 views

Is a Bachelor's in Psychology a good start to becoming a UX/UI Designer?

I've been researching UX Design for months and am very interested in it, as it seems to be a perfect fit for my skill set. I applied to college as a Psych or Cognitive Science major, but I'm wondering if this is a smart path to take to begin a UX Design career. #uxdesign #uidesign #psychology

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Jamie973 views

How necessary is it to get a college degree for web development or UI/UX design?

I am a current high school senior considering whether or not I want to dedicate four year’s time and go into debt for a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a minor in design. I am hoping to get online certificates and take online courses instead as I’ve heard the computer science/design fields hire mostly based on experience and portfolio rather than education. If I were to not attend college, what are my chances of obtaining a good job as a web developer or UI/UX designer? Would it take forever for me to find a job in these fields without a degree? #design #computer #technology #computer-science #uxdesign #uidesign #user-experience #graphic-design #technology #web-development

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Xue2270 views

Is UX design a oversatuarated industry to choose?

Hi! I am a new master graduate in chemical engineering, living in Canada. I'm also a international student. However, I almost have no interest in this field and due to covid-19, most of the oil companies are laying off people rather hiring. This makes me to change my career. I'm interested in design all the time and I want to be a UX designer. However, when I was doing my research, I saw one comments in a youtube video, which says, "UX Design is a highly sought-after career that literally anyone without a degree can get into. This creates a highly saturated market that makes it literally impossible to get into because there is always someone with "a little bit more experience." UX design is necessary, but it is also a trendy career prospect that brings in any type of applicant. It's a slippery slope. UX boot camps are creating an additionally large influx of UX want-to-bes and are only exacerbating this issue. UX boot camps are there to milk the UX education cash cow and are not concerned with graduates painfully struggling to find first-time jobs in a market that is already oversaturated." Now I'm worried. I don't want to waste one year to learn and then struggled in the same state as I'm today---NO JOB IN MARKET. Can you get me some your advice? Or where should I get the most realsitic facts about the market? As a beginner, I don't know what kind of opinion should I believe since I know nothing about it. Thank you so much for your answer. Your opinons are important to me. #UXdesign #design #technology #career

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Jenny1179 views

Transitioning into UX design

I have a diverse background, and just finished a UX design certificate program. I haven't gotten any interview offers... How can I get a UX design job? My portfolio is at #career #uxdesign #nontraditionalbackground

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C1233 views

What are the steps needed to be a UX designer?

From your experience and journey to a UX designer, what online resources & bootcamps you have used to get where you are right now? Which bootcamps or online learning platforms you would recommend for a person w/o much prior knowledge in coding and programming language? Thank you! #technology #computer #computer-science #design #computer-software #UX #industryprofessionals #UserExperience #Jobs #career #coaching #mentoring # #programming #UXdesign

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Georgina1197 views

What to study for a potential career in either marketing or UX design?

I'm already a psychology major and 1.5 years into my program. My program requires me to declare a minor and I'm currently torn between economics and design (specifically web design/development) and these are probably the only paths I can godown if I want to graduate on time. Whilst I know that economics is the "safer" option and is generally considered better for job prospects, I feel that design teaches more hard skills and is probably more practical whereas economics is really just theory. Any advice? #art #design #career-choice #programs #technology #marketing #UX #UXdesign

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