Career questions tagged mentoring

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Jessica434 views

How do I know if college is right for me?

I am a rural student who has no idea what she wants to do with her life. No one in my town has a 4 year degree, I also don't have money to go to college. I am going into highschool. Where do I start? How do I know if college is right for me?

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preston694 views

what is the best carerr counselling place?

counselling tips in carreer

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Victoria257 views

For those trying to be a dietitian, what is a good way to find a mentor ?

Looking for someone that can be mine, thank you.

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raymond427 views

What should I do now i dont wanna go to school anymore buh my parents keep insisting so what now ? tell me your honest opinion thanks?

JUST NEED to prove to my parents that school aint worth it ive pitched some ideas to my parents they dont listen

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Mark498 views

what makes one to be active in class?

how can he or she be more active

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Aisha638 views

How to find a mentor?

I need a mentor that can guide me throughout High School and College. I find my counselor to be very unhelpful. I want a mentor that is able to help me out with my extracurricular activities since they seem a bit too complicated to do without one. also someone that is there for me whenever I need it. Someone I can talk to about my goals and give feedback. I am in 10th grade and I'm 16. (I'm interested in the stem field)

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Gabriela777 views

Research mentor outside of high school ?

Is there a website or any way I can find a mentor for an independent research? My high school is not an option anymore since I am already a graduate, and I also don’t have enough resources and not even a budget to be spending on this.

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Andrew630 views

How do you find a mentor as a high school student interested in international affairs?

I participated in an exchange* program sponsored by the U.S. Department Of State's Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs. I'm looking for a way to expand my knowledge and learning of international relations/affairs/diplomacy.

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Caulin416 views

what makes someone get into cybersecurity how can your work prove flexible how does the job bleed into/improve or change your life outside of work do you find that you have support outside your work that supports a working attitude that you also find in your workspace ?

what examples have you seen or experienced from your employment of your employer valuing effort over skill? do they seem to differentiate between the two? do they reward those who utilize the difference by using both hand in hand?

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Jeffreyj736 views

When is a good time to hire a rep or publicist or rep ? How do you go about finding one worth their salt?

Hi, I'm looking to get in more galleries with my work. I've had luck with my rep in NY, they even took my work to Art Miami ( Basel week), but really need more locations to sell. In-person viewing is really the only way i sell art. I'm looking for advice on where to find a coach or rep, or publicist -- i guess I'm searching for the next steps in my career building and we never covered this kind of stuff when i got my MFA.

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Rebecca4367 views

What should I think about as I prepare to meet with a mentor?

I am going to have my first conversation with a mentor soon. How can I prepare? What are tips you have for me? Any and all input is welcome to help me make the most of this exciting opportunity. This will be a short term relationship by the way, I might only have one opportunity to talk to this mentor.

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Charlize911 views

Tips for a High schooler hoping to be a Veterinarian

What are some tips as well as pros and cons for people who want to pursue a Veterinarian Career? I'm still in highschool (a rising senior)and wanted some advice on if this is a good career and worth all of the years of schooling.

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CareerVillage Office Hours2212 views

How do I find a mentor and why is it important to have one?

This is part of our professionals series

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Kamaria674 views

How can I find a community of Veterinarians or Veterinary students?

Just looking for people that could be advisors or mentors. Also just sharing the reality of the veterinary field would be great.

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joshua899 views

what would a non profit business look like

I like to be my own boss but have a idea of what im doing like a mentor #non-profit #travel #anthropology #mentoring #entrepreneurship

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Jean-Sébatien722 views

Looking for a mentor in the sports industry

I am currently a second year university student in Business Intelligence.
My principal fields of interests are communications, analytics and sports management. Thank you

#mentoring #sports #marketing #analytics #communications #internship

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Hydee633 views

Looking for a mentor to complete school project

I will be working on a capstone project that I need to graduate from high school. I am planning to study actuarial science in university next year. So I am looking for a mentor who is working as a actuary to give suggestions and advice on my capstone project. #Actuary #mentoring #school #school-counseling #high-school-classes

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Faye916 views

What are some of the careers I can choose? I'm a PR student but don't want to work in an agency.

My major is public relations and I've worked at a couple of agencies that specialize in PR, digital marketing, and advertising. As I gained industry experiences, I realized that agency work is probably not a good fit for me. I do like the creative, fast-paced, everyday-is-not-the-same part of the agency life, but I find myself more drawn to the idea of social justice. In my free time, I always read on and participate in social justice activities. That being said, I'm looking for a profession that's less money-driven, but I'm not privileged enough to not consider money; that's equally as fast-paced as agencies; that provide a sense of fulfillment, knowing that my job is making the world a better place. In addition, if the job welcomes creativity, that'd be perfect. I'm good at relationship building, communication, research, and presentation. Consulting seems to be a glamourous career, but doesn't that require excellent math skills? (I'm not bad at it though, I just don't like it.) I've been feeling lost and helpless since Covid-19, and am getting more and more anxious each day about which career path I should pursue. Your advice is greatly appreciated! #mentoring #publicrelations #career #careerpath #socialjustice #business #consulting #careercounseling #job #jobsearch

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C1233 views

What are the steps needed to be a UX designer?

From your experience and journey to a UX designer, what online resources & bootcamps you have used to get where you are right now? Which bootcamps or online learning platforms you would recommend for a person w/o much prior knowledge in coding and programming language? Thank you! #technology #computer #computer-science #design #computer-software #UX #industryprofessionals #UserExperience #Jobs #career #coaching #mentoring # #programming #UXdesign

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Latasha825 views

What are scholarships I can earn if I'm planning to enlist in the National Guard?

#mentoring #military #counselor #scholarship opportunities

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C982 views

How long does it take to find your ideal job? (if you've found one)

#jobs #job-search #human-resource #undergraduate #students-problem #advice #mentoring #job-coaching Pursuing a rewarding career seems to take forever through trials and error. How long does it take to figure out what's the best fit for you? Thanks in advance!

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Daniel678 views

Mentor for Technical Engineering

How can I be connected to a mentor in the field of Technical Engineering? #Mentoring

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Mia1023 views

How do you keep people happy in bad conditions?

I am in the marching band at my school. We practice for 6 months in hot South Florida and sometimes people decide to just give up. As a section leader and leader in the band I have a responsibility to keep spirits high when we spend hours outside running around in 100+ degree weather. How do you keep people happy in bad conditions? #inspiration #mentoring #happy

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Christopher1186 views

Who’s life will I change ?

I am asking this because one day I can change someone’s life in a positive or negative way. No one can tell what I will do in the future. But I also would want to ask this question so I can change my wrongs into rights. My life goal is to change and impact someone’s life in a positive way so everyone can thrive and be happy. #happiness #counseling #school-counseling #mentoring

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Angelina2659 views

In a medical profession, is it okay to cry in front of your patients and their families?

I'm hoping to become a neonatal nurse someday. I am not especially emotional, but I know that if a baby didn't make it, I might not be able to contain my emotions. So, my question is, is it okay to show your emotions in front of patients and their families? Is it good to do so, to show the families that you care and understand, or is it bad, because you are supposed to be calm, cool, and collected? I'd appreciate any answers that you might have! Thanks in advance. #medicine #nursing #healthcare #mentoring #professional-training

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Mounia5524 views

What skills do I need to be a good mentor?

I'm curious about becoming a peer mentor to help me gain counseling skills and help me get into the non-profit. #volunteering #counseling #mentoring #personal-development

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Mounia1542 views

What are the best ways to network?

I'm wondering what are the most effective methods of networking? Is volunteering the best or are informational interviews with professionals in my field of choice? I want to gain a network before applying for grad school and find a mentor. #graduate-school #volunteering #networking #mentoring #professional-development #professional-training #professional-mentoring

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Terran 1205 views

What does it take to be a successful and productive college student?

I'm preparing for college and I'm just curious about what challenges college throws at you. How can these challenges be avoided. #career-counseling #college-bound #mentoring #academic-advising

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Marcus1359 views

How long would it take me to go into youth ministry- coaching and get enough information to become a part time coach, full time campus life director?

I want to go into youth ministry to teach more kids about jesus, and id also like to become a basketball coach. #leadership #mentoring #coaching #youth #outgoing

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Rohith1111 views

Which majors give the highest return ?

I'm a junior in my high school and I have hopes and desires to earn a lot of money when I am older. I would like to know what majors would give a good return before I finalize what I want to pursue. The majors I am interested in include: Finance, Engineering, Computer Science. #money #college-majors #salary #mentoring #future #statistics #financial-planning

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